
End of the Russian civil war (July-September, 1922).

Russian landing in the Crimean peninsula.​

(P.S: Take this as a kinda-anachronistic painting for the TL, obviously the Russian armed forces don't have that weapons yet XD. And maybe I will also use it for the future.

OOC: Landing on the Black Sea by Soviet-Ukrainian painter Victor Puzyrkov, 1947)

Between July 1 and 4, there were several raids by the Russian air force and amphibious squadrons of the armed forces in the Crimean peninsula.

The last stronghold of the Directorate, led by Pavlo Skoropadskyi, was going to fall sooner or later. The Moscow government was going to make sure that this was the case, as Skoropadskyi had finally refused to negotiate (on terms that would satisfy Moscow).

After several minor successes, on July 5, 1922, the War Ministry under Minister Alexei Brusilov launched operations for the liberation of the Crimean peninsula.

The main objective was the liberation of vital points like Sevastopol and the eradication of the Skoropadskyi government in the peninsula.

Which should be relatively straightforward, despite the fact that Skoropadskyi still maintained a functional administration and military / para-military forces and had entrenched himself on the peninsula, he lacked significant resources:

Time, money, energy resources and water.

The peninsula was practically disconnected from the rest of Russia and with the blockade imposed by the Black Sea fleet (once again completely in the hands of the central government), there was no way to get other resources necessary to feed all sectors of Crimea.

There were cuts in communications and basic services on the peninsula during the various parts of the conflict as a consequence.

But speaking more about the liberation of Crimea itself, we see how the armed forces of the Russian Empire carried out multiple assaults against the defenses built by Skoropadskyi.

On the one hand there were amphibious operations by the Black Sea Fleet and allied squads, missions carried out by the Russian air force and land assaults against defenses of the peninsula.

Crimea became a chaotic and combat site for two weeks and a few days, but fell relatively quickly.

On July 23, 1922, the Moscow armed forces had effectively liberated the Crimean peninsula from the Directorate forces, which had fallen once and for all.

More than 6000 people were executed by the armed forces of the Russian Empire after the liberation of the peninsula, mostly for collaboration with the Skoropadskyi administration and other related crimes (participating in the paramilitary forces of the Directorate).

Others lost their economic assets, or were sent to prison and / or forced labor camps. Depending on what is considered appropriate under the law.


With the fall of Crimea, on July 23, Tsar Nicholas II and other central government officials announced the end of the war conflicts in the Russian Empire (the civil war) through official newspapers, radio and other available methods.

The Directorate had been almost completely eliminated and in the process of the civil war, the central government had consolidated and achieved important reforms through martial law.

For example, the Constitution of the Russian Empire had been created, economic assets of rebels had been nationalized, the aristocracy would effectively not try anything again soon against the constitutional government and dangerous elements had been purged. Positive aspects for what was left of the government of Tsar Nicholas II and successive Premiers of the State Duma.

However of course it was not the right time to just relax and celebrate, although there were military marches and other celebrations of all kinds, there was important work to be done next.

The Russian Empire had to rebuild everything that had been slightly, partially or severely damaged. There were still some loose ends and various matters to attend to in order for the country to return to a certain point, to normality.

To solve all this, the government of Tsar Nicholas II held several sessions with the State Duma, the Senate and the various government ministries, for the organization of a concise plan with which to deal with the new situation of the Russian Empire.

The civil war was an interruption to the early years of Premier Stalin's Fourth (IV) Duma, but through constitutional reforms and proper leadership, it was able to function at full capacity to resolve the crises left behind by the civil war. .

There were two areas of said reconstruction, on the one hand a material reconstruction (where problems in infrastructure, services and quality of life had to be solved) and an immaterial reconstruction (related to the ideological effects and mentality in the post-civil war period ).

Dealing with these two reconstructions required different methods, which the government had to explore and discuss before properly performing.

The Fourth Duma under Premier Stalin decided that it was first necessary to change the material conditions of the Russian Empire in the post-war period, before delving into the immaterial changes brought about by it.

