
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs


They ran for a few minutes, away from the commercial district where there were bars and clubs concentrated at, only stopping after Hana got tired. Due to his incredible physique and stamina, Daniel didn't even break a sweat.

They stopped to take a rest on a bench near a residential district.

"Hah, why did we, hah, run, oppa?" She asked in between panting as she leaned back on the bench to catch her breath.

"I was worried we might get in trouble for getting into a fight… we are still in school after all." He responded, using his sleeve to wipe away the layer of sweat on Hana's face.

She blushed at his actions, "But they attacked you first! And that creep was harassing me too."

"I read online that the police don't usually care about things like that… and since they were the only ones who were injured, I would be compelled to settle and pay for their hospital bills." Daniel answered, inwardly worried if any of the bystanders had managed to take a picture or video of him before they ran.

Hana raised an eyebrow incredulously, "What? No way would I let them do that! If anyone of them tried to raise a fuss, I will go on a rant on social media and let the public dox them!"

Daniel scratched his cheek awkwardly while thinking Hana could be pretty scary if she wanted to be, "But I don't know how that would pan out legally, since I was the only one landing punches."

She laughed, "Legally? Oppa, did you forget what my parents work as?"

He had a blank expression for a moment before remembering what she had told him earlier in the day. "Oh, that's right, they are lawyers!"

Hana nodded triumphantly, "Yep! They can be pretty annoying sometimes, but they are really good lawyers from what I've heard. So if any of those drunk scum tries to make a big deal out of this, my parents will go ballistic on them. I will make sure they lose every single penny in their banks!" She declared with determination.

'Yep. She is really scary…' Daniel noted but smiled tenderly regardless, "We shouldn't go overboard, Hana. In the end we didn't get hurt, and I beat them up too… so just live and let live."

Hana felt her face heating up again from his gentle expression and charming smile. And although she still felt angry at how that drunk pervert was talking to her, she also couldn't help but relent under Daniel's sheer charismatic demeanour.

"…okay, oppa." She mumbled while inching closer to Daniel on the bench. "Oh, right! I didn't know you were such a capable fighter, oppa! You just went like bam, bam, bam and all four of them fell down in like 3 seconds! Were you a delinquent in middle school or something?"

Daniel blushed at her words, embarrassed to be thought of as a ruffian, "A delinquent? Me? No way! I only just started learning self-defense from online videos. And they were drunk too, so it wasn't that difficult to defend against their attacks."

"Hehe, I knew Daniel oppa couldn't be a delinquent. Someone as kind and gentle as you, that's just impossible!" Hana remarked while pulling herself closer to Daniel.

He smiled sadly, "Rather than a delinquent, I was the one being bullied in middle school…"

She widened her eyes at that while her jaw dropped, "You were bullied in middle school? Seriously? Even though you are so tall and absolutely shredded?"

Daniel chuckled awkwardly, "I guess you could say I looked different in middle school."

Hana narrowed her eyes and glared, "Who were your bullies in school? I want their names! I will make sure they get their just desserts on social media!"

He looked surprised at the sincere anger she felt on his behalf before his lips curved into a slight smile, "Calm down Ms. Avenger, I don't need revenge or anything like that. It's not something I care about any more. What's the saying? An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Why should I let those jerks live in my head rent free, when I have already moved on?"

"But, but, but, justice! A-and, consequences!" She stammered out, confused how Daniel could so easily let things go. She was someone who held a grudge, and could be particularly vindictive as well. So his willingness to forgive and forget was baffling to her.

He grinned, amused from her adorable actions, "I don't want to waste my life thinking about those idiots. Instead, I would much rather pay more attention to us instead."

Her blush returned, "U-us?" Her heart and her thoughts started racing, thinking what he meant by us.

Daniel nodded while wrapping an arm around her shoulder which caused her face to flush even redder. He was really starting to like Hana. Sure she was pretty and she had a hot body, but that was only physical attraction. No, he was starting to become attracted to who she was as a person.

He wondered how she felt about him too. Did she just like him for his appearance, or was there something more? But although he was curious, there was something else that demanded his attention right this moment.

"Yes. Us." He breathed out while leaning forward as his hand cupped her chin to tilt it upwards to meet his. He had never been in as much of a rush to kiss someone as he was now. Sophie, Brooke, Erin. None of them made him desire to claim their lips as much as Hana. Right now, his yearning to know what she would taste like overwhelmed any insecurities or inhibitions in him.