
Looks Is Better than Stats

Looks Is Better than Stats In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits.

Ank_Art · Jogos
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45 Chs

Character Creation part 2

She gracefully rose from her previous position and walked to my right side. Her presence exuded an air of confidence and competence.

"Now, let me assist you in creating your avatar," she announced.

As she spoke, a sudden burst of vivid blue light manifested in front of us. It appeared to shatter into thousands of minuscule blue and zero numbers, swirling and converging to form a cohesive figure.

Before my astonished eyes, a male human avatar materialized, standing at a height of 5'9. He had raven-black hair that fell gracefully to conceal his eyes, giving him an air of mystery. He was attired in a pristine white shirt and matching pants, standing barefoot as though he had just emerged from some celestial realm.

My jaw dropped in sheer disbelief. I couldn't fathom what I was witnessing.

"Is that me, b-but?" I stammered, struggling to find the words to articulate my astonishment.

The figure that had appeared seemingly out of thin air right before me was undeniably my own body, a perfect replication of myself. It felt as though I was gazing into a mirror.


I couldn't help but marvel at the meticulous attention to detail that had gone into crafting this avatar. Every aspect of my virtual self was a mirror image of my real-world existence, down to the smallest and most personal details, like the birthmarks that adorned my skin.

"Let me explain," Rapha began, her voice tinged with a hint of worry. "The data for this body comes from your neurochip, and I'm afraid that in this game, you can't change your sex or the way you look unless you change it in real life, for which there will be an update here."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. I raised an eyebrow and couldn't resist a bit of playful sarcasm as I remarked, "But you said I was going to create my avatar, yet it has already been created! This is clickbait. Give back my excitement!" Despite my joking tone, my initial enthusiasm had indeed taken a nosedive upon the realization that my avatar had seemingly been predetermined.

"Eh, that's your concern. Are you not even worried that we can access your data?" Rapha questioned, her apprehension now making sense.

Understanding her concern, I chuckled and reassured her, "Ah, that? It's fine; I mean, I already gave my approval, right?"

I maintained a smile as I continued to examine my virtual body, which felt oddly surreal.

She regarded me with a puzzled expression, and it was only when I noticed her befuddlement that I offered an explanation. "It's in the terms of the agreement, right?" I said confidently.

"You read it?" She asked with a shocked expression.

"Um," I nodded, feeling a sense of pride for having taken the time to understand the agreement.

In response, Rapha grabbed both of my hands, her admiration evident in her gaze. She shook my hand repeatedly, a gesture that left me somewhat embarrassed and self-conscious, wondering if my palm had become sweaty under the pressure.

"Oh, dear player! You're the first one who didn't complain or shout at me, claiming that I violated their rights and calling me names when they just didn't read the terms of the agreement! Thank you so much for being considerate." Her voice quivered with emotion as she continued to shake my hands.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Ahaha, it must be hard being you," I quipped, comparing her to someone who worked in a convenience store dealing with frustrated customers.

"Anyway," I began, trying to regain my composure, "my avatar is already created. I thought I would be the one to choose." I playfully questioned her about the unexpected turn of events, a hint of curiosity lacing my voice.

She released my hand and raised her right hand, her expression taking on a tone of explanation. "That's right. You see, even if you can't change the way your avatar looks, you can still modify its appearance to some extent by selecting its race or hair color."

With a graceful sweep of her hand through the air, multiple bodies of different races materialized along the edge of the circular platform that encircled us. It was a captivating display of diversity, showcasing a range of fantastical options.

"Player Kuonh," she urged, her excitement contagious, "try pointing at one of the races."

Her enthusiasm resonated with me, and I couldn't help but share in her excitement as I extended my hand toward the array of possibilities.

"Ooh," I couldn't help but exclaim, my excitement bubbling to the surface as I took in the sight of the seven races surrounding us.

There they were: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Beast, Merh, Frost, and Dragan, each offering a unique and thrilling opportunity for adventure.

Rapha smile as she began to give me a brief introduction about each race, her voice taking on a gentle and informative tone.

"In the world of NEUEARTH, there are seven distinct races, each with its own unique characteristics and abilities. It all began with the humans, the original inhabitants of this realm. Over time, they evolved and adapted, giving rise to the other races as a means of survival and growth."

She continued with a brief overview of each race:

Humans: The original inhabitants of NEUEARTH, known for their adaptability and balanced stats. While they may not possess the unique abilities of other races, they have a rich history and are often seen as the hope-bearers of the world.

Elves: Elves are renowned for their agility, keen senses, and affinity for nature. With their pointed ears and graceful appearance, they excel in archery and magic, making them skilled hunters and spellcasters.

Dwarves: Stout and sturdy, dwarves are known for their exceptional craftsmanship and resilience. Their underground cities are marvels of engineering, and they make formidable warriors and skilled blacksmiths.

Beasts: Beastfolk are characterized by their animal-like features and innate strength. With a wide range of animal traits, from feline agility to canine loyalty, they are versatile and formidable in close combat.

Merh: Merfolk, with their fish-like tails, excel in aquatic environments. They have a deep connection to the seas and possess incredible swimming abilities and water-based magic.

Frost: Frostlings are adapted to cold climates, boasting icy magic and resistance to extreme cold. Their sharp intellect and frosty breath make them formidable spellcasters.

Dragan: Dragan are the most enigmatic of the races, with reptilian features and the ability to harness the power of fire. They are known for their strength, resilience, and affinity for fire-based magic.

Rapha concluded, "While humans are the origin, the other races have thrived and adapted to various environments, each offering its own unique advantages and challenges. Your choice among these races will shape your journey in NEUEARTH.


  My gaze settled on the elf standing to my left, and I carefully pointed at it. As I did, the avatar in the center began to glow, and I watched in awe as my appearance transformed.

The face remained mine, but there were significant changes. The hair color shifted to a lustrous blond, the ears grew longer and pointier, and subtle differences in eyelashes and other features adorned my new elfin form.

"Ooh!" I marveled, a wide grin spreading across my face. "So this is what I look like as an elf! So cool!"

My expression clearly conveyed my excitement as I turned to Rapha, as if to say, "Now we're talking."

"Do you want to pick this race, player?" Rapha inquired, her smile bright as she extended her hand toward the elf race.

I chuckled in response. "Ahaha! Of course not; I'll take a look at every race first before making a decision." I wanted to explore all the possibilities before settling on my choice; after all, this was a momentous decision.

As I continued to explore the different races, my reactions ranged from disappointment to awe. Rapha observed my choices, seemingly intrigued by the variety of reactions I displayed.

But in the end, my final choice surprised even her, leaving a sense of anticipation hanging in the air.