
General Program: Mitteleuropa

General Program: Mitteleuropa" (Allgemeines Program: Mitteleuropa) is the name of the alternative history book written by the author [].*

In the book the European continent is heavily dominated by the All-German Union (Gesamtdeutsche Union), a militaristic, racist and expansionist pan-Germanic state led by the Habsburg dynasty.

Made up of: Germany, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Croatia, Crimea, Transylvania and Slovenia.

* With protectorates over the Baltic nations (Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania.

* With a union with Finland (they share the same monarch).

* Leaders of the 'Europäischer Staatenbund' (European Confederation): A 'free' economic federation with France, Belgium, the Duchy of Warsaw (Poland), the Balkan countries (Greece, Macedonia), Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine and the aforementioned protectorates. 'Free' because it is under the leadership of Germany.

* A unique colonial empire in Central Africa, Indonesia and other territories.

In this context, German hegemony extends from West to East.

Everything arose with an alternative unification of the German Empire, in this case Greater Germany was achieved almost immediately with a Habsburg victory over Prussia.

After this, it was all uphill for the Central European empire against the 'Entente', made up of France, Russia and the United Kingdom.

The great Kaiser, Franz Joseph, died in 1918, with an Empire entering the 20s and 40s led by Kaiser Franz Ferdinand (Franz II).

But everything that goes up must come down, the emperor is old and the succession is in danger.

Separatist and communist ideas are on the rise, while the United States and Japan begin to compete against the All-German Union.

In all this a painter, a wine salesman, a shoemaker, a banker and several spies are involved in the action that occurs throughout various parts of the world.

*Not sure yet: Maybe Joachim von Ribbentrop.