
Chapter 7 - Fire melts Ice

Qu Wren softly moaned and blinked awake. "D—Diago..... Why is it.... so hot....." he whined, pulling at his lapels.

Diago panicked. "Wait, wait," he swiftly tied another piece of ice shard and send it his way. "Keep that on your forehead. We have to bring down your temperature,"

"Wren mumbled something and held the ice to his forehead. The ice melted immediately. That's when he realised that how hot his body was.... "What's wrong with me? Why...."

"Idiot, you drank something else when you surfaced," Diago growled with a frown. His brother had always been silly, but yesterday's fiasco almost killed him. Sighing he whispered, "here, cool yourself more," he sent over more ice shards.

Qu Wren nodded and took it carefully in his hand. The ice slowly melting down with just a touch. "how did you get ice in the warm tides?,"

"Yea, I forgot, Qu wren can I stand up. Hachin..... he needs you,"

Wren frowned. "Why, what's wrong with him?" seeing his brother's downcast face, a small dread arose in his heart. "Brother, tell me, what is wrong with him?"

"He is sick as well. But I think you might be able to help"

"H—how. How?" Wren worriedly whispered.

"You..... Can you walk?" Diago gently held to stick near to him. "Try standing, I need you to go to him,"

Qu Wren pulled himself up tiredly. His lowers stomach burned as if it was on fire. He moaned and whimpered. "It hurts...." he cried, leaning over tiredly.

"Oh lord, where does it hurt? Wren, answer me. Does your stomach hurt? Wait, I'll get you some medicine," Diago urgently ran to their medicine counter. There were small shriveled up herbs and kelp tied together. He swiftly pullet a bundle out and ran to him. His brother had already leaned over, holding his stomach. "Wren... Wren, listen try eating this..."

"no... it hurts.. Brother. It hurt so badly. It's like.... the fire is coursing through my bones and veins.... it burns!!" Qu Wren shivered on the floor. The heat on the bottom of his stomach slowly travelled throughout his body. It burned through his flesh and his bones.

Diago could not hold on anymore. He ran into the inferno like room and gently held Qu wren by his shoulders. His hands slowly burned as his skin was being boiled by the heat. Holding back his scream, he lifted his brother rover his shoulders. "it... I will be fine.. you will get better. Just hold on,"

He swiftly swam over to the opposite house. He pushed the broken door away and pushed Wren inside Hachin's room. "Wren, you feel that. Is your heat okay?"

Wren moaned, but his pale face had slowly regained some colour.

Diago bit his lips and gently placed his brother on the bed. His room was freezing cold thankfully it helped sooth his slightly burned body. "Baby brother, do you feel good? Hachin is next to you. Can you see him?" Wren nodded gently. "Listen kiddo, I will go ask the clam doctor for some more herbs for you both. Wait here okay. Be good, Hachin is sick as well."

Qu Wren withered and glanced to his right. Hachin laid there with his eyes frozen shut. Even his fan like lashed was frozen in the edges. "ha...chin... what's wrong with you," he lifted his tired hands and gently placed it on his face. Soon his frozen face melded and his pale face slightly regained life. "Wake up... see I'm touching you. Why aren't you beating me up, huh?" he patted his cheeks.

Hachin whimpered and rolled closer to him. His eyes slowly started tearing up a silvery liquid. He whined and hugged Wren's waist tightly. "Don't go..... Don't go"

Wren hugged him as well, gently patting the back of his head. Hachin's body was cold as the ice shard. "I won't go anywhere. Shh... sleep,"

Hachin slowly opened his eyes and peered up at him. "Wren~ Wren," he cried, hugging him tighter. "Is this a dream.... you are hugging me... is this really a dream?"

Qu Wren chuckled. "It's not. I am really here,"

As soon as he said that, Hachin moved away from him with a soft blush. "W—what are you doing in my be—bed?" he looked around to confirm that it was indeed his Wren room. He moved even further away from him, but his body weirdly started to freeze. "It's... cold,"

"Come close," Qu Wren whispered with a small smile. "I am sick Hachin, I'm too hot....."

"what!!" Hachin swiftly got close and touched his forehead it was weirdly hot driving away the coldness in him. "You are so hot... what is wrong? Why are you so hot?"

"I am naturally hot," Wren tried to joke with him but Hachin suddenly blushed coral red and turned over, showing him his back.

"Idiot, it's not funny,"

Seeing his cute behaviour, Wren gently hugged him from the back. "It is, though. It's fun teasing you,"

By the time Diago ran back with the herbs, his little brother and Hachin had already slept deeply. Even snoring a little. Standing by the doorway, he sighed loudly. "They are okay now. But what if their condition worsens?"

Big shout out to Jhanie, aionbaby, apple jack, for all te votes annd comments <3

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