
Meeting with the Demon King

Well, this looks like the place. I was invited to the palace of the demon king to talk to him about something so I guess they should be expecting me. The place is nothing like it was before. It used to be full of nothing but death, now it actually has grass growing. The facade of the place also has changed as it used to be dirty and full of veins growing out of it, but now it is clean and covered in white paint. No one who did not know of this place would think that the king of demons is living here.

As I walk up the stairs I see that there is a guard full armored from head to toe. From what I can sense he seems to be at master rank. So he nothing but just an ant compared to my grandmaster rank 9 self.

"Sir, your kind are not allowed in the castle."

"Actually I have been invited here. Take a look this is my invitation."

"Huh, this a coin from the demon king. Please come in."

The guard opened the door to the palace. Inside the palace was full of lights beautiful ornaments. This looked like the main hall, but it did not have that many people. I could see one lady behind a desk at the center of the hall and other demons like the one next to me.

"Please come this way."

I followed the demon who opened the door to the lady behind a desk.

"Mrs. Loorh could you please tell where this gentleman is supposed to go. He has an invitation from the king."

"What is your name?" asked the lady.

"I am Leo Riche."

"Mr. Hrobs please escort Mr. Riche to the meeting room."

"Alright, please come this way."

The fully armored guard took me to the staircase on the left side of the main hall. He looked back at me with a piece of paper in his hands.

"Um..sir. Could you please sign this? I am a huge fan of yours."

"Uh...what? I didn't expect to have fans, especially in the demon world."

"Oh yes, you do. Ever since you defeated the demon general named Breaker you have become a popular figure in the demon realm."

"Wow. I never thought that I would become popular because I killed the strongest demon general."

"Well, you are. Your *dimensional slash* move that can kill grandmasters in one shot is amazing. So please sign this"

"Very well then."

The guard continued taking me to the meeting room. When we finally made it to the room I saw a huge rectangular table and an open space the size of a dragon's nest with a large window.

I went to sit down at the center chair. The guard that escorted me had already left when I sat.

I get the feeling that this meeting may be a trap. It a good thing I brought this knife with me. I don't know what it does but the god of space-time told me to use it on myself if I felt that I was ever in danger of dying. I've never thought about using it until now.

From what know about the demon king, he stands at the pinnacle of existence, a grandmaster rank 10. Otherwise known as the ultimate grandmaster. I am a step below him at grandmaster rank 9. Although it is a step the difference between him and me is a mountain.

Suddenly the door opens, I can feel his magical presence. Though it does not make me feel pain, it does scare me. I quickly got up from my chair to face him.

"Sorry for being late. You must be the great "space slashing swordsman", Leo Riche."

The demon king looked nothing like I had imagined. He was young and slender. His height was frightening. He must be at least 220 cm tall. Compared to him I must be an ant.

"Um...yeah I am Leo Riche."

"Well. I am the demon king, Aster Morningstar."

The demon king took a seat across from me. I realized that he must be wearing his battle suit. Is he afraid of me?

"Do you know why I have called you here?"

"You said that it was to discuss the safety for the human clans."

"Yes. Recently it was brought to my attention that the beast king Langris was killed by you. Since the beast kings are mad they have asked me to deal with you."

"Langris was helping a traitorous clan. When the human clans asked the clan to be returned they were denied. I went to go talk to Langris as an ambassador, but in the end, I killed him and the whole traitorous human clan."

"The past cannot be changed, but your future can. The 2 other beast kings have told me to offer you a choice."

"What kind of choice?"

"Either die by my hands or join my kingdom. I will allow you to claim land here and start your own clan."

"If I join then the demon clan would be back to having 72 clans. I would have to serve you for the rest of my life."

"It's not like I could make you do something you did not want to."

This is a tricky situation. If I join the demon king, I could bring peace with the beast kingdom and the human clans. But if I join him that means that I have to remain in the demon realm and serve under him. If I don't join, I have to fight him.

I serve none. I'm gonna kill him and take the throne.

"Tell me something, the title of demon king held by the person who defeated the previous demon king."

"Yes. the title of demon king allows one to rule the demon realm but one does not need to be a demon to do so."

"So if I kill you I become the demon king right?"

"Yes. Does this mean you will fight me?"

"If I live or die the outcome will be the same for the human clans, but if I beat you and live my life might be worth living."

"You may be one of the strongest swordsmen, but you are definitely the worst decision ma-."

With no time to think. I pull out my sword at swing at him.

He disappeared. How?

I look behind me in an instant. He was behind?

"Shit. Fuck. Shit." I got cut!

I gotta try to close the wound. *Dark heal*

"I never thought that you would surprise me like that. Not letting a man finish his sentence."

This guy. How is he so fast?

"Now I am going to get serious, OK. So You should start using your space magic."

"Don't tell me what to do!!!"

*Dimensional Slash*

"What." exclaimed the demon king.

I think cut the demon king in the chest. I turn around to see if I actually did or not.

"Agaaaaaa" screamed the demon king.

I did it. He is on the ground.

*Holy Light*


He got up! Shit!

"You should have aimed for the head." said the demon king looking at me like I was nothing but a worm to him.

"Interesting. So your magical abilities are based on light?"

*dark field*

"I never thought that you would be talented at dark magic. But even if you take out the light from this room you still can't beat me."

Yeah, this dark field is only so that he slow down. But in terms of power, he is still stronger than me.

"In terms of swordsmanship you are definitely better, but in power, I am out of your league."

Dammit, I can only use *dimensional slash* one more time. I'm gonna switch my eternity blade to dark mode. The white sword that I had became all dark and lighter in terms of weight. This mode allows me to move faster but I lose the power to use any dark magic.

"So your sword also shapeshifts. Well then if you are going to switch yours I should switch mine."

The demon king's sword became a golden axe.

Ok. I don't know what that axe does, so the only way to win is through another *dimensional slash*. This time I'm gonna aim for the head!

"Hey, demon cunt. I'm gonna kill ya."

"Is that really your objective."

"What do you mean?."

"You used to be a person hell-bent on revenge against the previous demon king. You fought for my side during the great demon civil war. After my brother killed my uncle you disappeared to fight for humans in the beast war."

"So what's your point? I NEEDED to go fight the beastmen."

"My point is that you changed as a man. You used to be someone that saved others. Now you commit genocide of the beastmen and humans. You saved many demons when you killed Breaker. Now you want to become the demon king. For what? Just so you don't have to serve anyone? Do you know why you could not become an ultimate grandmaster?


"You couldn't humble yourself."

What the fuck is this fucker talking about?

"That stance you have. Are you gonna use the same move?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"I think I figured it out. That move of yours cuts through matter and teleports you to your enemy."

"How did you figure it out?"

"It's simple. When you attacked me I could not cut you even though I saw you."

"Wanna test that theory out?"

*dimensional slash*

Here I come. I just gotta cut him.

*blinding light shield*

"I just have to shield your move." Said the demon kingdom


"Pant...pant.I can't believe it you broke my shield and my axe. But now you are on the ground and dead."

It looks like it time to use that knife.





Where am I?

"Mr. Riche please be quiet. If you need to go to the bathroom you can do so."

I'm just trying things out. If you would like critique any thing to my writing, please do. (style,tone, grammar, ect.)

This story will be about Leo's adventure from his perspective. I am not happy with this chapter, so expect edits later.

Anyway, please feel free to review the story and add your thoughts about it.

Varuascreators' thoughts