
logs of a wannabe serial killer

This is the story of a broken man who has lost so much and yet strives to survive amidst the danger and horror the world has to offer while fighting against foes of power and influence he has no clue about and yet must fight against if he wishes for even a chance of survival read about his logs and how his journey begins and maybe even ends

Writer_in_progress · Ficção Científica
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13 Chs

Log eight

I found her, she was surrounded by all sorts of materials suspended in air surrounded by a sort of cosmic aura that seemed to emanate from her entire body. She was so strong and yet so fragile as if this very aura was her life force so I accelerated. I felt everything slow down as my vision started to tunnel. I could feel every muscle in my body tense up as I prepared to take off as I started to release my own sort of aura of stars and I just took off. 

I ended up by her side and started trying to get rid of all the debris surrounding her using what little energy I had left from whatever this strange ability was. "your late ollie, what took you so long?" I was confused cause my name wasn't Ollie but I thought that maybe she got hurt but I didn't see any injuries on her so it couldn't have been that so what was it. I wish I had found out before I passed out. when I woke up again she wasn't their anymore and instead it was Juniper but younger but if this is my juniper then who was that? Maybe I was the one who hit my head so i asked june " hey june is their anything you can see that i might've injured, like my head?" and she started looking all around me to see if i really did have anything wrong with me but then out of nowhere she smacked the fuck out of the back of my head "thats for making me waste my time also why does it look like we're on the worlds craziest acid trip right now?" I hadn't noticed until that point that I was still letting out this weird aura of stars except that they all kept trying to gravitate to June as if they were trying to protect her. " uh, did you have any cause now would be a great time to share." This time I got punched for "being stupid" well how was I supposed to know she didn't mean that literally I mean we we're still in the middle of nothing short of hell so I'd love to convince myself that it was just some bad acid and not reality at the current moment.