
Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks

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Star_Maker4 · Livros e literatura
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Red Pioneers (October-December, 1918).

Volga Germans]

The Volga Germans and other Germans in Russia in general, had especially arrived in the Empire during the time of Catherine II (Catherine the Great) from various regions of Europe (when there was not a united Germany but many German states), and made up a notable population-region near Saratov and Yekaterinenstadt (among other localities).

Mostly Lutherans and Roman Catholics (curiously speaking of Lutherans, in 1832 the Russian Emperor Nicholas I officially assumed the position of superintendent of the Lutheran Church in the territory of the Russian Empire), who had formed productive agricultural-industrial communities before the huge economic advances of the rest of the Russian Empire under Alexander III.

The Volga Germans experienced a... difficult period during the 20th century, due to various factors.

Among them the war between Germany and Russia during the Second Great War, the subsequent fall of the German Empire and the new Russian-German relationships in the New World Order.

It is true that the older generations no longer had so much relationship with Germany or their countries of origin, but there were some younger generations (arrived during the Alexandrian period) who felt much more uncomfortable, and other society problems-tensions.

Among them were the obvious problematic, the partition of Germany, migrations and refugees from Central Europe, and the pragmatic relations between the Russian Empire and the Free Republic of Germany.

Russia had openly deported citizens of Germany who had fallen under her jurisdiction to Red Germany (SOME Germans in Czechoslovakia, and Germans in the colonial empire) and began major reforms in old East Prussia.

Furthermore, the ties and joint economic projects between Russia and the Free Republic of Germany increased considerably.

Under these conditions, the Volga Germans were in a difficult situation and sectarianism within this group increased, especially religious sectarianism, although there were other groups as well (more into politics, culture or such).

The state officially and de-facto continued to treat the Volga Germans as ordinary citizens, without too much repression. But anyway the position this region was in was complicated.

Because it was not known where the current situation could evolve, with Russia and Red Europe, the old relations between the Russian Empire and the German Empire practically undone, and many other regions occupying a much more vital economic-political position than the regions Volga Germans.

On the other hand the German population of Central Europe faced a crisis like never before, the Free Republic of Germany was experiencing the first post-revolution years and the changes associated with it.

The Prussian Republic of Germany was an unstable region.

Monarchical Austria and the German Empire had fallen, with no possibility of being revived in the short-medium term.

In short, there was a growing German diaspora, who didn't have much place to go. And the effects of this diaspora also affected the Volga Germans to some extent (an effect on opinions and relations between Germans, and also between Germans and the Russian state).

The United States and Russia were not options, so generally these Germans went to the Imperial Federation or Latin America.

This malaise in the community of the Volga Germans was a development parallel to the remarkable years of well-being of the Moscow Economic Miracle.

It is true that there were developments, but the society and politics of the local Zemstvos had their little effect on the local economy.

The situation was resolved only after 1923, where there were important economic reforms and advances throughout the entire Russian Empire, which again brought remarkable prosperity to the Volga Germans.

Although of course, the disparity between the Volga Germans and Red Germany continued.

Dissidents from early 20th century Red Germany generally did not escape to Russia or the Russosphere, for fear of being deported back to Red Germany.


[Youth League of Russian Social Democratic Labour Party]

Few parties survive from the 'Classical Age' of Russian Empire politics, especially by future developments that proved imperial politics ... to be cruel. It can easily devour numerous people.

Only those best able to survive managed to progress in the ecosystem that is national politics, through various strategies.

The Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in particular created one that guaranteed important advances. On October 29 (1918), the Molodezhnyy Soyuz Rossiyskoy Sotsial-Demokraticheskoy Rabochey Partii (Молодежный союз Российской социалоекосириберический демочебекириский демекой) is created.

Name that translates as Youth League of Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, although they are also known as "Red Pioneers" (Красные пионеры / Krasnyye pionery) to distinguish them from the traditional yellow-white-black Young Pioneers.

In essence, the Youth League is the youth wing of the RSDLP, a subsidiary association that guaranteed to win support for the RSDLP among younger elements of the population.

In addition, the youth wing aimed to:

1-Focus on issues and issues of greater relevance among the youth of the Russian Empire.

