
Lookism : Inevitable

Follow Kai as he leaves the darkness of his home and joins the world again, ready to make friends and push through trials of blood, sweat, and tears in his path to grow stronger for himself and those he cares for. *P.S. I am terrible at writing summaries, so please just give it a shot and read the story before you judge based on the description. *P.S. Artwork is not mine. If the creator wants it taken down, I will.

BlazingImmortal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

God Dog Attacks

Kai was packing his things away ready to go home for the day when his phone chimed with a message from Mary Kim *Hey Kai, ya should join me and Vin Jin at the arcade it's boring with only this loud mouth* the said message causing Kai to stiffle a laugh at his imagination of Vin Jin's reaction in the back of his mind.

Kai quickly made up his mind as he sent a message back *Sure I'll you there* the message being sent as he grabbed his bag nodded at Jay and the others before he took off towards the arcade with a bounce in his step ready to destroy the His Vocal department friends at some arcade games.

Kai had become friends with the two not long back when the group was helping Jiho get out of trouble yet again causing Kai to have enough and start wondering around by himself in school when he came across Vin Jin recording a new Rap song which Kai liked and complimented him for, which made Vin Jin happy enough to begrudgingly accept him, Mary was just a fortunate addition as she is easy to get along with and is the resident Vin Jin translator.

As for why Kai would befriend a bully is simple, he didn't care as he dies not really mind what people do as long as they do not go overboard on his moral list or did anything to him he was completely fine with just about any attitude or personality.

Kai was arriving at the Arcade to meet Mary and Vin inside however as he opened the door he unfortunately walked headfirst in a wall who suspiciously like a human 'Wow that is a big guy' Kai thought in wonder as he inclined his head backwards to stare up at the tall male's face briefly taking note of the numerous more average sized men standing around the entrance.

"Hope, That's Kai Yang, He's one of those J High Fuckers" One of the random guys standing around shouted as he informed his leader causing Kai to mentally sigh as among the fighters J High at least within his year, he was by far the most recognisable of the lot as he stands out quite alot with his natural white hair and his handsome looks so when trouble comes it usually fell upon him the quickest.

"So you're one of them J High Nerds, the rest of you go get the last guy while I deal with this one" Hope said with a smirk on his face 'this should be easy he looks like a weakling' he thought as the large group of God Dog thugs ran of to find the last J High student leaving only a few to watch the pretty boy get crushed by their OB.

'BOOM' A sound reminiscent to a blast rung out as Hope's fist launched forward fast enough to catch Kai of gaurd as he brought his arms up into a cross gaurd in front of his chest to help mitigate the damage the punch would cause to him only partially saving himself when the punch connected with his guard and sent him flying backwards with enough force to shatter the door when his back collided with it and he rolled along the ground to a sudden stop in the street.

Kai laid on his back after coughing some blood from the unexpected hit, the multiple impacts with the door and the ground leaving his clothes bloodied resulting in a slightly passed off Kai 'Oh he is gonna pay for that' Kai thought as he stood and walked towards the towering Male who was exiting the Arcade with a smirk on his face.

As Kai reached him he lashed out with a solid liver punch fast enough to catch Hope completely off gaurd the blow to the liver cause him to spit blood as one of his knees buckled to the ground as some blood leaked through his shirt only with his head lowered he was completely open to an attack on his face to which Kai capitalised on with a flying knee to Hope's face as blood sprayed upon impact and his head was sent careening back.

"Holy shit he's beating Hope in a straight fight!" one of the few God Dog grunts who remained, shouted in shock as he watched Hope fall back however he was relieved when Hope quickly got back up with a much more serious look on his face.

'I haven't been hit that hard in a long time, how is this pipsqueak capable of hitting that hard' Hope though as he got ready to start fighting only to quickly raise his gaurd when he saw a fist approaching his face that despite him blocking the punch his arm started to sting in pain.

"OK big guy let's Dance!" Kai shouted as a manic smile overtook his face and he threw a volley of heavy punches that struck with force seemingly incapable of coming from someone his size, Kai's punches did not slow down even as Hope started throwing punches back at him with Kai not backing down even an inch as blood sprayed off of the two monstrous individuals who seemed to have completely forgotten their surroundings as they threw devastating punches at each other seemingly without end.

'Why isn't he going down' Hope thought in desperation as he saw Kai smiling manically despite the blood leaking out of his hair down his face and staining his clothes as he relentlessly threw punch after punch almost overwhelming Hope until Hope decided he couldn't hold on and changed tactics.

'SMASH' The wall outside the Arcade cracking slightly was all that was heard as Hope had grab Kai and thrown him into the wall full force before had a chance to react his head had been slammed into the wall causing even more blood to spray off him.

"If you don't stay down more of that will come" Hope said with a little desperation to his voice as he panted for breath to help his exhaustion only for Kai to laugh and stand up with little barely showing he was even injured despite the many bruises and the blood staining his skin and clothes 'I better finish this quick before he regains his bearings' Hope thought as he rushed forward preparing to tackle Kai hard enough to knock him out.

