

- Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!.. - I stood surrounded, unable to break out of the circle any longer, at least to cover my back with a wall.

My fists, arms, knees, stomach and back were already burning bright red, feeling how they were slowly starting to swell.

It felt like I was fighting forever, although I can say that the fight did not take even 5-10 minutes.

"Damn, endurance is still my weakness, although I mainly concentrated on it and speed."

I controlled my arms and legs so that they did not shake, but they had already managed to swell and be exhausted. It felt like at least 40 kg were put on each wrist and ankle.

I managed to knock out 7 more with sudden combos from various martial arts. There are much less of them left, but even these five are now an insurmountable obstacle for me. They surrounded me like hungry wolves, standing still, waiting until theirs prey will lose all energy and give up.

I could already feel the adrenaline running out and my body filling with more and more pain, and my agile body losing its heat in the muscles, losing its mobility and elasticity.

"I have to think of something. I can't blindly rely on someone to save me. By that time, they could beat me up, send me to the hospital for months, or cripple me.

This isn't just a street fight anymore - it's a battle for my own survival! "

I began to feel the heat in my chest getting stronger and stronger, and in my ears everything was blocked by the accelerating sound of drums.

" Ha ... " I normalized my breathing and exhaled a huge puff of steam.

My body was filled with energy and strength again, burning itself with the accidental touch of skin to skin.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two people from each side slowly approaching me. When they were close enough and started to lunge, I turned to the one on the right and repeated his maneuver, punching him three times in the face and kicking him to the third.

Returning to the left, I kicked him in the thigh, causing him to fall to the side and I supported this with a good uppercut to the jaw.

I heard the creak of rubber behind me and instantly performed a back kick backwards. It felt like I hit the spleen, which was immediately confirmed by the eruption of vomit from his stomach.

The third who got send with the first decided to just run away.

Approaching the last one, who was pressed against the wall in fear, I approached him with a slight smile.


The last thing I heard was a metallic ringing sound and a bright pain in the back of my head. Immediately after that, there was a pop in my head, as if something had burst, and the ringing became louder as my body went numb.

With difficulty turning my head, I saw this freak, Monsung's brother, standing with a bloody pipe and twitching hysterically, apparently laughing like a hyena, when my vision got blurred and gets filled with expanding white fog.

"Fuck, did I replace Dowon in Taehoon's backstory? Fuck. This rat walks quieter than a cat...

Shit. I can't lose consciousness, I can't die like this...

I can't lose consc..."

The white fog disappeared from my eyes and I expected to find myself on the ground, but in the end I was standing with a raised fist and holding this bastard by the jacket.

His entire face was painted in red and blue colors. His unconscious face was a mess of drool, tears, and blood, and his seven front teeth were missing.

After letting him go, I looked back and saw that same last guy.

He was sitting against the wall with his eyes completely rolled back and drooling from his mouth, and underneath him was a brown-yellow liquid.


I began to smell the stench and gradually the numbness left my face and I felt something quickly dripping from my chin.

Raising my cleaner hand, I traced the source of the stream - my nose. Raising my hand, I saw that it was all covered in blood.

And as if removing some kind of mind barrier, my body instantly became heavy and dizziness began.

Before I completely fell, I saw silhouettes of short and tall stature from the sunset.

My only thought before switching off was:

"I hope I won't fall in shit."