2-Be a discussion forum for the younger members and supporters of the RSDLP to discuss politics and ideology.

From 1919 to 1923 these objectives were expanded by the leadership of the RSDLP (Stalin and others):

3-Teaching, upbringing and education of the new generations that will create a new society that cannot be like the old generations.

4-Support the reconstruction of the Russian nation.

Democratic reforms (and internal tensions within politics ...) had led to an increase in social and political activity among young people, with the organization of youth unions-unions of all kinds.

Precisely from October 29 to November 4, the First All-Russian Congress of Youth Trade Unions of Workers and Peasants took place from October 29 to November 4, which led to the creation of the RSDLP Youth League.

As a result of the socio-political initiatives of the RSDLP and the union of various leftist circles among young people.

The Red Pioneers became widespread in the 1920s and are practically the largest political youth wing of the Russian Empire.


Uknown artist, Portrait of a Young 'Stalin'.​

The interest of youth in politics does not diminish, only that it is closely related to education and the economic-social situation of the countries.

Especially in Russia and the socialist countries, there is a huge membership in political parties and membership in the youth wings.

In other countries, 'voting' and other political actions are simply more taken into account rather than ideological-political education and membership.

Speaking of importance, it was clear that the creation of the Red Pioneers was another sign of generational change, change in material conditions and change in the policy of the Russian Empire.

Of course the young people held 'traditional' values in which they were brought up, but they were simply evolving in other directions as well.

In any case, the Red Pioneers had a conflictive stage during their beginnings, since the Right and the Left of the Russian Empire were in a tense time.

But the important thing is that many of them survived for the future ...


[VZD (High-Speed Rail)]

The development in the first VZD (High-Speed Rail) of the Russian Empire was going relatively well, especially in the mechanical field although of course the materialization of these efforts still needed to wait a few years.

At the time of November 15, the Russian state, led by Tsar Nicholas II, was especially focused on the development of the VZD in the European region of the Russian Empire.

After all, it was the most populated region, the most economically important and the most 'simple' to carry out such a project.

"Collaborations with your father have always been very positive for my scientific endeavors. It seems that you inherited that good eye for business." Nikola mentions Tesla while he was sitting next to Tsar Nicholas II. Tesla had occasionally seen and spoken with Nicholas Alexandrovich when he was Tsesarevich, but it was never particularly profound.

The table was full of papers and other documents related to the experimentation projects carried out in the Baltic and central Russia.

"Thank you very much. Your mind is still sharp from what I see." Nicholas II responds calmly.

"Thanks, and now that you mention it, I have a question." Tesla exclaims, the tsar nods and gives the man room to ask. "What exactly is the goal of this? In the long term, what do you want to achieve? I understand the fascination for railways on an economic level, but why develop this?"

"In the long term, in future decades, probably 4 or so ... Every city with more than 1 million inhabitants has a VZD and every city between 200,000 and 500,000 inhabitants has some form of public transport service." Nicholas II explains. "Of course this would be after decades, but that would be the goal."

In one of the maps it is shown how from the capitals (Petrograd and Moscow) everything expanded (like the slings in the water) towards the rest of the Empire, or even beyond.

"A huge goal to meet, but a pretty good one." Tesla mentions, but then it was Tsar Nicholas II's turn.

"Tell me, have you ever noticed the salaries or the quality of life in the Empire?" Nicholas II asks curiously.

"It is not my area of interest." Tesla admits without issue.

"Well, let me give you a brief explanation. With the only a part of the reign of my father, there was a huge jump in the economy and the quality of life, let's say that in one case, wages doubled, that is, they multiplied by 2. In the next development, wages were only multiplied only by 1.5 " Tsar Nicholas II indicates.

"I see, that means that increasing the quality of life and the economy in the same way becomes more difficult over time." Tesla mentions.

"Yes, basically, there are also other associated issues but that is the most basic. If we cannot continue to develop in the same way, it is clear that we must invest in the quality of life of citizens in other ways." Nicholas II exclaims. "So I am planning many things, increasing services, subsidies or just useful things like public transportation."


Tesla was a curious person, driven in part by his own ambition for scientific development, but he had the financial resources to go remarkably far.

