
Live life to the fullest as an extra!

Robert top fucking dies and gets transported to a novel. As an extra? No way!!

RobtopGames · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Well that happened...

I was just about to reach my college when I suddenly saw a truck coming towards me as I crossed the road. I immediately jumped backwards , thinking I was safe when I suddenly got hit by another car... Yea, either I was just having really bad luck today or my destiny had finally caught up to me

Oh right... I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Robert Top. I have been chasing for my dream for as long as I can remember, studying, working.

I never knew my parents, they left me at the orphanage and I was forced to fend for myself and my future. That is why I have been working hard, studying, trying to achieve my little piece of happiness where I would live in a small flat, have enough food, wi-fi and a good computer and work a 9 to 5 and play games at home during holidays and when I came back from work. If only I knew that life did not want me to be happy back then.. I would have gave up a long time ago.

Lying on the road, all I could see was the sky and the sound of screams coming from people next to me.I cannot feel anything, only the cold road and the lights of the city Iliuminating the surroundings cover my senses.

'Did I live? Was I happy?...' I could only think of the obvious when I asked myself that question 'I wasn't '

"I..I am ok nothings wr..wrong with me"

It was after I said those words that I saw a bright light shining from above, it was so bright that I had to close my eyes..

When I opened my eyes all I could see was white, slowly fading revealing a small room.

The room has little decorations but it was filled with fancy sci-fi things which looked very futuristic.

"Wher- Where am I?

I looked out a nearby window and saw a futuristic metropolis which was as big as new york, it looked very familiar to me like I saw this in a book somewh-

My mind paused as I thought for a second,

'All I could remember was dying on the road, closing my eyes and being in a room in a familiar cit- Could it be? Was I dreaming or had this really happened?'

After thinking for some time, my mind came to a final conclusion that I had somehow transmigrated to a novel, more specifically....

My novel that I had made a long time ago.

How this happened I don't know but all I do know for sure is-


The phone that is on the table rings, It shows a message reading:

"All students transferring to Aeon Academy, report to the school tomorrow at 9:00"

'As I have gotten a second chance from who knows? I would live my life to the fullest in my novel as an extra!'

Author's notes:

Yea I am the creator of the hit game Geometry dash, if you're wondering why I'm making novels even though I am so succesful is that I am a monely loving guy and I accidently made my game too cheap lol (I am not Robert toppala) also this is my first chapter in my first novel yea... If you have any complaints comment them and I will read it after school I guess.