
Little Rebel

Meet Bellatrix knight. She is a bright and charming girl with overprotective brothers. They can do anything for their princess. But when she was kidnapped at the age of eight. She was tortured. She lost her memories. They make sure, to kill all her happy memories. Her family saved her at the age of ten, after three years. She didn't remain the same as before. She changed. Those monsters changed her. She is broken. She is hurt. She is angry. She was sent to live with her aunt Lexi Montana. Her life gets up and down again when her one and only aunt Lexi decided to send her back. She gets taken back by her family. That's not enough. She doesn't want her family back. She hates them for not taking her responsibility. " Just wait and watch. " she thought before opening the door. "You will regret," she smirked. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Jen_kings · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 1

"Sometimes its good to cry, to lose yourself in an ocean of unhappiness, its better than having no emotions at all... "

~ Bella




The beautiful world where we live with our family. The only people who care and love us. The people who are close to us. They are supposed to protect us. They are always there for us. The only people whom we trust with our life. Really. Then what the fuck that is.

Wondering why I said that then hear, I don't have a family they abandoned me back then. They left me when I was ten. I live with my aunt Lexi. She is so caring and she loves me but doesn't mean she is a good person. Trust me if looks can kill then most of the people would have died. Her anger is something not to get messed with.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a sharp pain on my jaw. Then realisation hit me as this boy hit me hard. I am middle in a fight. I didn't want time, kicking him down on the ground I punched his face repeatedly. When he doesn't show any movement, I stood up looking up at the unconscious boy. Within the second's kids around me starts cheering loudly.

" Bella."

"Bella is the best"

"No one can mess with her."

"She is hot. "

I glared all of them, the campus gets silenced. I took my bag looking at him I told. " what do you think you can walk on me like nothing. "Glaring at him last time I start moving back. But suddenly get stop by one and only principal Edwards.

" what's going on here? " he asks coming near the crowd. The kids run away not wanting to get dentition. It didn't take time for me to sprint back on my shoes and run away. I get in the crowd so he couldn't find me getting in trouble.

I really can beat the shit out of him but I didn't want to get ditched by my so-called lovely aunt. Note of sarcasm.

I enter in my math class and sit on the last corner. I don't like getting attention. God I hate you first fight then this math. I really hate math. Hey maths just solve your own damn problems, I am tired of solving them from you. I groned when teacher enters in class. She directly hate me cause I am the bad girl of the school. She hate me cause I am the straight A grade student even though of my reputation.

She glared at me. Oops!! She heard me groaning. " Why don't you teach this kids, if you think you are too intelligent. " she smirked at me and here we go again.

" My grade's are better then your attitude. " I stated smirking back at her. Her smirk falls. She left our talk and start teaching cause she knows, she can't win against me.

Rest of the day went quickly. I reached at the parking place where my best friend is standing. I stand in front of her. She smiled at me.

Meet my best friend roxy Rivera. She have a long red hair with brown eyes. She is dressed in her badass outfit like usual. She is so cool and funny but you shouldn't get to her bad side. She can really be a beast in girl.

"Did you get in trouble again.your aunt will not like this. " she said shaking her head. I smile at her.

" Principal doesn't know it was me. See I am safe. " I said with big smile. She pat my back like a proud sister.

"Good. But don't do this again. " she said with sad smile. " I want my best friend with me. " she said smiling. I nodded at her.

"Where is son of bitch. " she said talking about her brother hunter. He always pick her up.

Trust me hunter is so good and caring. He have a soft side for me. He is like my bog bro. He is also my bestie.

"What did you just said? " Hunter ask through his car.

"Oh shit. " roxy cursed. I giggle at her.

She was so engaged in our talking that she doesn't notice him. Hunter give me quick hug before letting me to go.

"Little one I bet you get in trouble. " he ask. My face dropped. He smirk at my reaction.

"Aunt will be angry. " he said.

"Don't worry I had taken care of it. " I said proudly. He chuckles.

After the little chat my guard come to pick me up. I bid them goodbye. I went to my mansion.

I open my door getting in I look towards living room. Aunt is sitting there probably working. Not wanting to disturb her I went back to my room.

My room is so big like rest of the mansion. Throwing my bag on desk I laid on my king size bed. I stare at the ceiling blankely. The world us so cold. I don't have much emotions most of the time I feel nub. I fack my most of the time. I only enjoy with my love me ones. They really care for me. But rest of the people in this city hate me.

Suddenly the door opens. The maid enter inside and told me that aunt want to talk with me. I nodded at her and left towards living room. But before going there I took chips and juice.

I went and sit in front of her munching my chips. She notice me. Putting her laptop beside her she glared at me. Oops she knew that I beat one boy. I am in trouble.

