
Chapter 166 - The winds have turned

Xu Da Ping pushed and pushed, but the task was very difficult. The dragon's two horns were lodged into the cave's roof and they just pieced deeper as much as he pushed him.

As he was pushing, he felt the ground tremble even more. a sense of anxiety arose in his heart. They had to get the dragon involved as fast as they can.

But how can we move him?

Panting, he stood there looking at the dragon. It was haughtily looking at him.

Suddenly a small thought arose.

"um.... you.. you said you can change to your human form after you signed a contract right?"

The dragon's eyes went wide. "oh..." suddenly there was a huge poof of smoke and there stood before him a blue-haired man. His hair was deeply blue, like the ocean. There were two small horns on his forehead. His red pupils fell on him. "You didn't need to remind me... I always knew. Just wanted to test your strength." He said awkwardly adjusting his long coat.