Soon the Serbo-Russian found himself surprised by Nicholas II, the new Tsar had remarkable projects of all kinds, which were a huge improvement for the Russian Empire.

And more importantly, for humanity up to a point. Also such projects allowed Tesla to continue conducting tests and studies in various fields, so it was a beneficial relationship for many individuals.

First of all the issues of the energy required for the VZD were resolved and soon other mechanical-mathematical issues had to be resolved as well.

There was progress in this, after all there was already a base to work on. But of course it didn't mean it was 'straightforward'.

There were also geography issues and engineering problems associated with the project to think about.

European Russia was simpler at the moment, but how the VZD should be done when it expanded to more mountainous regions or similar. That was one of the main concerns of the project even in its initial stage.

In any case, the project went ahead, and ended after a complicated stage in the Russian Empire, coming with a new stage for the empire ...



November 26, an important economic expansion for the Russian Empire occurs during this date, with the usefulness of the ruble internationally bringing remarkable stability and importance in the post-Great Depression period.

Through its influence and treaties that formalize trade-customs relations with these countries, the ruble becomes the main currency of commerce and various notable economic-financial activities.

Especially in the most developed and important sectors of these countries.

The countries involved, for the most part, have abandoned the Pound or other foreign currencies for their joint actions. Of course, this requires continuing to maintain a stable and strong ruble.

When we talk about this financial space of the Ruble, we are especially referring to Central Eastern Europe and the Middle East, specifically the Russosphere.

So we are talking about Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Kurdistan, Ionia, Cilicia, Shiite Iraq, Sunni Iraq, Lebanon, Kuwait, Druzia and Syria.

There are expansion plans to other regions, but of course this takes time, diplomatic-political relations, resources and money.

This was an important advance in the Russian Empire's plans to establish the Russosphere as a much more advanced economic-political pact, as other countries were planning and doing.

And it certainly seemed to be moving forward in a positive way, creating an important economic cushion for the national currency, and important product-markets for the Russian Empire.

Especially in its now, traditional area of influence (after the death of Austria-Hungary, Imperial Germany and the Ottoman Empire).

This also led to important economic developments.

Especially with the high development of consumer goods, infrastructure-logistics developments and of course, the significant extraction of resources throughout these regions (with particular importance in Middle East oil).

The formalization of an economic bloc was an important step for the region, economically and politically, as it guaranteed a more solid peace and the possibility of better defenses against foreign problems.

This bloc, de-facto led by Russia (as the most populous country, largest military power and largest economy), formed an important part of Eurasia's trade.

Linking the Balkans, most of Anatolia, and the northern Middle East, with expansions to future regions, accounted for a significant part of the New Silk Road trade and other world projects.

Later the Emirate of Ha'il would form a joint economic forum with Russia and allies (remaining independent but with important economic-diplomatic ties with Russia and its associates), which together with Iran (where Russia's economic bloc planned to expand), it assumed that indeed a select group of countries dominated most of the world's oil and natural gas.

But this is a matter for the future.


[Central Institute of Aerohydrodynamics]

December 1, the Central Institute of Aerohydrodynamics (TsAGI) was created in Moscow by scientist-mechanic Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky.

The TsAGI was a natural evolution of the aerodynamic and aviation circle in Kiev, further developments in the city of Moscow (the Aerodynamic Laboratory of the Moscow Higher Technical School and the Aviation Calculation and Testing Office) and the needs of the Russian state.

Zhukovsky, with state support, rapidly expanded the scope of experimental aviation work in the Russian Empire, working with the vast spectrum of national scientists and specialists, making TsAGI the flagship of national aviation science.

It is true that Kiev and other aerodynamic centers (such as Petrograd or Saratov) continued to be relevant, but as long as the capital took something, it was difficult to compete with it (a problem that plagues many countries in reality).

Sergei Alekseevich Chaplygin soon led the seminar of the scientific-theoretical division of TsAGI, where a galaxy of scientists who have made contributions to mechanics and mathematics were trained (Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh, Leonid Ivanovich Sedov, Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrent'ev, Sergey Alekseevich Khristianovich, Leonid Nikolaevich Sretensky and others).

