
little fish adventure

a fish born from a family of fishes who have a very special power that countless humans covet so much so that it leads to the extinction of this fishes. Only a single little fish who was deeply hidden away before the tragedy remain. How will the journey of this little fish go? (This is my first time writing a story so I'm quite nervous, if there is any error please do tell)

Jkjkjuju · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

chapter 4 tears of tamil

(Warning: blood and gore)

It has been two days since that incident and it seems they are not going to take revenge as we thought they would and they have not been bothering us ever since... But it's quite.. Too quite... It's making me uneasy....

Anyway, on that day Larry said he will teach me how to form mana so i can transform into a human.

Larry explained that, "Mana is like a water that we get from nature, and to keep the water ,you need a pot to put the water in. The bigger the pot you can make, the more water you will have. And that pot is the parts that can fully absorbed a mana inside your body. Most people can absorbed mana with 5% of their body, the highest known so far being 59%. But even just 5% can make you do all kinds of things. Everybody can have a mana, but not everybody are good at it"

"It is also said that if you can absorbed mana with 100% of your body you'll be able to ascend and reach the heaven. But that's just a story made up by old folks. Even if it's real no one has been able to prove it. "

The first thing i did to be able to absorb mana is meditating... Yea, it's very boring, but i guess it also calming.

Anyway, I've seen a little bit of progress this past two days, thought it's really not much.

Now I'm able to see a faint lights on all corners. But there is something very strange. Although i can see a variety of colourful lights it seems Larry and everyone else are only able to see white, blue, green and red lights.... Well, i guess it's because I'm a spirit animal.

While i was deep in thoughts Larry came and lightly knocked on the glass tank, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"I came to check on your progress" Larry lightly dip his hand inside the water and i can see his mana flowing inside me to check my progress. Since we've done this a couple of times this past two days I'm quite used to it and allow him to do so smoothly.

"Oh!, it looks like you make quite a lot of progress again. At this rate it won't be long before you can turn into a human" Larry said, his eyes filled with amazement and praise.

Spending time with Larry this two days, i found out that Larry is extremely fond of spirit animal and love them quite a lot. I guess that's why Larry has been giving me a lot of things.

As i was feeling happy and satisfied with Larry's service, he suddenly flinch and retreat a step.

"How weird, it feels like something is pushing me back when i send my mana . This has never happened before" Larry mumbled.

Hearing Larry's word i was also a little surprised. This never happened before, i wonder why it happen now.

As if reacting to my thoughts, my body suddenly heat up making me extremely uncomfortable.

As Larry noticed my movement, he immediately get closer and examined my body.

"What's wrong?, are you okay? ", Larry's voice was filled with concern as he pick me up.

Hot.. So hot.. I don't like this... Help... It hurts..

I was writhing in pain when suddenly everything go blurry and then black...

"...fire.....run....their...here....DIE HUMANS!"


i flinch awake gasping for air the word 'You' still echoing in my ear.

What was that? It hurts, why is my heart hurting so much..

Remembering those voices makes my heart hurts, it feels like they are being ripped in pieces..

"Wu.wu..wu!" I want to scream but the only sound that came out was 'wu'... Wu? What the heck?

I opened my eyes in shocked as i was greeted by an unfamiliar sight.

A...hands? The first thing i saw was a chubby little hands. A hands that is even smaller than Jacob's.

As i was trying to figure out what was happening, Larry's large hands pick me up, bringing me back to reality.

"Gwen?" Hearing the commotion Robert's and the other came inside.

"Huh!?, whose baby are you holding Larry?" Asked Robert as he approaches us. The others face filled with puzzlement.

"O my! What an adorable baby!" Rose gently pinch my cheek, and that's when i realize I'm the baby they are talking about.

"Wu!" Huh! Am i a human now? That quick? Shouldn't it take at least a year for me to be able to transform?

It seems Larry is also very confused by this as he closely examined me.

"He is Gwen" Hearing Larry's words everyone faces was filled with shocked. Seeing their reaction makes me a little amused and helps me deal with the shock better.

"Does that mean, I'm no longei the youngest!?" Said Jacob, his face brimming with happiness as he finally have a younger brother.

"Oh my, i knew this day will happen one day, but i didn't know it will be so soon" Robert seemed both amused and shocked by this situation as he touch his beard.


Rudely interrupted by my stomach, everyone finally calmed down and prepared a food.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Just like that a month passed by quickly.

I've learned how to walk and speak, although my pronunciation is not very clear, I'm proud to say it's still clearer than Jacob's. And since i grow very quickly I'm now taller than Jacob

Although it seems Jacob's not too happy about it as his "younger brother" is now taller and can pronounce words better than him so he have been practicing all day everyday, at last he can now pronounce 'R' perfectly .

And Larry has returned to the capital as he was called by the emperor, and his research about the plant-based monster will be continued by another person.

".. Gwen.." As soon as i heard brother Thomas voice i immediately ran up to him and hug his leg. Because whenever brother Thomas calls me he always give me delicious rosted meat that he haunted.

"Brother Thomas!" I called out excitedly. I just can't help it, the food that humans eat are too delicious.

"Don't tell me you've already been defeated by the temptation of food hohoho!" There he is at it again, annoying Robert always makes fun of me whenever he saw me.

