
Little Touch

Night always brings peace and happiness to every human being. However, what if your night turns to horror and restlessness. When death begins to lurk from behind the dark night, draws blood and makes you a bloodthirsty vampire. Alan is a vampire who is trying to find the main culprit named Hector who turns him into a vampire. He must fight and destroy his own colony, he hates himself as a bloodthirsty demon. Everything becomes chaotic, when a human Nayla enters his life. Alan fell in love with her. His life journey to kill his enemy, Hector is full of twists and turns until he is trapped in the Guild of Three Races, namely, vampires, humans/weirds, and werewolves. Interspersed with various romance dramas and blind jealousy, until finally they together eliminate the differences between the three races to kill their enemy Hecror. Can Alan stick to his mission of destroying the vampire colony? Or it was Alan himself who turned Nayla into a vampire like him. Check out the full story on Webnovel!

syafrida_wati06 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Unknown Enemy

Arriving in the forest, Alan stood on the top of a tall pine tree, gazing at the night that was about to turn to morning. He doesn't care if the sun burns him.  However, the sun was reluctant to burn it. He had read on the internet that vampires would die with sunlight, garlic, holy water, and so on.

 He had tried, but all to no avail.  All of that just made him feel tingly and hard to breathe for a while after that he was fine. Alan had spent hours enjoying the beautiful panorama from the top of the tree he darted into the house.

 He was afraid that Gwendolyn would nag all the time if he didn't sleep. All vampires know they never sleep.

 Alan pretended to be lying on his bed, closing his eyes.  Gwendolyn entered the room and woke her up.

 They are like humans with all the lies.  However, they enjoyed it.

 They showered and sat at the dining table as if enjoying the food there.  However, no one touched it,

 "Alan, be careful! Don't go anywhere. Look, on YouTube and TV they broadcast that we've been burnt."  Andre looked at Alan.

 Alan just nodded his head trying to obey his father.  Alan looked and fiddled with his fork, "All right, Pap!"  he replied.

Alan returned to the room and darted through the bedroom window running fast through the Alaskan Forest.  He sat pensively on a branch, he saw several mountain climbers walking uphill, "Why did they enter this dense and dangerous forest?"  thought Alan.  He tried to hide by jumping behind trees like a chameleon.

 Three women and 2 men were climbing and laughing, making their tents.  Alan remembers many things of beauty and happiness while doing that.

He saw a woman there, a beautiful woman wearing a blue shirt.  Was trying to boil water in a kettle over a bonfire.

 Alan watched the five from their hiding place.  It was as if he was following their camp. Night fell, the howling of wolves and forest animals began to shout.  Alan was afraid to approach them, he had fasted for a long time.

 So he left them and looked for a game.  He found a deer, he found no other animal,

 "I think this deer is enough for me. I haven't eaten in a week," he thought.

 Alan darted as fast as he could at the prey and sucked its blood.  Once satisfied he sat down and relaxed on the tree enjoying his quiet life.  He heard a noise, from the west.  He smelled some vampires running around and chasing something there.

 Alan darted as fast as he could to see what was going on.  He saw the female vampire and her four best friends.

 While feasting on the blood of the five camped climbers, Alan gasped at the sight. He had only left them for a second, but misfortune had befallen them.  The bitterness in Alan's heart, he didn't want other Alans to feel bitter in this life.

 He shot at the woman who had just enjoyed her prey.  slashed the head off with its claws.

 The four male and female vampires ran towards Alan, "What are you doing? Is that human you're after?"  shouted the beautiful woman in front of her with brown hair. Alan was just silent, he was too lazy to talk to a vampire who had no conscience.  They only put forward the desire and impulse of bloodlust.

 "Are you deaf and dumb? Answer the question!" shouted the man as big as a sun bear.

 Again Alan was silent.  The four vampires immediately attacked Alan with their ferocity.

However, Alan counterattacked with his scalpel-sharp nails and let out flames burning them.

The vampire's screams of death pierced the darkness of the night.  Alan didn't expect another group of vampires to attack him. Alan had to tangle and hit a pine tree.  The tree trunk was ripped apart and his hoodie drooped, revealing a handsome face behind his golden eyes.

 "Who is this young vampire?" asked an older man.

 Alan does not know who the man is, he is still relatively young at the age of 500 years. Too many vampires that are thousands of years old.

They possess extremely extraordinary strength.  Alan looked at them "Did they come to the party or kill my family?" thought Alan.

 He telepathizes to the Thompson family, "Pap, get out of the house with Mom. A group of vampires I don't know are entering the forest," Alan ordered.

Andre, who was repairing his m60-type weapon, immediately put a silver bullet into the sleeve and his gun.

 "Gwenny! Gwenny!" he shouted.  Gwendolyn appeared lightning fast by his side.

 "Alan said, 'There's a group of vampires entering the forest, with their troops. Get ready!"  said Andre.

 The two of them shot lightning-fast towards the forest where Alan was.  Instead of moving away, they headed towards their son.

 They don't want to lose any more family, they have been cast out of their family. No, they are the ones who avoid meeting with their families until their families die. The two of them saw Alan still fighting with the group of vampires who ganged upon him. Alan has incredible strength.

 However, if he was ganged up with vampire elders he would not be able to fight back. Andre shot his silver gun, so did Gwendolyn. They don't want to waste their energy.

 Dor!  Dor!  Dor!

 Shots hit the vampires, they saw blood pouring from their bodies and a second later smoke covered their bodies and burned them. The old man as a vampire elder screamed in anger, he jumped as fast as lightning at Andre.  He clawed his long nails, touching Andre's body.  Making Andre lose his hand.

Gwendolyn screamed in rage, "You bastard!"  shouted Gwendolyn, attacking with all her might.

 Gwendolyn was thrown into a tree, the impact shattering the tree.  Alan shouted in the other corner.

 "Mom!"  he shouted, jumping up and grabbing the head of the vampire's neck.  He tore and burned it.

 Making the remaining hordes of vampires scatter.  Alan and Gwendolyn quickly landed on Andre's body.

Gwendolyn handed her the serum from behind her blue backpack.  Gave it and poured it into Andre's mouth, making his hand pop back from his shoulder.

 "Oh, thank goodness!"  Gwendolyn said.

 "Alan, what else did you do to make them attack you?"  Gwendolyn shouted angrily.

 "I didn't do anything Mom. They killed 5 mountaineers while I was hunting deer.

 "I killed them and they flocked to attack me!"  replied Alan.

 He felt guilty for bringing his family into all of this.  Alan told Andre telepathically to get the two out of the house.

 Staying away from all this, but his family caught up with him instead.

 He is also grateful without his family.  He may have died to ashes, while his revenge against Hector has not been avenged.

 He wanted to kill Hector so that all the vampires on this earth disappeared.  That's what he's read and heard.

 If you kill the initial vampire that bit you, then all the vampires you bite and become contaminated with will die as well.