The spirit ship sailed faster than the sound, leaving behind only a small trail in the clouds. Feng was at the deck controlling it. With his meager spiritual energy, he was not able to maintain the controls for long. They had a lot of spiritual stones though. He fed one stone every minute into the ship to have a smooth sailing trip0.
Wren who was holding Bai Wren glanced at his mate. "so where are we going?"
"Take a guess?"
"How about we go to someplace warm and with a lot of good food? I want to try a lot of hot pots. Oh, I miss spicy hot pots and skewered meat." The dragon whispered and licked his lips.
Feng glanced at him. "I'm sure the place we are going has food. what is your name again?
"it's Thou Hui, you guys can call my tho." He said with a bright smile. "So is the food good at this mysterious place you mentioned?"
"You get …. loads of fish, crabs… and a few seals. And whale meat if you are lucky," Feng whispered with a small sigh.