
Live a life! Hunting throughout the multiverse

A man from earth gets a chance to go to heaven Or fight monsters. Of course he picks the option to fight monsters.

MachinaOnTheMoon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


Fair distance away from Smith's Grove State Hospital,

"I can't reception on this thing ever since the antenna was bent at the car wash."

A older man grumbled, fiddling with his cars radio as he drove on the empty road in front of him. It was already late into the night and he really wanted to listen to something else then his sons constant talking.

"Imagine if they had won last week. They got hit with the 18th-ranked offense, but they totally got wrong ball protection. They had season-worst marks of negative-eight rushing yards, 295 total yards and five turnovers. Randall scored twenty-eight points off those, including 21 in the decisive second half..."

His son had been talking his ear off non-stop for the past 30 minutes, he really wanted him to stop but he didn't have the heart to tell it to his son. He could only nod his head to whatever his son was talking about. He was deep in thought, only to get snapped out of it by his sons paniced voice.

"Dad, look out!"

The dad was barely able to step on the brakes of his truck, forcing his truck to a hard stop. He stared at what had stopped him and his son, his eyes widened in shock

What stood in front of the truck was a man in a haunted patients gown standing in the middle of the road looking at them. A hint of insanity deep in his eyes.

"What the hell...?"

"Dad look!"

The father turned to where his son was pointing at. The father saw what could only be several people in patient gowns on the side of the road, and a transport bus just off the road near a thicket of trees, it's emergency lights blinking in the darkness.

"Stay here Lumpy. I'll check it out. "

"Dad don't!"

The father wasn't stupid, he grabbed a flashlight from the glove-box of his truck and a rifle from his gun rack and exited his truck.

Taking a few steps from his car, the father yelled out to the people all scattered on the road.

"Hey! You okay? You fellas all right? Want some help out here?"

The son quickly called 911 as his dad tried to talk to the strangers. The original man that had stopped them wandered away, as another one slapped the glass of his window and smiles. The son quickly shook his head 'no'.

"Yes? Hello? Yes. There's been an accident or something... There's a bus. People running around in the road... Lemme check."

"Yeah. Looks like mile 227. Yes, that back road just past Old Willard Bridge. My dad went to look. I don't know-- Hold on. I'll go check..."

The son quietly opened his door, slowly getting out of the truck. Only silence greeted him as he look around.


All the people are gone.

No sign of his father.

The son reached back in the truck and grabbed a second rifle. Quickly, he walked across the tall grass of the empty field toward the bus.

Suddenly an arm reaches out of the grass and grabs the boy by the ankle. The son looked down to see a near lifeless body of a man with his arm outstretched.


The son reached down to check on the bloodied man.

" The police are on their way. What happened here? Where's my dad?"

The man coughed up some blood, clearly trying to tell the boy something but couldn't.

"I'm sorry but I can't undersatnd what you said."

The man in response only coughed up more blood.

The son slowly got up from the man, turning away.

"Wait here, I'll get my dad."

As the son left, the man could only weakly look in the direction of where the son went.


Of course, the son couldn't here the mans weak warning, the son continued to get closer to the bus. Aiming his rifle, the son called out for his dad.

"Dad? Dad!"

The son took aim as he stepped toward the open door of the bus, only yo be greeted by the sight of the dead driver. Stepping onto the bus, the son suddenly looked behind him. A man slowly got up from beneath the bus seat.

"Don't shoot."

That was the only thing said before the son shot the man in the shoulder with no hesitation, sending him falling to the ground.

"Aw fu-!"

The son in a panic, sprinted back to his fathers truck. Quickly climbing in, the son tries to turns the key in the ignition.

Yet that was as far as the son got.

From behind him, A horrifiying shape suddenly appeared inside the truck, grabing the son by the throat.

POV change:

A bright light blinded me for a moment, before dying down. Opening my eyes, I felt a strange senstation flowing through my body and my mind.

I looked down at myself, seeing 2 well tailored sleeves on my arms.

"Huh, guess the preset comes with the suit to?"

A esquiste looking suit was now covering my body, I felt a bit weird with it on as I've only worn a suit like 3 times in my life.

After messing with the suit for a second, I finally decided to look around in the area I was in, it was only a run down alleyway but my mind was already thinking. What were the best escape routes, best areas to ambush someone, where would be the best location to hide, it was all in my mind now.

{Preset fully syched with the user, preset ready for full optimal useage.}

"So the sensation I felt earlier was the preset syching?"

{Correct. Once the preset is fully sychned, all information about the preset will be directly loaded into thr hosts mind.}


All this new knowledge was in my mind yet it all felt so natural, like it was always in my mind.

'It's still a weird idea that all this is in my mind now.'

Letting out a slight sigh, I made my way out of alley and out through the opening.

I was greeted to the sight of a what looked like a strip mall, one of the last things I couldn't have expected to see.

"Well, might as well see what's up with that. I am kinda hungry so maybe I can get a bite?"

The cold night air brushed against my hair as I made my way towards the strip mall.

"Fuck, it sure is cold right now. Why did it have to be nighttime when I got transfered here?"

I wished for some type oof answer from the system but got cold slience, I don't really know what I was expecting.

Soon enough I managed to get inside the strip mall, greeted with a bit of warmth to the cold I'd been dealing with.

"Let's see, what they got to eat up here?"

A bunch of randomly lit restaurants greeted me, all with people going in and out of them.

"Ok so we have Chinese, Burgers, Mexican, random sandwhich shops, and Italian on the menu tonight."


Crossing my arms together, I tried to think of what I wanted to eat tonight.

I felt people staring at me weridly, and who'd really blame them? I was a random guy standing at the entrance of a strip mall with in a fancy suit. How many people would see that on a daily?

It didn't help I was indecisive as shit, a trait that I struggled with ever since I was kid. I needed to use strange methods on choosing something, such as what I'm about to do right now.

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...."

If a person walked passed me right now they'd think I was some weirdo for saying a childrens nursery ryhme out loud, but it works! They just don't know that yet.

"Catch a tiger by it's toe. If he hollers, let him go..."


My finger landed on where the Italian resteraunt was located.

"Guess we dining on pasta today."

Making my way to the resteraunt, I caught something pretty interesting from the corner of my eye.

Allyson Nelson.

The grandaughter of famous Laurie Strode.