Dmitry Pavlovich Ryabushinsky (founder of KUTSAGI, Kuchino aerodynamic laboratory) also worked at TsAGI, and was important in founding more laboratories during the 1920s.

The TsAGI was created with the following directives:

1-Efforts in theoretical, experimental and applied research in the field of aerodynamics and flight dynamics, including developments in:

* Control systems, force and aeroelasticity.

* Aerothermodynamics and gas dynamics.

* Advanced aircraft, experimental facilities.

* Hydrodynamics and aeroacoustics.

Today the TsAGI works in the development of the field of nanotechnology and aerospace science.

2-Participation in aircraft testing and certification

3-Design of wind tunnels and other needs of the sector.

4-Development of numerical methods.

Later this expands to the development of useful software for TsAGI purposes.

5-Relevant economic activity for the countryside and the Russian Empire.

In short, a remarkable state scientific center for aviation and related fields.

The Russian Empire was greatly supporting the development of the capabilities of the air force, after the promising results that it had repeatedly demonstrated.

Development in the models of the aircraft of the Russian Empire, and other elements necessary for the air force (such as parachutes). There were also financial incentives for investigative activity, but that is another matter.

Many of the circles and relevant people already established in the field of the Russian Empire, such as Sikorsky, went to the TsAGI or made collaborations with it.

In addition to this, the Russian Empire was interested in several developments of remarkable magnitude in the field of rocketry with which the TsAGI began to work as a helper organization.

These projects were led in particular by Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, father of Russian rocketry and a leading scientist in the field.

Some dreamed of space, but that was still too early. The first rockets would currently serve as a preamble to military armament.



October 1, the Lithuanian-Latvian chapter of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party begins to dominate the politics of these Baltic regions, through the creation of a leftist alliance led by Vincas Mickevičius-Kapsukas (from Lithuania) and Petr Stuchka (from Latvia ).

October 2, designed by architect George Keister and built by Selwyn brothers Edgar and Archie, opened the Selwyn Theater (now the American Airlines Theater) in New York City.

October 3, the crown prince of Bulgaria, Sergey Romanovsky (named after his grandfather), son of Tsar Alexander I of Bulgaria (Alexander Sergeyevich Romanovsky), 33 years old at that time, was born.

October 5, reforms of the Greek troops in the Peloponnese.

The Greek dictatorship prepares for the possible recovery of northern Greece in the future (while northern Greece is engaged in a strong civil war).

October 6, great expansion of public transport (electric buses) in Australia.

The movie 'Salomé' (novel by), starring Theda Bara, is released.

The film generated extreme controversy in the United States due to its mixture of biblical and religious themes, which is why American church groups demonstrate pickets against the film.

October 9, the socialist persecution in Germany against old monarchical elements intensifies, especially in southern Germany (Baden, Bavaria, Austria, etc).

October 13, the organizations 'League of Free Nations Association' and 'League of Nations Society' merge, forming the League of Nations Union.

This new organization aims to promote a reformed international relations system, defend human rights, support the disarmament of global armed forces, and promote world peace.

October 14, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk founds the Czechoslovak Progressive Party, which became the opposition of the conservative government of Karel Kramář.

Unfortunately Masaryk never wins elections (a mixture of Kramář's dominance in national politics and the Czech dominance of the Czechoslovak Progressive Party costs him victory every time).

October 16, military agreements between Norway, Sweden and the Imperial Federation allow the Royal Navy to establish more navaal bases and military assets in these Scandinavian countries.

Due to this there is a greater rapprochement between Denmark and Russia to oppose the axis formed by Sweden-Norway-Imperial Federation.

October 19, successful British / English-speaking population increase in Sweden, part of the collection of British territories under the Imperial Federation.

October 20, the war comedy "Shoulder Arms" opens in the People's Republic of France, directed by and starring Charlie Chaplin.

October 21, Semyon Ivanovich Aralov officially becomes the first director of Directory A (Alpha) of the Spetsnaz.

Under Aralov the work of military specialists within Russian military intelligence is greatly improved and adequate counter-intelligence is carried out.