The reconstruction plan developed by the Fourth Duma government was concise and simple: Address problems in housing, transportation and services.

This was put in charge of public initiatives for the construction of houses, repairs to damaged roads and other transportation, and to start doing projects to re-establish basic services.

Other non-civilian forces cooperated extensively, such as the armed forces of the Russian Empire (assisting in reconstruction as manpower), Covenant allies (economic cooperation), and the church (charitable services).

The objectives of the political campaigns in 1920 were completely displaced for various reasons, but still the approval of the Fourth (IV) State Duma was remarkably high in various fields.

[The Fourth (IV) Duma]: After the Russian civil war, the dominant bloc of the Duma (majority in seats) was consolidated in the alliance between the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party of Premier Joseph Stalin (with several subordinate parties such as the Mongolian Social Democratic Labor Party) and the Trudoviks of Alexander Kerensky, Minister of Justice.

Although of course there was some opposition and "opposition", the left opposition was the International Workers' Party of Russia (made up of Trotskyists and old Social Revolutionaries) and right-wing opposition like the followers of Boris Savinkov (who were generally allies of Stalin and Kerensky. ).

Now a purely political opposition, since the paramilitary organizations and popular militias had been annulled by the armed forces of the state, which recovered the monopoly of violence and enforcement of order.


The influence of the Russian civil war on future developments in Russia is very important, having left its mark on history and to some extent the psyche of Russia.

Later developments are in a sense a response to the events that occurred during the civil war. From material developments in the conditions of Russia, to changes in the way people thought at this time.

Perhaps most importantly, it was a turning point in First Stalinism and the reign of Tsar Nicholas II, particularly in regards to building a New Russia under the legacy of the old one.

Tsar Nicholas II was definitely no longer so dependent on his father's legacy in Russia. Now the ideas of Nicholas II (derived from Alexander III, but with additions of his own) guided important questions in Russia.

In particular with regard to the organization of the Russian state and the various relationships within the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural population of the colossal Russian Empire.

Although of course there were enormous ideas in new and important modernizations in economic-industrial aspects, which we will study later.




Multiethnic Russian Empire (Многонациональная Российская Империя) - Nation of Nations (Народ Наций).​


[Covenant of Nations]

The Covenant of Nations had successfully survived its first trial by fire.

In fact we can say that to some extent, a war (even with its logistical complications) was a simple thing compared to the gigantic administrative task that was to manage the bureaucracy and economy of the Covenant of Nations.

Yet now came even more difficult issues, the post-civil war situation in the Covenant.

Most of the countries belonging to the Covenant were unaltered by the civil conflict, with the exception of some problems with refugees and the economic problems associated with the conflict.

But of course, all the members would recover sooner or later.

The point is that the Russian civil war was an important consolidation for the Covenant of Nations, in terms of a much more united ideologically and governmentally bloc.

The Big Brother (the Russian Empire) had survived, guaranteeing the stability and continuation of the bloc, and with this the important flow of population, goods and (material-financial) resources was almost completely resumed.

Which would help all members of the Covenant (with less economies compared to the Russian Empire).

The point is that consolidating as a bloc does not give as many positive results as one might think.

Yes, the Covenant as a project was safe and functioning fairly well, increasingly settling into the ruling elites and the common population of the members.

But all families have problems, the Covenant of Nations was no exception.

After Russia became firm again and the project was consolidated, the other members began to see what their regional interests would be within the bloc.

Related to the interests and cooperation with the rest (in particular with the Russian Empire), but it must be taken into account that the member countries still had their own national characteristics and identities.

Giving as place different internal situations within the same block, which expanded considerably throughout Eurasia.

This is where we can see the emergence of 'cliques' within the Covenant of Nations.

Cliques based mainly on geography or culture (ethnicity, religion or similar), some even with their own micro-cosmos:


* Eastern Europe (Hungary and Czechoslovakia).

* Southeastern Europe or the Balkans (Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania).

