
Lookism: The Fan-Fic

A boy reincarnated into the webnovel Lookism with a peak human body, and a status board.

Blankio · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Oi, You Think I'm Easy?

In life there are 2 types of people. People who sit down, and people who stand up. Pretty black and white, huh? Well that's just how I see the world. Especially since I was reborn in this bullshit world. I never really read about this world before I came, but I remember one of my friends talking about some Vin Jin guy. Worked out for one month and was pulling up trees. If you ask me...that's bullshit. But that just goes to show if you put in work and stand up, this world is your oyster.

Now you're probably saying, "Oi, You Think I'm Easy? You're a reincarnated person and you think you can talk about bullshit? You're MOTHER is bullshit! You're whole family is bullshit! You got it good you ungrateful bastard. Come here and let me show you Hobin's calf kick!"

And to that I respond....you're absolutely right. I was reborn into this world. With a body that is unmatched. I mean even as a baby I could lift 200 pound objects. How do I know that? Because 2 months after I was reborn some random ass dude with black eyes with white dots in the middle was kicking around every tatted up bald motherfucker in my new home. And next thing you know, a 200 pound dumbbell is flying at me. On instinct I put my hands up and I caught the thing with no resistance. I was so freaked out I didn't even notice the black-eyed bitch staring at me. I learned later his name is Gun. By later I mean 15 years later when I came to Korea from my orphanage in Japan. "Gun" dropped me off there after smiling at me perversely and taking me with him.

Well now that we're done with my backstory you're probably wondering, "Oi, You Think I'm Easy Motherfucker?! What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Come here and let I, Your Father, show you Hobin's Gi Choke."

Well that's because....I'm bored and I'm talking to nobody in my head. At least I think so. Who knows. And I don't know why I'm assuming you've read Viral Hit...who cares. I'm in this boring ass classroom. I learn everything so fast there's no reason to be here. I bet if I actually applied myself I could be a world renowned genius. Well good thing this is my last day of school anyways. I gotta figure out which high school I'm going to attend. I think J High is the name my friends kept saying. I'll sign up there. I'm going to take the fashion class after I did some research. After all my fashion sense is top notch. And I have the money to support it.

After coming to Korea I kicked the shit out of this random gang, took all their workers, and made them start running a delivery business for me all over Seoul. This counted for food delivery, online shopping delivery, protection for artifact delivery for museums, etc. I'm the next Jeff Bezos, bitch. But in all seriousness I've made about 20 billion won in 2 years for this shit. And this brings Gun back up. He found me and asked me if I wanted to be "the fifth big crew" or some shit like that. I thought to myself, 'The opportunity of a life time. If I'm apart of something by that name I'll be apart of the plot, and will always be involved with the main characters....yeah never mind, I'd rather make my money and chill.'

Little did I know at that time, I wouldn't be able to escape it since I was already considered a big crew by the other 4 big crews. My crew had 9,685 workers. We pulled in an average of an annual revenue of 20 billion won (About 15.6 million USD), and were situated in the one spot where no other group was situated. Central Seoul. How could I not realize how dumb it was of me to think I wouldn't be recognized as a target already. Answer? I did realize. 2 days after I rejected his offer. So then and there I started training my ass off to prepare. Results? Well time to reveal my biggest secret. The status board.

Name: Joshua Park

Age: 16

Condition: Peak


Muay Thai (Lvl Max)

Taekwondo (Lvl Max)

Kyokushin Karate (Lvl Max)

Aikido (Lvl Max)

Boxing (Lvl Max)

Dirty Boxing (Lvl Max)

Kickboxing (Lvl Max)

MMA (Lvl Max)

CCQ (Lvl Max)

Judo (Lvl Max)

Kung Fu (Lvl Max)

Iron Body (Lvl 10) (Restricted due to World Level)

Iron Fist (Lvl 10) (Restricted due to World Level)

Iron Lungs (Lvl 10) (Restricted due to World Level)

Iron Balls (Lvl Max) (Restriction lifted to protect the family jewels of host) (Warning: Do not ask the training needed to max this out. Host is very sensitive about this.)

Peak Immune System (Innate) (Max)

Perfect Eyes (Innate) (Max)

Animal Instinct (Lvl Max)

Instant Reaction (Lvl Max)

Supernatural Flexibility (Lvl Max)

Supernatural Senses (Lvl 10) (Restricted due to World Level)

Copy (Mastery)

Wild Dog (Beginner) (Progression Locked Due To World Level) (Warning: Do not force host to use this skill. This skill is a culmination of Ultra Instinct and the wild instincts of an animal. Casualties are certain when use of this skill is forced.)

Ultra Instinct (Mastery) (Locked Until Conditions Met) (Condition: ???) (Warning: Practice constraint with use of this skill. Even perfect bodies have limits. The realm beyond perfection is not meant for the body to reach.)

Path: Perfection

Well, there you have it. Probably the best fighter the world has ever seen. Well I would be if I went public with my abilities. Everyone I've ever fought has never caused me to bring my full abilities out. Not even 10%. I can punch throw 21 inches of concrete like it's nothing at 50% and the only time that's ever been forced out of me is when I punched through 21 inches of concrete. I've been hearing about some people who could maybe force that out of me. Johan Seong, Jake Kim, Olly Wang, Eli Jang, Euntae Lee or Vasco, and Workers. I have names for every crew but Workers. Their chairman doesn't like to show his face a lot it seems. Hopefully when I find him he won't disappoint me.