October 28, Count Mihály Ádám György Miklós Károlyi de-Nagykároly, better known simply as Mihály Károlyi, effectively wins the elections in the Kingdom of Hungary. Becoming head of government of the country (while Nicholas II of Russia is head of state) and establishing a government led by the Hungarian Neo-Conservatives.

Sándor Garbai and Béla Kun of the Social Democratic Party of Hungary are the leaders of the opposition during the neo-conservative government.

October 29, the Youth Union of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, the youth wing of the RSDLP, is established.

November 1, expansion of medical schools in Russian Africa, especially the new territories of South Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania.

November 3, the Great Monument to Robespierre is established and will be inaugurated in the city of Paris, capital of the People's Republic of France.

Jules Guesde himself commissioned the statue, referred to Maximilien Robespierre as the 'French socialist avant la lettre' ("before the letter"). Robespierre faced many problems similar to those of the French socialists during the French Socialist Revolution, and was an inspiration for Guesde.

We can say that there was a certain re-habilitation of the figure of Robespierre and the like.


Example of a local French monument in the early 1920s to Robespierre.​

November 6, the German Monarchical Society in exile is created, formed from the German diaspora that calls for the restoration of the German Empire or the German regional monarchies.

They are basically anti-republican, anti-socialist and nationalist-monarchists of the Germans abroad after the fall of the German Empire by revolutions and coups.

November 8, the leader of the "Polish Committee" (a kind of separatist organization in exile), Edward Rydz-Śmigły, establishes a cult of the deceased Polish separatists (like Józef Piłsudski and others), who function as a kind of martyrs of the movement.

November 9, Pieter Jelles Troelstra becomes an important figure in the Dutch socialist movement in exile.

Troelstra basically talks about the future socialist revolution in the Netherlands (and how the socialist Flanders and the new socialist Netherlands should unite in one country).

Unfortunately Troelstra would not live to see a free Netherlands.

The border between Croatia-Slovenia and Socialist Italy is greatly militarized by both countries, where the situation seems to be heating up quite a bit.

Croatian ultra-nationalists are beginning to actively promote anti-Italian measures (the Italian population in Croatia-Slovenia) while the Imperial Federation supports them.

November 11, various Polish parties end up in bad political positions in the Russian Empire due to anti-Semitism breaking out problems between Jews and Poles.

300 Poles murdered four Jewish protesters and several Jewish businesses and homes were vandalized by the Poles.

As a result of Roman Stanisław Dmowski's victory over the majority of Polish parties in center-right Russia, the non-leftist policy of the Polish Congress will be riddled with anti-Semitism for quite some time ...

Which allows the Russian authorities to divide and conquer.

November 15, the first parliamentary elections of the new constitution of the Empire of Brazil take place. That are somewhat disastrous with the election of Delfim Moreira da Costa Ribeiro, with associations to the old Republicans of Minas.

The duels between monarchists, moderates and leftists soon intensify under the government of Delfim Moreira and Emperor Pedro III.

The state structures of the Brazilian Empire were quite weakened during this time, and four months later the first columns of military rebels were formed in remote sections of the country.

Notable advances in the high-speed rail plans of the Russian Empire.

November 16, American socialist Louis C. Fraina begins publishing the radical newspaper The Revolutionary Age in Boston.

In 1919, Fraina became one of the leaders of the Radical-Revolutionary-Communist Wing of the Socialist Party of America (as opposed to the moderate-reformist-Social Democratic wing).

November 17, the Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας / Kommounistikó Kómma Elládas (KKE, or Communist Party of Greece) and its alliance with the Greek anarchists are formally established.

The party and anarchists shot themselves numerous times in the foot during the Northern Greek civil war around this time, but had a notable involvement in WW3.

November 25, the 1830 constitution in Uruguay is replaced by a new one after a plebiscite.

November 26, the ruble of the Russian Empire expands enormously, achieving enormous importance in commercial activities in the Balkans and Nothern Middle East, completely and effectively replacing other international currencies in the region such as the pound.

As a result of the pan-Slavic treaties and the Russian influence in these countries.

December 1, major government crackdown in Sweden against union attempts.

December 2, despite small treaties between the Imperial Federation and the United States, President Henry Ford remains steadfast in popularity within the United States.

Ford has successfully capitalized on the end of the Great Depression and the country's enormous economic recovery as his achievement.