2-West Asia (Middle East):

* Anatolia (Cilicia and Ionia)

* Levante-Mesopotamia (Greater Lebanon, Syria, Alawite State, Kurdistan, Assyria, Druzia, Baghdad, Mesopotamia and Kuwait),

* Persia (the Qajar dynasty).

3-East Asia.

* Northern Chinese States (Federative Republic of Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Zhili, Shaanxi, Henan and Shandong).


* Thailand (Rattanakosin Kingdom)

* Indonesia (Bali, Aceh and Lanfang. Also Novaya Gvineya which was a Russian colony)

5- Africa.

* East Africa (Ethiopia, and in part, the Russian Colonial Empire near the region).

All the cliques and subdivisions of these cliques found several points in common, but they also argued for different interests and different opinions.

On matters such as laws, budget, holding elections, and numerous other events, circumstances, needs, and more.

For example, perhaps some cliques wanted investments in transportation, others in energy, some wanted laws for or against certain industries and there were different proposals for foreign policy, etc.

The Russian Empire, effectively dominating the Covenant presidency and its higher apparatuses, now had to find a way to juggle all these bureaucratic, diplomatic, and commercial matters.

It wasn't easy, but someone had to do it.



The international situation was stabilizing, the civil wars in the United Kingdom and the Russian Empire were indeed coming to an end.

They would have economic consequences in the medium term of course, but in reality a considerable positive increase was observed in the international economy.

In mid-late August, a particular boom was observed in the economy of developed countries, whose manufactures were selling well in the various underdeveloped countries (which exported natural resources, generally of lower value than manufactured goods).

In fact, there began to be positive increases, greater than those that occurred in the periods before the destabilization of the markets.

Result of a sum of considerable factors in regional trade relations and the industries of various countries.

In particular in the Americas (United States and part of the Imperial Federation, with their respective blocks / spheres of influence) and Eurasia (part of the Imperial Federation, the European socialist countries and the Russian Empire with its Covenant of Nations).

The post-war reconstruction period was positive for developed countries (Russia and the Imperial Federation), bringing significant economic growth in vital sectors.

The socialist countries were little affected by the international situation due to their control over the economy, maintaining more or less constant situations. And the stopping of wars in trading partners like Russia meant the return to important promotions.

And for all its troubles, the US population and economy was the most developed in the Americas, with a boom in the industrial and financial sectors the result of Ford's policies (although the widespread importance of the unchecked private sector may prove to be problematic at other times).

We could study the cases of these countries or blocks on another occasion, in greater depth or detail.

But in general, the period between the 20s and 30s was a good period economically for most countries among the great powers.

While there were numerous bumps (the civil wars in the Home Islands, the civil war in Russia, and the tumultuous early 1930s in the United States), the period before World War III was generally positive in an economic sense.

While of course countries were preparing for war and various troublesome situations were occurring, it was nonetheless a good time for international trade.

Especially when the beginnings of globalization occurred after the invention of commercial containers, triggering maritime trade (which benefited the Imperial Federation, Russia and the United States for their large financial and export sectors).

Among other policies and important socio-cultural changes, nationally and internationally. Although of course, we are getting too far ahead in some of the points mentioned.

It was a little golden age before the catastrophe.

The post-WW3 period was also a good time for rebuilding, but that is something to talk about related to the 40s, 50s and 60s era.


[Romanov and Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen]

Once again the wheels and gears of the world's machinery were turning, among the various events that took place, finally the final preparations for the wedding of the daughter of Tsar Nicholas II could take place.

Grand Duchess Maria and Crown Prince Nicholas of Romania were to get married in the final weeks of October. An event that was the most important wedding of the Russian high society of the time and that could be positive for post-war Russia.

The event was closely associated with public relations, with charity and entertainment events, as well as events related to diplomatic relations within the European Covenant monarchies.

It seemed quite a positive situation, after the death of Tsesarevich Nicholas (first-born of Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Elena of Montenegro).

Death that had seriously affected the royal family of the Russian Empire.

But of course, not everything could be perfect.