"Can't you just can stay out of trouble. " she asked with her killer glare. I smirk.

"Trouble is my first name. "I said. Stupid why I just said that. She sigh.

"Look I am so done with you. Now hear you are going to another country since you don't have a good reputation here. " she said calmly.

"No I am good here. I promise this will not happen again. " I said with my best puppy dog eyes. She glare at me.

"You promise me that thousands of times. This time no one is going to listen you. " she said.checking her time she look at me again. "Your flight is in hour, go and pack your bags. " she said disappearing in her room.

I munch my chips again processing all her words. Oh shit I have to leave country in an hour. She didn't even tell me. Oh no. But it will be fine right. I can gain good reputation and come back. What about roxy. The looks on aunts face clearly shows that she will not let me disobey me.

"What about my school? "I shout loudly. What a try. All the rooms are sound proof.

"You are kicked out again. " I look at my uncle dexter. He enter and flops him on sofa.

"What."I roared.

"Hey easy, honey. I am not deaf." Dexter said smirking.

Trust me he is so annoying. He is not my uncle yet. He is boyfriend of my aunt. Trust me we don't get along. He have a brown eyes and black hair comes back. He is dressed in his perfect tuxo.

I groned. I don't have any other option. What I will do there alone. Just leave it. I reach to my room, grabbing my suitcase I pack all of my stuff's. It just take ten minutes to reach airport. Dexter come to drop me.

"Why aunt didn't come? "I ask hopefully. She hate me right.

"She left an hour ago for her work so she couldn't come. "He said to me looking through his glasses. I nod at him disappointed.

"Don't get in trouble there. And of you need something then you can call me okay. "He said I nod.

He lightely hug me not with much affection. I hug him too tightly not caring of our tom and jerry relationship, I will just miss him. Okay just a little. He pull out something from his pocket and hand it to me. I look at him dumbfounded.

"Your aunt and me credit money but of course by our names. Just use it wisely. "He explain.

I nod cheerfully. He smile a little. I quickly hug him saying him a good bye. Entering inside the plane I took my seat. I wonder who will sit beside me. I look through window, uncle is still there. I pull out my camera and click last picture of him. I am going to miss this country.

A little later one lady sit beside me. I look at her she smile at me. Getting comfortable she look at me.

"I am Gabriella. Nice to meet you. " she elongated her hand I smile and shake our hands.

"Its nice to meet you, miss Gabriella. I am bella. " I said. She nod and get engaged in her work.

She is so pretty lady with deep blue eyes. She had weared tight pants with matching top. And a light colored long jacket. Her red hair are swept back with bangs on her forehead. She is definition of pure beauty.

I took my camera and took quick picture of her. I just want to keep little memory and what if you have to remember them. I put my camera back and message my best friend about my departure. Trust me when we will meet again she will literally kill me. I will think about it later. With that I drifted into sleep.

When I open my eye's, I notice that we are already landed. I look beside me the lady is still sleeping. I poke her. She quickly wake up. When she look at me she understand that we are already landed. Taking our bags we left the plane.

I put my glasses looking through the crowd finding someone who can tell me where I can go. Gabrellia look at me. "It was nice meeting you. May be we will catch up later. "She said I nodded and smile politely. Saying goodbye she left.

I rome through crowd but no one identify me. Fuck. What I am going to do. Not wanting to wait anymore I start walking through the roads, getting bump into someone. I look up to found a boy. The boy look at me then glare at me.

"Watch where are you going. "He said.

"I think you have a eyes too. Just use it. "I smirk at them. He glare at me.

"You are lucky cause I have to go urgent. "He states.

"You are lucky cause I have no mood. "I told and left him before he can stop me.

I lost.where I am going to stay. Fuck this world. I call dexter taking location I rod there with the help of cab. Thanks to this advance world. I am not going to die yet.

It take an hour to reach to whatever the place I am going to stay. I open the door and get off from the car. My eyes landed on the mansion in front of my eyes. Wait what the hell. I look back at the driver.

"This is knight's home. "I ask he nods.

Shit this is the only place I don't want to stay. This is my fucking family's house. Shit. Shit. They trapped me in here. Aunt didn't told me about it. Driver rod off before I can stop him. Now its already evening. I can't do anything.

I look at the mansion with gritted teeth. They already plan it cause they already know that I won't come back. No. No. Its the worst nightmare.

But wait if I am here then I can show them their damn place. Ok. Fine, stay here and make sure they hate you. I will make them regret it. Smirking I ring the doorbell.

