
Locked in Your HEART

Life is all about family,friends& her passion for her work. An unexpected ̶i̶n̶c̶i̶d̶e̶n̶t accident changed it for good, making the past to face the present and turn down all the believes she had once. Zoey a interior designer by profession got herself into the heart of man who already had a broken one. Losing a loved one is more than enough for Nyle to detest life. He longs to get a glimpse of his only love. Dive into the story of Zoey Eden and Nyle Parker. One learnt to live a life while the other leaded it.

thereadingroom · Urbano
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15 Chs


After that incident the following days were normal for me. I was carried forward by work and waiting for weekends.

On Saturday retiring to bed I got a call from Evelyn, my sister ."Finally after ignoring me you had the heart to pick my calls "chirped her voice.

"Hey when did I ever ignored your call"

"After shifting there you rarely spend time with me ,why don't you come home "

"Yeah I'm trying to come but "

"See you ignored my words " she stroked me "Evelyn if I can I will run to you and you know that" I tried to coax her with my reasons.

"Hmm" she is just like this one time all loud and noisy the other time quite and silent.

"So how is Dad and Clare doing"

"They are doing fine" with a pause she added "You will not ask about Noah" I covered up saying I was about to ask that.

"He copies you. Like brother, like sister. Do you both think I'm idle here" she started her tantrums and I as usual listened nor like I had choice.

On working day I was asked to visit a psychic clinic. It was ran by Dr. Jaiden Kinsley, who approached LivLif to refurbish a part of their building.

Before I reach there Carol and some crew members were already waiting for me. I joined them ,we discussed some ideas and heard the requirement of Mr. Kinsley.

"So Mr. Kinsley I need to look for few more things. Our team will present the model at the earliest"

"No hurry Ms. Eden take your time. I had already waited for a whole month for your acceptance few more days won't hurt" he said humorously."Okay then Mr. Kinsley ,we're happy to work with you'' I shook hand with him and returned to our office to report Mr. Andrews.

Next day as well didn't surprise me ,I had lots of work in my head .First I headed to a couple's apartment and then to Mr. Kinsley's clinic. He was busy attending a patient so wasting no time I started my work by inspecting the painting's and color.

When the door of Mr. Kinsley's room opened I was welcomed by a face of a man who I started to hate in our first meeting ,it's also same the other way around.

"How dare you I told you not to show your face in front of me"

"It's not like I'm dying to come across you .I'm here for work "If before I was angry his next word made me rage. "Trespassing"

"Excuse me mind you words mister last time I let you go because the mistake was partially in our side but not now"

"Hey guys stop it " Mr. Kinsley intervened.

"Mr. Kinsley you should say the same to him"

"This women is testing my patience. Jaiden ask your security to take her out what are they doing. Useless" He was answered by Nathan "Nyle I hired her, she help's to renovate the clinic".

"Out of so many people you employed her. Let me warn you this women will barge inside and break your clinic."

"Mr. Parker don't poke your nose in my busines. Mr. Kinsley our team will explain the model when you are free. I will take my leave." saying that I made my way out .

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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