Maria and Cyril were very deep into their political interests (and future marital relations), and Sergei was still somewhat young (16 years old) but then there was Tsesarevich Mikhail ...


"Mikhail, I just want you to understand that you can't go like a drunk to your sister's wedding." Tsar Nicholas II indicates his second son.

"I understand, I get drunk after the party starts." The Tsesarevich Mikhail indicates.

"No. Not at any time." Tsar Nicholas II does not suggest or affirm, he is commanding it. "This is not your friend's wedding, a minor wedding, or a party. It is an important event for your sister and for the empire."

"Old man, weddings are boring-" The Tsesarevich Mikhail starts to protest.

"NO. I don't want any excuses Mikhail, no 'Old man' or other procrastinations." Tsar Nicholas II raises his voice. "I'm asking you for a single moment, stop being so like yourself ... Let me rephrase those last words for a moment." Nicholas tries to think for a moment, but he doesn't have time.

"I got it loud and clear!" An annoying Tsesarevich indicates, at a brisk pace.

"Get out then!" The Tsar indicates once again raising his tone at him, without apology or stopping to think deeper about the situation. Nicholas's head ached, and Mikhail's emotions weren't exactly clear or easty to translate for him.

"I am doing that!" The Tsesarevich indicates, leaving the room, slamming the door. Another talk between father and son that was not very ... positive.



July 1, the number of striking miners in the United States drops from just over 500,000 striking miners to around 400,000 (among 26 of the 48 states).

July 3, journalist and editor Maximilian Harden (born Felix Ernst Witkowski) is assassinated by right-wing radicals in the Prussian Republic of Germany.

Although initially in his life Harden may have had conservative policies, he evolved to be highly critical of the values of the German right after the fall of the German Empire.

July 5, Getulio Vargas stands for the first time in the presidential elections in the Federation of Rio Grande do Sul, after starting his political career years ago.

Vargas is difficult to define on the political spectrum, but he is generally part of the 'populist' phenomenon in Latin America, which added elements from the left and the right (and unlike many, falling under the Russian influence and not the American or British influence). ).

Vargas will become president of the Rio Grande do Sul Federation in the late 20s and early 30s.

July 9, actor and athlete Janos (Johann) Peter Weissmuller, better known as Johnny Weissmuller, becomes the first person on record to swim 100 meters in less than 1 minute.

July 11, California's Hollywood Bowl amphitheater opens to the public for the first time.

July 14, an unknown militant within the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy carried out an attack against President Amadeo Bordiga. In the attack, three shots were fired at the vehicle where Bordiga was going.

The president survives, but it is clear that at this time the infighting within socialist Italy was quite large, paralyzing and delaying the country in many ways.

It was a regional situation between the hard-line communists and the leftist-reformist opposition, a situation similar to the conflict of interests and ideas that existed within the European Socialist Union between the People's Republic of France and the Free Republic of Germany.

Although we should not consider these conflicts a cause of ALL conflict within ESU.

The next day hard-line communists secure positions of power throughout the southern Federative Socialist Republic of Italy.

The plans of the Italian New Order to march north and on the country's capital continue.

July 18, Edwina Ashley and Lord Louis Mountbatten (son of Admiral of the Fleet and Prime Minister, Louis Alexander Mountbatten, 1st Marquess of Milford Haven) are married at St Margaret's (Westminster), being the high society wedding of the year.

A sign and propaganda about how everything was returning to normal, as the new civic-military dictatorship took hold in the country and the rebels were completely defeated.

By 1923, the opposition guerrillas had been effectively destroyed.

July 19, the Socialist Republic of Ireland holds its first major athletics competition (part of promoting certain values within the socialist project), particularly in this country cycling becomes very popular.

July 22, the United States and its sphere of influence signed the "Treaty 11", an 11-point treaty in which the United States begins to supervise almost all the financial departments of the countries associated with the treaty.

US companies controlled several of the vital assets of these countries, the United States controlled the volume of exports from those countries, and products manufactured in America had priority in the ratifiers of the Eleventh Treaty.

