




A royal family simply means the king, the queen or emperor and all members of their family.

Peter was brought up by his parents in a royal family.As normal,after peter's parents passed

away,they left much wealth to him and since he was the only,he had to inherit the property."Now

that my parents have passed away,I have to take care of whatever property they left back to

me",peter said to himself.

Peter grew up and decided to marry.He was lucky to have a wife by the name grace.They lived a

happy life since they had everything they needed.Peter and grace were blessed with two kids

namely joy who was there first born girl and Daniel who was their second born boy. Joy and

Daniel were very happy since their parents were able to provide whatever they needed."Am

proud of my children",peter said to his wife grace."Me too"grace answered.

As normal,when a child grow up,he or she is supposed to join a school in order to

learn.Therefore,joy then joined pre-school and she worked hard until she was through with her

studies and she managed to do well.Joy's parents were happy and they decided to take a flight

to motivate their child joy."My sister,I will take flight with you and the rest of our family

members"peter said to his daughter joy."I will appreciate much dad"joy answered.Daniel was

very happy with how his parents did to his sister joy and he also decided to work harder in his


Peter's company was famous all over the country since they produced automotive spare

parts.The company had a manangement committee composed of the mananger,secretary and

other members of the company staff.Daniel was also promised that they also take him for a

flight,the same way they did to his sister joy."I will also take a flight trip with you my son"peter

said to his son Daniel.Daniel was so happy with what his father told him and again he asked his

parents,"Will you take me for a flight trip too?"