
Chapter 181 The Storm

Dark clouds rolled in suddenly, and just as Bi Fang realized what was happening, the sun was already obscured.

The white-hot lightning cleaved the sky, and Étienne felt as though the bolt had split his mind as well, leaving a void.

Fear, like a cold snake, slithered from the bottom of his heart, spreading to every limb. He wanted to pull the control stick to land the plane, but his body seemed frozen, moving even a finger was impossible.

The wind grew stronger, and the geese started to struggle in flight, wavering, desperately trying to keep on course.

Bi Fang pressed down on Étienne's shoulders, stopping the shaking. From his vantage point, the shallow gray sea was tumultuous, as if giant sea creatures were about to break the surface, waves several meters high crashing against the cliff below, while the light from a distant lighthouse monotonously swept over the sea.

Étienne's tongue was tied, his teeth chattering, "Maybe we should... should go back..."