These countries or territories include: Federation of Central America, United Mexican States, Panama and Hispaniola.

Although of course, the United States intends to expand its neocolonial sphere in the future. In particular, the commercial importance of the United States in the Second Mexican Empire (Cuba) has increased dramatically after the death of Emperor Maximiliano in 1918.

As a result of US neo-colonial imperialism in the Treaty 11 there were some rebels, the best known being Comandante Augusto Nicolás Calderón Sandino (better known as Augusto Cesar Sandino), from the Nicaraguan parts of Central America.

July 27, first claims that we can qualify as 'Affirmative Action' in the Russian Empire.

The Circassians, one of the native peoples of the Caucasus, begin to make claims for the past Circassian Genocide (massacres of Circassian settlements by the armed forces of the Russian Empire, forced displacement and other crimes).

July 28, the government of the Imperial Federation announced a plan that would involve the expansion of hydroelectric generation plants throughout the federation (especially in Canada), with an expenditure of around 100 million pounds.

July 29, a young Walt Disney premieres the animated short Little Red Riding Hood.

July 31, the syndicates of anarcho-syndicalist inclination in favor of the government of Amadeo Bordiga launch a general strike, with the intention that the central government do something against the violence generated by the hard-line communists (in particular the followers of the general Benito Mussolini).

However, this project receives little public support, helping to discredit the leftist opposition and strengthening the position of the New Order.

Irish-born director, producer, writer and actor, Rex Ingram (sometimes called "the world's greatest director") premieres the adventure film 'The Prisoner of Zenda' in New York theaters.

August 1, great international economic recovery.

August 2, a typhoon hits the city of Swatow (now Shantou, Guangdong) in the Republic of China, killing around 60,000 people.

Death of Alexander Graham Bell, who is buried 2 days later.

August 4, at 6:25 p.m., at the time of Alexander Graham Bell's funeral, all telephone services in the United States are suspended for 1 minute.

August 6, President Bordiga and his allies plan the implementation of reforms in the military organization of the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy.

Partly because of the participation of hard-line figures within the military commissions and also because the parliament wants to avoid the development of a 'Bonapartism' within the Italian communist movement (a figure that comes to power after the revolution, through the armed forces).

August 11, chaos in the Italian parliament after the reform proposals in the army and the failed strike of the anarcho-syndicalists.

The anarcho-syndicalists insisted that their general strike failed due to the lack of militarization within the unions (that is, the workers were not sufficiently armed, a violation of Marxist principles in a certain sense, since the proletarians should not be under any circumstances. deprived of arms).

And of course the leftist opposition of reformists and anarchists proposes important reforms in the functioning of the armed forces. Seeking to remove from this role members of the Old Guard and members of hard-line Communism like Mussolini.

In essence, the anarcho-syndicalists proposed a greater militarization of the unions and the formation of worker-peasant militias as a replacement for part of the armed forces, while the anarchist-reformists called for a major reorganization of the personnel (a purge).

In response the conservatives, hardliners and members of the old guard of the Lazzari government shouted and made gestures of disapproval and anger.

Deputies associated with this hard-line bloc even drew weapons, leading to a closing session half an hour later.

Unfortunately Bordiga is unable to use this event strategically to topple, even a little, the opposition to his government.

August 13, after at least 100,000 miners left the strike in the United States, the Ford administration has some success in an assault and takedown strategy against the syndicates.

Further reducing the damaging influence of the strike against the Ford administration, although of course the 400,000 strikers do not disappear overnight (but they are dwindling over the weeks).

August 16, fires in northeast Minnesota leave at least six dead and hundreds homeless.

August 17, during these periods of prohibition in the United States, flasks become quite popular as a means of storing alcohol and conducting contraband on a smaller scale.

August 20, the European Socialist Union celebrates the 'Women's World Games' in Zimmerwald, as its name suggests it is a sports competition where women's teams from the socialist states participate exclusively.

If we talk about numbers of medals, the People's Republic of France takes the first place, Iberia takes the second position and Germany finishes in third place.

