
Living in my Favorite Worlds

ATG Fanfic

Fanfic_Lover_8921 · Livros e literatura
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5 Chs

New Race

After that, Gu Xiao still didn't get up, instead he just took out the Eternal Calamity of Darkness and began to study it.

As he already expected, this technique is equally powerful and incomparable compared to the Miracle of Life.

Gu Xiao then began to cultivate it. At first there was nothing strange, but suddenly...


In his body, Gu Xiao felt a slight impact, the technique ran smoothly through his body initially, but it began to react suddenly, this happened when both the Life Maker's bloodline and the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor's bloodline began to collide together. with the other. . .

At this moment, Gu Xiao's body began to tremble fiercely, Gu Xiao felt his throat sweet.


He then vomited blood, followed by several uninterrupted coughs.

"Shit, shouldn't this Chaotic Body allow me to possess both bloodlines? Gu Xiao at this moment wondered while cursing, he looked helpless.

It was then that he tried to concentrate, stopping trying to cultivate the Eternal Calamity of Darkness for now. Looking within himself, Gu Xiao focused on his Chaotic Body.

"You are the most special and powerful physique in existence, it is not possible that two divine bloodlines can suppress you. Show me what you are capable of." Gu Xiao muttered as he entered his subconscious.

"And this...?" There Gu Xiao saw something, it was something like a stone tablet, it looked very old, perhaps as old as the first creation, but it was still in great condition.

This stone tablet contained several ancient characters, although they were unknown, Gu Xiao seemed to be able to read them perfectly.

"From Chaos everything arises, to Chaos everything returns, Chaos is Everything, Chaos is also Nothing, as well as the Void, also as Infinity. This is the Chaotic Body, born directly from Chaos, with it I will be unstoppable."

Gu Xiao, who seemed to have entered a trance, uttered a few words, then the stone tablet lit up with golden light.

"Urhgg" Then Gu Xiao felt tremendous pain and discomfort, it was as if his body, bones, blood and flesh were going to be destroyed at any moment, he couldn't help but groan in pain.

Inside his body, his blood was boiling, at this moment the two opposing bloodlines seemed to fight incessantly as if they wanted to devour each other.

And then a sort of mass of colorless energy seemed to intervene, the bloodlines stopping at this moment, causing Gu Xiao's pain and discomfort to decrease considerably.

Consequently, this caused him to enter a state of suspended animation, even his body began to float a meter away above the ground.

Then both bloodlines seemed to unite with that mass of strange energy, and then they began to mix. Some indeterminate time later, both seemed to have merged into one, giving rise to a new lineage.

"Huh, am I alive?" Gu Xiao then woke up, his first reaction was undoubtedly surprise.

"And this one?" Before he could think much, his mind was invaded by a lot of new information.

"Fiendcelestial Bloodline. Half God, Half Demon, the perfect state of Yin and Yang, the perfect existence. My cultivation seems to have advanced again, 6th level of the Nascent Profound Realm."

Immediately Gu Xiao studied his current state, noticing that he had become considerably stronger, but despite appearing satisfied, he was still not complacent.

"Not bad, but it's not enough, I'm still very weak, but this innate talent of controlling Light and Dark freely is very convenient."

Gu Xiao, who had just reached a conclusion, couldn't help but extend both his hands and use both the laws of Light and Darkness at the same time in each.

Gu Xiao, like everyone else, was amazed at the power of healing and purification, coming from the law of Light, and also the power of corruption and destruction, coming from the law of Darkness.

"Huh, my Dragon Marks have also reached 13, my physical strength can easily be compared to an Middle True Profound Realm cultivator."

As he thought. Gu Xiao noticed a new gain, this time in his physical strength, thanks to the cultivation technique.

After that Gu Xiao closed his eyes again, still maintaining the lotus position. He seemed to be thinking.

"Okay! I'll continue with the original plan, and then I'll head towards New Moon City. I don't want to see that guy's wedding with that ice doll, it's a few days away, maybe seven, maybe less, I didn't pay attention to that."

After some time thinking, Gu Xiao jumped up while exclaiming, he then uttered a few words while thinking out loud, and prepared to leave that cave.

Once outside, Gu Xiao continued to search for caves, now at a much greater speed than before, soon a few hours had passed.

Gu Xiao who had already covered a large area was panting slightly, even though he is a cultivator, he is quite far from the strong, so running at full speed for hours will tire him.

"This is tiring, should I forget about it? I've already checked dozens of kilometers of area, and I haven't found anything." Seeing that it would not be fruitful to continue like this, Gu Xiao began to make his way back to the cave where he had spent the last few days.

"That is?" Gu Xiao who was making his way back, suddenly noticed something, a few hundred meters away there is a different direction, he felt several presences.

"There are at least dozens of people there. And I can't feel their cultivation bases, damn it!" Gu Xiao stopped and tried to probe them while standing in the same place, surprising himself and then cursing.

It turned out that in addition to having many people, several of them were very strong, with this Gu Xiao realized, these people are at least the people of the Divine Phoenix Empire, so he realized that he had already failed in his first plan.

"Even if it's not them, it's too risky to approach, I should just get out of here, right?" Gu Xiao thought secretly as he faced that direction. Gu Xiao then had no other reaction if he didn't get out of there as quickly as he could.

A few moments later...

Two figures appeared right where Gu Xiao briefly stopped. They were both men, looking to be somewhere between 40 and 50 years old. Both wore red robes, they also contained phoenix designs in gold. these were high quality clothes, if Gu Xiao saw them, even if it was the first time, he would know for sure which force they belonged to.

"So, are you sure you felt a presence here? It seems to me like no one has been here." One of them asked while stroking his beard.

"Humph, Feng Yuji, don't underestimate this old man, I know I felt a presence here, it was just a mouse in the Nascent Profound Realm, what's surprising is that he left so quickly." The other man responded with a slight snort, he didn't like having his detection ability being questioned.

"Huh? Feng Yuan, are you going senile? Nascent Profound Realm? Impossible, right? He couldn't run away before we get here." The old man named Feng Yuji said in a surprised tone.

"Don't state the obvious, why do you think I'm surprised? Either way it doesn't matter, he doesn't seem to be around. Let's double our vigilance." The old man called Feng Yuan said in response, there was a bit of hesitation in the tone of his voice.

'I hope I'm not losing my abilities, what would become of my family branch if I lost my usefulness? I don't even want to imagine what would happen.' Feng Yuan thought as he remembered something.

"Well, I won't provoke you, a rat in the Nascent Profound Realm appearing and disappearing in the blink of an eye is worrying, in this mission there can be no mistakes, let's go back." Feng Yuji said as he turned and flew away to where he was previously, Feng Yuan just nodded and followed closely behind him.