After a while a lady open the door. She gets confused by looking at me. She have a nice blond hair and brown eyes. She is dressed like a royal queen. Of course she live here.I give her aunts name, within the seconds she welcome me to get inside. I follow her grabbing my bag. We reach in living room, I put my bag down and sit on the sofa politely not wanting to give my first bad impression. She left probably to kitchen.

I look around the living room is huge and decorated with precious things. Even sofa is decorated nicely. After few minutes she came back and offer me drinks. Gulping it down I thank her. She sit in front of me smiling politely.

"I am Alice. "She said. I nod having no energy at all.

"I am Bellatrix. "I said. She nodded

"I know. "She answers me. I nods.

Suddenly one man in perfect tuxo and black hair joined us. I look at him he is looking at me probably looking at my features. His deep brown eyes scanned me. He look at me with little smile.

"Bella, you are so beautiful. "He said. I look at him dumbfounded.

"Hey, whoever you are, don't give me nicknames. "I said glaring at him.

He look taken back by my words. But he quickly cover his face with smile. Huh. Positive person.

"I get it you don't remember me. I am William knight. "He said and pointed at the Alice. "And she is Alice knight. Our aunt."he say.

Our aunt. Huh. Wait. What the hell our. I look at them confused. Who the hell they are.

"What the fuck. "I say.

"Its not good to swer, baby. "He said warningly.

"Hey take it easy. Can you just explain me that who the hell are you. "I say getting annoyed.

"I am your second oldest brother. "He say.

I just stare at him. My brother. Wait my second oldest brother. I groan. No. This is nightmare a real nightmare. Why I am here.

"You are here cause we want you back. "He say reading my mind when I didn't reply he speak again. "I send Aiden, Dylan and Jaxon. Didn't they find you. "

"If they find me then why I am here alone. "I said.

"Okay, I got that you are tired. "He look at me.

I didn't respond I look at him then to alice and then to me. Okay my features are similar to him. He is my second oldest brother. I don't have a memory of him. I just remember that he used to bath me. I just blush at that thought. Damm girl he is your brother not crush. I know one minute I don't get crush on any one. Leave it he is just my big bro. Not a big deal.

I get interrupt in my thoughts when three boys with two girls enter in living room. I didn't see them insted my thought drift to my brother.

"We didn't find her. "Someone say in deep voice. Wait a minute I had heard this voice before.

"Whom you was finding. Your toy. "A girl voice say him mockingly.

They three come in front of me. My eyes landed on the three boys. I know him. This motherfucker bump into me at airpot.

We both look at each other shocked. We simultaneously points at each other. "You. "We both say. Then we glare at each other.

"Do you know her. Bro. "A boy standing near him said.

"She was the bitch who bump into me. "He say looking at me. I glare at him. Before I can snap at him will look at him treatingly. If looks could kill.

"Dont you swer about her. "Will say. I smirk when his face falls.

"Wait you send me to find her. "The boy say.

"You didn't even find her. "Will say.

"Stop kids. She is already tired. "Alice interrupt them not wanting to start fight.

"Introduce yourself. "Will order all of them coldely.

"Hi, I am Dylan knight. "He said with annoying look.

"I am aiden. "He told coldely not wanting to talk.

"I am jaxon "The boy who bump earlier in the airpot said smirking. I roll my eyes.

"I am stella."the girl beside him said shyly. I smile at her.

"I am Alessandra. "The girl said with fack smile. I roll my eyes. She glare at my reaction.

"I am bellatrix. Knight. "I said and all of their face falls.

"Wait you are my sister. "Dylan say.

"What it looks like. "I say obviously.

I look at will wanting my answer but his phone rings. Before I can stop him he left. I rub my temple calming myself down.All of this is fuck a super fuck. Alice told them to show me my room they look annoyed but help me with my bags. After reaching to my room they drop my bag and left.

I lock my room. And flopped myself in bed. This mansion is different unlike mine. My room was so big there. It is big but not like the last you.

Thinking my life back then I never want to live. I just want to disappear. But I dont want to die to. I was scared lonely. Then also I was left alone. Having no one to confess with. I always hated myself. I don't know what the love really means. For the child it is important chapter of life but no one taught me anything about it. I dont know myself anymore. What if I will die. I know no one cares anyway.

I heard a little droplets falling on the balcony. Its raining. I stood up and went to balcony opening it I stand there. The rain drops hit me. I feel cold water. Its so peace. I always had liked the rain.It feel good having someone who cry with you, like rain knows when I am sad. I want to cry too but I don't feel any emotions nor sadness. I just feel empty. Sighing I went back to bed. Cleaning myself and

Not wanting to talk with anyone I drift into sleep.

Just having one thing in my mind.

Welcome back to my old family, old brothers, old family and my old monsters.