Through populism, propaganda and other methods in various areas, he succeeds in getting large parts of the center-right population of the population to follow him, especially the big capitalists and the media, among others.

The Democrats remain in an unofficial and silent alliance with the National Republicans, because they prefer to attack the Socialists (who are the real opposition to the Ford / National Republican Party and the Democrats).

The extreme right (far-right wing of the National Republican Party) of the United States, on the other hand, awaits its moment. With Ford out, they hope to dominate the game (the question is when will this happen and who will be the leader).

A solar eclipse occurred in much of South America and the Southwest of the African continent (the eclipse is seen in Santiago, Buenos Aires and Montevideo, among others).

December 3, formation of the November Group, a group of artists of various crafts from socialist Germany, who create art during the cultural revolution in the Free Republic of Germany.

A period of experimentation and exploration against the old styles of the German Empire and capitalism.

Many of these are later called 'Spartacist' artists.

December 9, the Liberal-Conservative Party of Finland is established, which becomes the liberal-conservative opposition to the Social Democratic Party of Finaldia (Grand Duchy of Finland, Russian Empire).

December 11, the military allied command in Red Europe begins to design military plans for the future, specially designed for the future war with the Imperial Federation and possible socialist expansion elsewhere (Eastern Europe and North Africa).

The Socialist Party of Romania is created, which forms an important underground part of the left-wing populist and labor movements in Romania at the time.

It is true that Rumani is prospering economically again, but the national consciousness is deeply damaged after being dismembered by Serbia, Bulgaria, Russia and Hungary, in addition to Russian economic imperialism in the country.

In short, Romania is not in the best condition at the moment.

Balkan politics has always been a headache, and it is clear that Alexander III's policy in Romania was flawed at the end of his reign.

December 14, José Júlio da Costa becomes a general in the Portuguese Socialist Republic of the Iberian Union.

General José Júlio da Costa was known for his direct approach, supporting the effective purge of elements that he saw as enemies of the socialist republic, at the same time that he promoted workers' democracy by walking very openly among the people.

He is a divisive figure in late Iberian historiography, as his actions had important consequences for later Iberian ideological divisions.

December 17, unlike Canada where alcohol prohibition is gaining popularity, Australia simply adds taxes to alcohol.

This currently gives a bit more money to the Imperial Federation, but it is not too important outside of regional economic affairs.

December 20, the group 'Nacionalno hrvatsko domobranstvo' (National Croatian Home Guard) better known as 'Zeleno' (literally, Green, in Croatian) is created, led by Ante Pavelić.

Zeleno's objective was the Croatian attack against Russia and Socialist Europe, promoting Greater Croatia and the Social Aristocracy.

According to the Zelenos, in reality the Croats were not Slavs, but part of the Germanic race (therefore Aryans) and they decided to attack Rome people (gypsies), homosexuals, Jews and 'subhuman' Slavs (Serbs in particular, the Bosnians were 'Muslim Croats' in the opinion of the Zeleno ...).

(OOC: Basically, Ustaše).

The group functions as a secret police and paramilitary group, caused terror by the Croatian parts of Croatia-Slovenia.

Slovenia is also full of ultra-rightists during this part of its history, but Zeleno was led by Croatian Ante Pavelić and performed in the Croatian part of the country, not in the Slovenian part.

December 28, troubles in Vietnam ... alphabetically speaking.

Emperor Khải Định, twelfth emperor of the Nguyễn dynasty, ally of the local Japanese administration, proclaims that the traditional 'Chữ nôm' alphabet for writing the Vietnamese language was abolished in favor of using the Latin script for the Vietnamese alphabet (which had been created by Portuguese Jesuits, hence the Latin influence).

Obviously not everyone agrees (elite traditionalists in favor of keeping Chữ nôm), but the situation becomes more complicated when other pro-Japanese figures establish a Vietnamese alphabet inspired by Japanese Kanji and other reformers try a Vietnamese alphabet with more German-Germanic inspiration.

Finally the Portuguese-inspired Vietnamese alphabet (chữ Quốc ngữ, "script of the national language") wins, but it was a curious period.

Of which there are still certain remains it is worth mentioning.