
Lookism : Inevitable

Follow Kai as he leaves the darkness of his home and joins the world again, ready to make friends and push through trials of blood, sweat, and tears in his path to grow stronger for himself and those he cares for. *P.S. I am terrible at writing summaries, so please just give it a shot and read the story before you judge based on the description. *P.S. Artwork is not mine. If the creator wants it taken down, I will.

BlazingImmortal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

God Dog's End (2)

As Kai watched Johan face off with Gun as he gripped at his shirt he couldn't help but let his mind wonder off in anger as he recalled a certain memory that he can never forget.

As his mind flashes back to that memory it shows in a brief flashback to that unforgettable day and the words left to him from those two unforgettable monsters.


As his mind flashed back he remembered that this particular incident had taken place in front of a rough looking schools gate that was covered in graffiti and slightly worn down clearly showing that it was not a favoured school more than likely a school for troubled students like delinquents.

However this was not the most interesting part as just outside the gates to enter this school were give or take a hundred battered and bloodied teenagers unconscious on the ground with no indication of rising.

Among this crowd of beaten students stood two particular teenagers wearing sports wear, one with black hair and tinted sunglasses who had the slightest hint of a smile with traces of quickly fading bruises and another who had dyed blonde hair and a pair of glasses hiding his eyes although the glasses could not hide the man's annoyance as they glanced down at a particular student on the ground who seemed to have a circle formed around him that left him sectioned off from the rest of the beaten teenagers.

Kai lays on the ground with, looking toward the sky barely conscious, covered in blood with numerous bruises and broken bones littering his body however the most startling part was the slightly gruesome gash from his left shoulder down to his right hip that was gushing blood and clearly seen despite the uniform he was wearing.

As the imposing teenagers stared down at the boy who looked entirely exhausted and in pain the blonde took the opportunity to speak first "This could have been avoided if you had of just stayed down now look what you made me do" the blonde haired youth nearly growled out in annoyance.

As the blonde finished speaking he didn't expect the kid on the grounds eye's to snap to his face with a bone chilling glare that would have frightened weaker fighter however the two formidable teens merely raised an eyebrow surprised at the kid's intensity.

"Wow that's a good look, do you think he will survive Goo?" The black haired teen asked clearly out of curiosity than any real care for the kid on the ground in front of him.

"With his stupidly high endurance? No doubt in my mind, Hey Gun what do you think we should do with him?" Goo asked still slightly annoyed at the kid due to the annoying lecture he would most likely get due to this incident despite it not being his fault this time.

"He seems promising, I can't wait to see how he grows" Gun said as he started to walk away from the school with Goo quickly following behind him both ignoring the intense glare drilling into their backs.

"Next time we see that kid... what was his name?" Goo scratched his head as he remembered what those random students who had interfered earlier call out "...Ah that's right Kai Yang, I wonder to what level will he have grown?" Goo said weirdly contemplative as if he were thinking of something for later down the line.

"Ah also Gun you bastard it's your fault this time, if you hadn't spent so much time playing around with that kid we wouldn't be in trouble now, we're on a deadline remember, now we don't have the time to collect the money from this school" Goo said with an annoyed look on his face as he kept lightly punching Gun on the shoulder repeatedly as if to emphasise his annoyance.

"It's not worth it, just exclude this school in the future, he'll just keep getting in the way" Gun smirked as he continued to walk away with those being the last words Kai heard as he lay there covered in blood only to finally fall into unconsciousness as he heard ambulance sirens in the distance approaching their location.

...Flashback End...

'I've gotten sliced and cut before facing weapon users but that bastards cut with his watch is by far the most painful thing I've ever experienced' Kai thought to himself as he started to sweat however anger quickly took over as he remembered all his friends and school mates who spent a few weeks in hospital due to those two lunatics.

As the other J High fighters had their own thoughts they realised that technically the problems had been solved and they could leave however they all were for a reason unknown to them transfixed on that match that would take place in front of them collectively choosing to wait till after the fight to end before they leave.

All of them focused on the fight at the same time for entirely different reasons although all thoughts left soon to be replaced by shock as Johan leaped forward with a superman punch that Gun easily blocked with his left forearm only for Johan to quickly follow up with a right high kick that was again easily blocked by Gun's left forearm.

Gun continued to block Johan's right straight showing Johan that he could defeat him with ease anytime he wanted only for him to be slightly surprised when Johan gripped onto the back of his neck with both hands and threw a barrage of knee strikes at Gun's abdomen and face all of which despite Gun's initial surprise were still easily endured by a cross guard completely defending himself.

As Johan continued to throw punch after punch in a barrage of fists showing an impressive use of Kyokushin Karate much to the shock of all the J High fighters who were astonished at the level at which Johan could fight at they were however much more shocked that Gun did not seem to be struggling at all throughout the fight all except for one.

