
Living my day to day with my favorite Creepypastas.

It was a normal year, or it was supposed to be a normal year until 3 new students showed up ... Then everything would be about to change ... (Note: this is my first time posting a story here so I apologize if I hear any kind of error. I don't have any characters except the main protagonist. The story of some characters is based on the story that their creators (it's not me ) gave it to them, even though I changed some things so it wouldn't look the same.)

RinKagamine234014 · Outros
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41 Chs


This is not a chapter of the story, I just want to give a warning. At the beginning when I started to write the story, I tried to publish a chapter every day but that will not be possible (just look at the dates I published the chapters written so far and I have had to post with average time frames), I have school and I get there too late, sometimes I have creative blocks, so the days I'll try to publish a chapter will be:

- Wednesday afternoon (sometimes)

- Saturday and Sunday

I don't know if I will be able to respect those days ↑ always, because the test season is approaching, but I will try.