Racist attacks against striking Italian and Russian mining and railroad immigrants in the United States.

This after strikers derail a train in Gary, Indiana, killing an engineer and a firefighter, and wounding two messengers.

August 24, the KKK begins targeting white men who are vocal opponents of the movement, leading to some of the most notable criminal cases involving the KKK (prior to 1932-1933).

August 26, Ford's policies against strikes begin to be successful as the international market stabilizes again after the normalization of the situation in the Imperial Federation and the Russian Empire.

In the process there is an industrial boom, motivated in part by large projects and urban planning actively promoted by the Ford administration.

While these successes keep Ford popular, it is hard to say whether his National Republican Party could sustain itself for a longer period of time. For this reason, Ford and associates begin to discuss strategies to prevent a member of the S-CPUSA from becoming president in the future.

August 27, alcohol is banned in Sweden after a referendum.

Followers of the Swedish ultra-right under Adolf Hitler approve of this measure.

August 29, death of the French thinker-philosopher, Georges Eugène Sorel, from whom comes the idea of 'Sorelianism' (inspired by men like Proudhon and Marx).

The idea of Sorelianism did not have much popularity in the People's Republic of France, although after Sorel's death some "Sorelianist" clubs were created. Most of whom died after 1935-1943.

September 2, the Red-Black Front has important political victories in East Germany, after several liberals were forced (precisely pressured by right-wing militants) to abandon their positions in local governments.

September 3, the Norwegian government bans in all the country's cities (except the capital, Oslo) the sale of alcohol in all restaurants after 10 p.m.

According to observers at the time, a timid first step toward banning alcohol. After the ban referendum in Sweden won by a small margin (only 51% of those eligible to vote voted in favor).

September 6, the Hawai'i kingdom film and theater industry has its golden age, marked by an apparent rebirth of native Hawaiians, who can export their culture to some extent (although in many cases they must make certain changes to please to his foreign viewers).

September 7, important celebrations in the Empire of Brazil, as Brazil celebrates its centenary of independence with a twenty-one gun salute at midnight and military marches throughout various parts of the country during the day.

Although patriotism is not shared by all, it is an important date for the 'new' government of the country. Unified after bloody periods after the death of Dom Pedro II and the disastrous period of the Empress Elizabeth.

September 12, Paavo Johannes Nurmi, a citizen of the Russian Empire (more specifically the Grand Duchy of Finland), surpasses the world record in the 5000 meter race.

This occurs when Nurmi beats his opponents in the event with a time of 14 minutes and 35.4 seconds.

September 16, a march of more than 100,000 auto industry workers (of course Ford Motor Company workers) marches in various cities of the industrial centers of the United States, in great support of the Ford administration.

September 20, proposals to reform the measures implemented by the Clark administration during WW2, which would accelerate the process of economic benefits for veterans and would liberalize part of the American political situation, die in the United States Senate when they do not get the necessary votes to become laws.

September 21, the Imperial Fleet advances even more deeply in its planning for future military operations against Iberia in Gibraltar and against Russia in the Dardalenes.

And possibly against Ha'il in Suez, if the British fail to bring Suez under their control in some other way.

September 22, the Cable Act is passed in the United States.

Due to the Cable Act, American women who marry a non-citizen of the United States can retain her citizenship (if her husband was eligible to become a citizen).

Citizenship and immigration was (and to some extent still is, albeit with different connotations) a very important issue and deeply regulated by the federal government of the United States.

September 26, the United States government strengthens its position with the reinforcement of laws in favor of operations against alcohol smuggling in various parts of the United States of America.

September 28, marking a major victory and submission of various parts of Africa to the British crown, rebel leaders from North Africa and West Africa who had been in hiding or fleeing from the British for years (such as Mulai Ahmed er Raisuni, leader of a species Moroccan tribal confederation) surrender to the Imperial Federation.

While many viewed the civil war in the Home Islands as a moment of weakness, the British Empire had finally prevailed and successfully held out for the time being.