
The next morning

I woke up the next morning thinking how do I get out of this hospital, this bed? Just then the answer came.

My parents walked into the room. Mom said, "Annie, you can finally get out of here! The doctor said you still have to be careful though."

The doctor came in and took my IV out. As my mom did some papers at the front desk, and dad settled me into the car, all I could think of was getting back to Loaf.

I thought of the time when I was eating an apple and he was looking at me with puppy eyes. I couldn't control myself and threw one in the air for him to catch, and he caught it! It was just a catch, but Loaf looked so happy, like he surprised himself that he caught it.

Then the memory disappeared and I went back to reality.

When we got back home, dad parked the car in the exact same spot he always did, next to the huge shelf of sports gear that nobody uses and about thirty different dog leashes. We got out and I hobbled past the life-sized dog statue on the porch that my parents got for me last year. I stopped for a minute, wishing somehow the statue would come to life. My mom wrapped an arm around me and we went inside.

I waited after everyone settled down and changed into more comfortable clothes before getting into it with them. No one had even mentioned Loaf in at least a day. Why was no one worried about my dog and what Livia did to him? "I swear I saw Livia take Loaf, she threw these rocks at me and then she stole MY dog."

"We already went through this in the hospital," my mom spoke without looking at me while she folded the laundry. "The Fir's are some of our closest friends. We know you're upset, but don't blame her for this."

"Why do you trust Livia over me? I am your daughter!" I yelled at them.

"We all know how nice Livia is. She is such a good girl, she always helps us when we need it," Dad said.

"Livia is not how you think she is!" I screamed at them, and banged my fist on the table next to me.

"I don't want to hear any more from you, go to your room," Dad said.

I hobbled up to my bedroom and slammed the door.

I screamed in frustration and kicked my folded laundry with my good foot. What did I do to deserve this? Why do my own parents believe somebody else over me? I wanted to get all my rage out, but I knew if I did I might hurt someone's feelings.

I got out a sticky note and wrote, I hate you Livia, for stealing my dog. Then I erased it. Then I wrote it again, and erased it. I felt better, but not enough to stop writing I hate you. I knew it was rude, but stealing other people's dogs was also rude.

I was starving, so I couldn't really ignore everyone the way I wanted to. I could smell spaghetti wafting up from the kitchen and my stomach growled. When I finally went downstairs to eat lunch my parents seemed to have forgotten about the argument. As usual.

"You should go up and take a shower, get yourself ready," Mom said after I gobbled down my plate of noodles.

"Why?" I was too tired to argue much more than that.

"The Firs are coming over for a barbecue. They want to see you, make sure you are okay."

"You've got to be kidding me?" No one was listening. I couldn't believe this. I stomped back upstairs and locked my door. Maybe I could just sleep this day away. Within minutes, my mother banged on the door until I opened it.

"Get downstairs, now!" She rarely got angry with me. I knew she was serious.\

The moment Livia and I saw each other she rolled her eyes at me. I ignored her and turned to her parents. "Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Fir. Would you like something to drink?" I asked politely.

"No thank you," Livia's father said. "How are you, dear?"

"Why don't you ask your daughter?"

My mother glared at me and I headed back upstairs. I just put on my headphones to listen to some music. Livia must have followed me up and came into my room.

"Don't you ever knock before you come in?" I asked. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"My mom sent me up here to check if you are okay, not that I wanted to," she answered.

I didn't mention Loaf because I knew it was no use.I followed Livia downstairs, to where the adults were. "Ms. Fir, I am fine, I just feel dizzy sometimes. I'm sorry for being mean," I said.

"Annie, how about you and Livia head upstairs to play something while we talk for a while?" Mom said.

"Sure, Mrs. Never. I would love to play with Annie!" Livia said. I hated the way she always did what she was told with the adults, and the exact opposite with me.

The moment I closed the bedroom door, I let go of all my rage and yelled at Livia. "Why did you take Loaf away from me? He was my dog and he will always be my dog. I got two concussions because of you!"

"I am not returning him, and nobody will believe you if you tell anyone anyway," Livia answered.

I was furious. I knew she was right but I was still furious, "Get out."

"I'm staying right here," she said.

"Get out!" I repeated while pointing to the door.

"It's not like I wanted to be here in the first place." Livia said, and left.