'This fight is meaningless, that monster won't lose to a glass canon like that, the second he let's his guard down I'll take him down' Kai thought through his rage as he prepared to leap forward at any time despite knowing he was likely to lose to the Black Eyed Lunatic.

"You even copied this? You got the talent, Kid. I give you that. I might never find someone as talented as you" Gun said as he started to speak after Johan finished his barrage of punches only to show that Gun was completely unfazed by any of his attacks.

"That's why it's a shame, you're body can't keep with your talent" Gun said and as if to emphasise his point proceeded to quickly grab Johan's wrist with his left hand and with an impressive display of skill and Aikido he flipped Johan with ease sending him to the ground before he could even process what Gun had done to him.

"It's like your software is cutting edge but your hardware is from the 90's" Gun continued his words and the continued ease he was dealing with him however were only making Johan angrier and more desperate as he kneeled on the ground.

"You are the opposite of that guy..." Gun began as he looked over towards the J High group only to notice one of the group with an expression that could only be described as pure rage slightly surprising him until he realised that he recognised the student which brought a small smile to his face as his eyes brightened just a little in excitement.

"Hahaha what is a Zombie like you doing here" Gun said nearly completely disregarding Johan to the point that Johan had thought he might be able to catch Gun of guard so he lept forward preparing to throw a devastating punch to damage Gun.

'BOOM' Before anybody knew what was happening Gun had spun to face Johan and launch a devastating punch that slammed Johan's head into the ground with cracks forming around where Johan's head had made contact taking Johan out of the fight completely with his conscious barely intact.

"Listen up Johan, you aren't a leader like Jake and you don't make as much as Workers does hell Eli was Talented as well overall you may have the best Talent but among the candidates you're rock bottom..." Gun told Johan making sure the brunette could hear him from his position broken on the ground only to gaze back to the J High group his smile widening further upon noticing an approaching figure.

"But this guy he's got it all..." Gun Said as the figure reached him in time for him to finish talking to Johan, 'BOOM' Kai's fist impacted Gun's blocking arm with the sound of a small explosive pushing him back a bit before he grinned and threw his own left straight punch that sounded as of it peirced through air only for his fist to just barely missed slicing along Kai's left cheek cutting it slightly.

Kai capitalised on the momentary opening by spinning his body that was already beant backwards to the left, His knee quickly came up over Gun's shoulder 'BAM' his knee striking Gun in the side of the head the force of which made him stumble a little as he spat out a bit of blood which only made him more excited.

"Come on Kai you can do better than that!" Gun shouted as he slammed his fists forward in a barrage of Kyokushin Karate punches eerily similar to the barrage that Johan had used early hower much stronger and faster that brutally made contact with Kai's body and head causing him to spit blood as his head started bleeding from the blunt force trauma his jacket and shirt drenched in blood.

Even through the barrage of punches, blood, bruises and likely broken bones from his onslaught Gun noticed that Kai's furious eyes had never once left their position locked on his face as immediately after his Barrage ended Kai despite his awkward leaning back stance after the beating, kicked forward with a devastating front kick that hit Gun directly in the stomach forcing him to cough some blood as he staggered back.

"Okay let's stop here, I only have so much time here" Gun said as he stood back upright pulling out a cigarette and lighting it as he turned back to Johan who looked just as surprised as the J High group off to the side.

"In the end you could prove your worthiness, that is all there is to it your entirely alone despite all the people gathered here not one stepped forward to help you" Gun said as he looked around as if asking if anyone would come forward only to be met with silence as Johan cried in frustration his dream of helping his mother collapsing in front of his very eyes as he laid on the ground screaming to the heavens.

"Jake had his teeth pulled out. What should I take from you?" Gun asked as he leant down reaching his hand towards Johan's face only to be pushed aside by a newcomer who wore blue Nike spots gear, Black styled hair and black eyes with a relatively handsome face.

"Move aside" Zack said as he looked down at Johan while kneeling "You alright?" He asked as he gazed down at Johan in worry taking in his beaten and bloody state no noticing that his sudden appearance and words had shocked Johan.

"Who are you?" Gun asked from his position being held to the side with his hand planted on the ground staring up at Zack who finally turned to look over at him.

"Me? I'm his friend" Zack said as he stood to face Gun who had also stood up with a frightening expression on his face as he looked at Zack who quickly got into a boxing stance ready for a fight.

"Did this guy bully you?" Zack said as he stepped forward to throw a left hook aiming for Gun's face as Gun continued to talk during the attacks "A strong lower body, Flexible and your fast too" he said as he leant back to dodge Zacks fist that wooshed through the air missing its mark "was it Talent or Hard Work" He finished while dodging.

