
Chap 3

Isabella's pov

Without anymore words the room around me became a blur.


I'm here.

'What's happening?'

It's to much. I'm going to put us to sleep.

'Kori …wait!' Darkness consumed me.

Henry's POV

We didn't have much time we had to get her to the king. It would be a long journey but we had to or my pack was next.

"Speak up now Sarah." I demanded as we dressed Isabella. She was passed out cold meaning this would make travel easier.

"I don't understand…"

"Sarah they burned her pack lands down. Don't you get it? She is not an average wolf. She was half phased just thinking about what happened. My guess is she's 7-9 years old and freaking out just as much as we are." I stated.

"How soon?"

"Now. We have to get her to the king now. The whole breed is depending on this child. Even us.if they get her we could be extinct." She gasped and kicked her ass in to high gear. Red moon pack was attacked in the middle of the night meaning they knew the last location of this child. And I would die trying to protect her.

Once we had everything we set out. My beta James and gamma Trey ready.

Sarah walked over with one more bag.

"be careful." She said

"Stay strong, stay smart. Protect the back. I'll be back." She nodded.

I gently picked up Isabella sleeping frame as Trey and James picked up bags and we headed out…. We reached the woods before anyone of us said anything.

"How is this going to work?" James asked assessing the situation.

I put Isabella down and stacked the bags before throwing them on my back. Trey caught on and shifted. I climbed in his back.

"Gently hand me Isabella." I say to James he nodded and moved quickly.

"The fate of werewolves now rest in our hands. We must move swiftly, quickly and fast. Understood?" James nodded and shifted. We took in our surroundings one last time before setting out…

Isabella's POV

The movement was making me sick. Sometimes I wanted to kick Kori's ass. She was a pain in the ass. But I never felt better.

I groaned as the movement became more and more.

Oh shit, alpha!

I opened my eyes and it was daylight. How long was I out for?

I started to say something but alpha had beat me to it. His eyes were filled with fear.

"Hold on little one we're almost there." I nodded hiding my face in the jacket more.

"Henry! My good friend. What brings you by on such short notice?!" It was him. I stayed quite as he got down off the wolf that had been carrying us.

"Who is this?" Henry sat me on my feet and nodded it was ok. I took my hood down and waited.

"Isabella?" How'd he know my name. Before I could respond, I was hugged.

This felt familiar.

"Good job Henry." The voice said once more. "Isabella, do you remember me?"I looked up and meet the most beautiful man I seen before.

"King Aaron." I replied. He smiled and hugged me once more.

"You've grown my child, come let's get you food." I nodded and followed behind him.

"Wait what about them?" I questioned

"They are coming to. I know it was a long trip." I sighed in relief as we all walked into the castle.

We had an amazing meal. The table was filled from end to end with selections. My mouth watered bad.

"Lets dig in." King Aaron says handing me a plate. I hold the plate steady as i walk looking over everything grabbing a spoon full every now of then of something i emjoyed. Once i was satisfied with how my plate looked i went to find a seat.

The pack members that traveled with us waved me over.

"Isabella over here!" One called out. I smiled seeing familiar faces as i walk over.

I sat my plate down and waited like everyone else for the kiing of all kings to sit down and eat.

"We werent properly introduced." The one with dark brown hair says. "Im beta james. This is gamma trey."

I smiled brightly

"Nice to meet you officially." We laughed a little among ourselves.

They grew silent becoming serious.

I turned to see a another darked hair man standing there.

"The king requested you young one." He says my eyes grew big.

"Me?" The man smiled and nodded. I turned to pick up my plate when he stopped me and picked it for me. He turned to lead the way as i waved to beta james and gamma trey as the kings men made a path for me.


I instantly felt closed in and the pride i once felt was replaced with fear.

My eyes found the floor, shoulders slumped.

"Chin up little one. Our furture shouldn't look so defeated." King Aarons voice found my ears.

With tears in my eyes i looked around as he motioned for me to sit in the empty seat next to him.

"I dont understand."

"Lets eat young one. Youve had a long journey." I nodded as i waited for him to take his first bite before joing him on the second.