
Chapter 141 - The deatah trap

Feng sighed softly after he had peed on the side of a tree. "Okay the baby is back asleep and we are ready to go," he caressed his big tummy as he walked out from behind the tree.

Wren and Xu Da Ping were standing there distractedly looking at something to his right.

"What are you guys looking at?"

He curiously joined them.

To their right was a huge canyon. It looked deep and stretched for miles. It was covered in rich forestation and beautiful yellow wildflowers. To be host it looked very beautiful.

He also noticed the shining cube was moving in that direction.

"Why are we standing here hesitantly? The cube is showing us the right direction," he glanced at both of them.

Xu Da Ping stood behind them blocking their way. "It's dangerous down there,"

"Huh? You said this space did not have any dangers,"