"Haha like I would fall to that" Kai said lowly as in a flash he had reached forward and grabbed Hope before turning and shoulder throwing Hope, slamming him face first into the wall of the Arcade cracking the wall even further than it already was knocking Hope out completely before he even had the chance to save himself from the throw.

"He beat Hope, what do we do now!?" One of the remaining thugs shouted as he had a look of panic on his face while sweat trickled down from his forehead.

"What do you mean, We rush him he's tired maybe we can win and get promoted!" Another of the three remaining shouted as the others while sweating heavily, agreed and ran at kai ready to attack him only for all three to be smacked into the ground unconscious with a single punch each, their last thought collectively being 'too strong' as their world faded to black before them.

"Okay big guy, you're coming with me now" Kai said mostly speaking to himself as he reached down and grabbed Hope Park by the back of his sleeveless hoodie and dragged his unconscious body with him as he walked inside the arcade centre.

"Huh why is it so dark in here, did someone turn off the lights or something?" Kai asked aloud as he looked around for Mary and Vin Jin only to spot them as he rounded a corner with Vin Jin facing someone down.

"Hey guys, What's up?" Kai asked as he approached Mary who was standing off to the side with one of the random thugs seemingly holding her back which Kai made quick work of as he casually backhanded the guy with a closed fist that sent him straight to the ground passed out surprising everyone present at the newcomer.

"Hey Ivan, he's got Hope with him!" One of the other thugs shouted as he noticed the bruised and bloody appearance of one of their strongest fighters, his words though causing panic to break out among the remaining God Dog members and anger to flash across the one facing Vin Jins face as he turned to Kai along with the others.

"What happened to you?" Mary asked with an exasperated face as she took in the bloody view of Kai who looked way too casual for the amount of injuries he seemed to have only to recieved a confused look from Kai who just replied "huh, Yeah Why?" As he looked around at everyone who just sweat dropped at him.

"What did you do to my brother!?" Ivan Park shouted rage a very clear emotion on his face as he looked at Kai who turned back to look at him with an annoyed face.

"This Elephant Dumbass?, He attacked me out of nowhere so I got into a slug fest with him, long story shirt he lost" Kai stated essentially disinterested as he turned to look at Vin Jin who started cackling to himself "Hey Vin Jin hurry up I got a message from Jace telling me where the God Dog leader is let's end this as quick as possible" Kai said as he offhandedly gestured to Ivan Park who looked to be getting even angrier.

"Just you wait this guy doesn't stand a chance against me" Vin Jin stated just in time to block a tackle from Ivan Park by grabbing his shoulders and moving his legs out of reach of Ivan's hands only to quickly transition into a shoulder throw that caught Ivan off gaurd who attempted to right himself by spinning in the air however his attempts were thwarted when Vin Jin wrapped his arm around Ivan's throat and slammed him down onto the solid floor causing Ivan to spit out blood from the internal damage he took.

'What's going on? He's stronger than he was before!' Ivan thought as he quickly got to his feet only to be grabbed by the throat and arm and his feet kicked out from underneath him as he was slammed into the ground again knocking the air out of his lungs and causing blood to spray off him 'I can't keep up he's overwhelming me!' Ivan thought as he launched forward for a tackle to turn the tables in his favour.

"Is tackling all wrestlers know?" Vin Jin asked redundantly as he grabbed Ivan's arm and shoulder threw him before he could react slamming him into the solid ground again this time proving to be too much as he drifted off into the land of the unconscious his last thought being 'who is this guy?'.

"See told you he didn't stand a chance" Vin Jin picked up his sunglasses and put them back on as he spoke to Kai finally taking in the sight of him "what did you really get injured in your fight against that guy" he asked with with a smirk and raised eyebrow.

"Huh did I get injured?" He turned and asked Mary causing them both to sweat drop at not noticing the state he was in "Why are you asking me for?" Mary asked confused as they all noticed another person approaching choosing to abandon their current subject.

"Oh it's the glasses nerd and the white haired dumbass, what are you doing here?" Logan asked as he walked upto them covered in blood but not seeming to be injured so Vin Jin and Kai coming to the conclusion that it was not his.

"They're Monster's twenty guys went up stairs, they beat Hope and Ivan Park too, we have to get out of here!" One of the God Dog members shouted as they all ran out of the door to escape from the three fighters.

"Anyway ignoring that you may as well come with to find out who sent these guys after us" Kai said to Logan who nodded slightly to him only for Mary to speak up "you go ahead I'm going home" she said as he walked away receiving good byes from Kai and Vin Jin.

"Okay let's go end this" Kai said as he headed to the location he recieved from Jace with Vin Jin and Logan following along both curious and annoyed at the thought 'only following him till we get there' they both though.