"Shut up old man, I was supposed to meet Mira today" Zack said as he followed up his last punch with a right cross aiming for Gun's face in his reclined position only for it to miss again when Gun planted his left hand on the ground and turned his body and head dodging the punch thrown by Zack as Gun quickly performed a one handed handstand and launched a Capoeira kick at Zack while saying "impressive".

'WHAM' His kick despite landing had not hit his intended target but was block by Vasco who stood the ready in a Muay Thai stance in preparation for another attack as he stood gaurd in front of Zack and Daniel.

'Muay Thai...' Gun's thoughts were cut off when he had to block a Brazilian kick from Daniel 'did he practice that after our last fight?' He thought only to be astonished when Daniel launched Gun's own Capoeira kick at his face that landed true and sent Gun back a couple steps with blood leaking from his lip.

'The Talent I thought I'd never see again, There was another' Gun thought in astonishment as excitement welled up in him as he stood and smiled maniacally sending a chill down everyone's spine.

"Very good! Daniel Park!! Are you interested in making some serious money? A spot just opened up and I see someone I had my eye on before you, but I don't like the way he looks" he finished as he glanced at Logan standing off to the side talking to Vin Jin only to look back at Daniel who had a very rare serious look on his face.

"No thanks" Daniel said so resolutely that it caught Gun off guard for a moment a slight look off shock crossing his face.

"I'll... Destroy the Four Crew's a lot happened like the illegal lottery tickets and fake bank accounts, so many of my friends got involved a lot of them got hurt and one of them even went to prison..." Daniel said as he tool a brief moment to collect his thoughts and think back on all the troubles they had been through together.

"...And it turns out those Four Crew's were behind everything. I will not sit idly by and do nothing anymore, Fighting might not be the solution to everything. But I want to protect my friends" Daniel said with a smile as he stood in front of Burn Knuckle's, Vasco and Zack as If to show his desire to protect them from the Four Major Crew's.

"I will help too" Vasco started as he placed a hand on Daniel's shoulder and continued talking with a confident smile on his face "We will crush all bad people!" He said quickly followed by the voices of agreement from the executives of Burn Knuckle's and the cacophony of cheers from the entire Burn Knuckle's Crew.

"I'm impressed Daniel" Vasco said quietly to Daniel hoping to encourage him not taking note of Daniel sweating slightly when Vasco threatened to 'crush' the bad people while behind them Burn Knuckles shouted their motto "IF WE CAN'T PROTECT THEN WE'RE NOT BURN KNUCKLE'S" They continued to cheer and shout out Vasco's name.

'Trust, Loyalty, Born Leadership. Their different but similar' Gun thought as a small smile came to his face before it quickly became neutral again Johan however to the side had shock evident on his face unable to comprehend their attitudes.

'They've changed, I want them both' he thought as Vasco and Daniel stood among the crowd of cheering Burn Knuckles members who continued to voice their support of both Vasco and Daniel's words.

"What about you Kid? You interested? You look better than your friend over there. Talent is one thing but you're a real go getter too." Gun asked Zack who was now kneeling down by the beaten Johan who looked shell shocked and unable to understand.

Zack however was not at all fazed by his offer instead countering it but sticking his rude finger up at Gun "What do you think, Jackass." He asked as Gun smiled slightly amused by this group altogether as he turned to the last of the party he had his eye on.

"I'm assuming you're answer is still no" Gun asked and despite himself he could not help but feel hopeful at the prospect of gaining Kai as a successor candidate however he was aware it would never happen.

"Of course!" Kai snarled out as he glared at Gun with as much intensity as he could manage making Gun slightly disappointed however he quickly brushed aside the feeling.

'If only he was in Seoul when the Four Crew's were made, maybe they would have already been united, guess I'll never know." Gun thought as he he turned to address the group as a whole.

"You'll destroy the Four Major Crew's that I made... well, I guess that's uniting them in a way... Good Luck" Gun said as he turned away walking black to his car parked on the road on the stret above on his way however he paused slightly when he heard Kai speak.

"Gun, one day I'll crush you and that yellow bastard and drag you back to Suwon to apologise to Daegun! You got that!" Kai said through gritted teeth and fury in his eyes as he watched Gun leave not noticing Gun frown slightly as he opened the door to his car and got in after taking one last look the J High group who stood together as if to show a united front.

'I love what I'm seeing here' Gun thought with a smile as the car drove off into the distance marking the emd of the conflict as everyone dispersed marking the official disbanding of one of Seoul's power houses known as the God Dog's along with Johan's disappearance.

The J High group had managed to overcome the hurdle as the returned to their peaceful days unaware that this conflict was only the beginning of many to come.