

A man who was reincarnated After being shot, saving three innocent lives. God gave him seven wishes for saving three innocent lives. However, the guy wanted to go on his own based world. But God said it is rules of law to go the world where luck of wheels land. and wheels. I landed on the lookism verse However, that guy never fought, had no experience, and could only rely on the wish he made.

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 1




"H-Hey, you guys, run," a guy said as blood flowed from his mouth.

"It is not my fault, kid. You were the one who wanted to be a hero, and you wasted your life. After all, I am going to kill them anyway," said a middle-aged man holding a gun.

'I Can't let Him go'


The guy who was shot ran towards the middle-aged man, who kicked him in the stomach where he had been shot, causing him excruciating pain, but he did not stop.

He was about to punch the shooter, but he dodged it easily, and the man hit him in the head with his gun, causing Guy to lose his vision.

He fall down in ground' Am I going to die, no no It can not be, I have not finished Lookism yet, I can not die, wake up body, wake up, please, I beg you, I want to live, I want to see the end of Lookism, it can not fucking be, wake up, wake up, wake up," he says, recalling his past.

I was never a happy guy to begin with; my mother abandoned me in an orphanage where no one loved or cared for me, nor did anyone take me.

I was bullied every day, and no one helped me in the orphanage; people called me pathetic for having a sick body and being thin. When I was 13, I left the orphanage because I could not leave my body as a toy for everyone.

Doing everything From the age of four to thirteen, everyone in the orphanage saw me as a maid, and I was never good at anything. With a sick body and only eating one meal a day, I could not even beat my bullies because I was so weak.

When I left the orphanage, I was homeless and hungry for two weeks. When I could not control my hunger, I began eating trash food. Three weeks later, I found a great job with a $300 payment.

Two years after leaving the orphanage, I met my bullies again, who beat me and stole all of the money in my wallet; after that, I left the city and never met anyone again.

In the last three years, I have read manhwa and manga, and I was a big fan of Lookism.

However, today was the day I was going to read the last chapter of Lookism after finishing my work and heading home, but I somehow ended up here.

'I can not die here alone at least,' he said, getting up from the ground and attacking the shooting from behind, punching him brutally, saying, "You fucker, I am going to die because of you." He killed him brutally.

'This was my story, the story of Nosis,' he said, mentioning that Nosis fell into the ground.


'Where am I? Everything is dark; I feel like I am in a void or something,' said Nosis.

Saying this, a light appeared above his soul.

"Hello, Nosis, I am the God of Universe 729." said the God.

"Ahh, Where Am I? I am Dead," said Nosis.

"Unfortunately, yes you are"

"So, why am I here, insisting on heaven or hell?" Nosis asked.

"Because you are a special soul, I mean you have a lot of karma for saving three innocent lives that no one has had in decillion years."

"I should be in heaven, right?"

"No, no, it would be a lot of trouble due to your karma, so you will be reincarnated," God said.

"Really, ooo Yesss, I am going to finish lookism after all."

"But not in your world."

Listening to this, Nosis lost his happiness, as God had said.

"What do you mean, Mr. God?"

"You are going to the anime or comics world, and you will have seven wishes, and because of your karma, you can wish for anything within your destination," said God.

"Hmm. I see."

'I want a peaceful life, so I am going to go for it.'

Nosis said, "Send me to circle the world and for the wishes I n—" before finishing his sentence.

"Sorry to tell you that you cannot choose your own world," said God.

"So, wherever you send me, just do not send me to an action or fantasy world," Nosis stated.

"Well, I can not decide that, but this lucky wheel will," said God.

Saying this, a massive wheel appeared out of thin air.

"I wanted a peaceful second life, Mr. God," said Nosis with a sad expression.

"It is the rules, nosis."

"Let us start the roll, Mr. God."

God started the wheel, and after 20 minutes, it landed.


"You can not be serious, my favorite manhwa," said Nosis.

"So this is it; now choose your seven wishes," said God.

While his finger was on his chin, Nosis was considering his options.

"My first wish is to have Ultra Instinct under control."

"My second wish is to have a system."

"My third wish is for the ability to copy."

"My fourth wish is for a perfect body."

"That cost a lot of karma," God said.

"That means I can not have a perfect body?"

"You can, but your body will be in the worst stage from the beginning to the end, but if you remove all your fat and thin your body, you will be transformed to perfection," God said.

"Now, tell me about your remaining wishes, nosis."

"My fifth wish is infinite money."

"Ah, that is a problem; however, you can receive $100,000 per month for best out of laws."

"I accept gratefully, Mr.God," said nosis.

"My sixth wish is to have Yamazaki and Park's bloodlines mixed."

"Wow, that is a wish you have got there, but it is going to be sealed until you awaken it yourself, nosis."

Nosis nodded and said, "My last wish is for great stamina."

"Okay, nosis, then this is our good-bye; have a great life this time mortal." With that, everything went black.


"Aha, my head hurts like hell; where am I?" said Nosis, looking around.

He was in a small room filled with clothes and thrashes.

He stands up looking for a mirror, after seeing himself in the mirror: "The hell, why am I this fat and my face is so chubby?"