I ignore Robert and pay full attention to Thomas hands "Brother Thomas, brother Thomas, what did you get for me" My mouth was salivating as i smell that delicious fragrance of meat rosted with chestnut and seasonings.

Thomas seemed helpless as he gave a light chuckle and give me a bag containing a still smoking rosted meat.

"Waaaah!! Thank you!" I immediately snatched the bag from Thomas hands and start wolfing down the food. Robert's roaring laughter echoed as he watched me "You glutton hahaha!"

"Eeehh! Not fair, i want some too!" Jacob's came running as he smell the fragrance of the food. "No! This is mine" The twins chuckled as they watched me and Jacob's fighting over the food.

The place was filled with a peaceful and happy laughter. The picture of a happy family that will stay together for lifetime...

Or so i thought, when i was hit by the harsh reality that we are leaving in a place filled with dangerous monsters

"Aaaahhh!! MONSTER RUN!!"


The once peaceful countryside is now filled with screams and blood.

No matter where you look at, everywhere was filled with blood and corpses. You look left you see a head with its eyes hanging out, its face twisting with horror clearly showing that it saw something absolutely horrible before it was beheaded.

You look right and you see a woman whose guts has been torn out, her intestine hanging out as she struggle to breathe, frozen from the pain her face ghastly white from the loss of blood.

Childrens crying on the ground, panicking not knowing what to do and crying out for their parents. But no one was there to answer there calls and comfort them.

No matter where you look at everywhere was filled with chaos.

It was when we were having a peaceful dinner when this disaster happened.

"THOMAS! HURRY AND BRING THE OTHERS TO A SAVE PLACE!", screamed Robert at Thomas, but Thomas was hesitating as he can't leave Robert's alone to die, " HURRY! DO YOU WANT ALL OF US TO DIE HERE!?" Hearing that Thomas clenched his fist ".. Don't..die.."

Robert gave a soft smile without answering and watch as me and the rest were brought away by Thomas.

"GRANDPA!!!" Jacob's shout, his face filled with tears and snot. The twins and the rest are no better as we are all frightened.

I want to cry but tears won't fall down, and i silently watch as tears run down the cheek of Thomas, the man who was full of strength and unmatched spirit now looks like a normal 18 years old.

We ran to the mountain to take a shortcut and that's when we saw a bonfire and a pretty big camp.

"They must be hunters!, hurry maybe if we can get their help maybe grandpa can be saved!" Said Rose as we ran towards the camp.

We were filled with hope that grandpa anf the rest could be saved is we can get their help. Only for our hope to be extinguished and replaced with even more pain.

"HELP US, PLEASE" Rose shout and the people in the camp seemed to hear our cry as the came out one by one.

As we reached them we beg for their help and told them about the situation in the village. They just stood there staring with a calm face.

Thomas noticed this and immediately stand of guard as be protect us.

"What to do, i thought everyone will be dead by now, it seems some managed to run away" Said one of the men.

What!, what are they talking about, why are they so calm, shouldn't they be rushing to help other humans? What does he mean by that.

As i wad shocked by there response. I was made known of the disgusting and cruel nature of human.

Thomas shout at us to run as he brought out his dagger that was given to him by Robert when he turned 16,and fight the man who was coming at us.

I stood there frozen not knowing what was going on, i was confused, it felt like everything is just a bad dream. We were so happy just a couple of minutes ago, why are we fighting for our lives now?, why is everything turning out like this?. We were supposed to go on a picnic tomorrow to celebrate Jacob's fourth birthday. So why? Why? WHY?

"NOO! BROTHER THOMAS!!" the screams of Rose and the others snap me back to reality and that's when i saw brother Thomas fell down and hit the ground, his body not moving. Red slowly dye his white shirt painting it red.

His beautiful face full of life is now, pale as a snow.

Brother Thomas, the one who is horrible at communicating through words, and communicates with his actions instead. The one who has the appearance of an unapproachable iceberg but is kinder and warmer than anyone else. The brother Thomas who i always thought will live longer than anyone else....

Why?... Why?.... He said his dream is to be a royal knight, he was to take the knight exam next month... He was preparing so hard for it... We were all rooting for him... Is this really the ending he deserves?... Why?... Why?...




As i hear the crys of the others, i was panicking, scared that i will lose another precious person.

Why? Why? Why? Why is this happening? Why? Why? Why?.

The disgusting laughter of those men echoed from every corner. Mixed with the crys of the others.

"Aren't you guys quite the pretty lady?, say don't you think we should at least enjoy ourselves a little?" Said a bearded man whose face full of lecherous thoughts and salivating as he grab the hair of both Rose and Lily.

"Let go of my sisters hair" Jake and Jacob fought and punch the man. But to the man it only felt like the punch of a baby as he laughed.

A man with a sharp eyes with deep scar on his neck speak in a hoarse voice "Lumpa, don't forget why we are here, we are here to get the 'Tears Of Tamil', and get back as soon as we can."

"Granuch, come on man, it's not like we will be here all day, why are you always so uptight. Besides as long as the tears of whatever that is said to be able to grant a thousands years of life or whatever. As long as we bring that back they won't even care if spend two days here " The man called Lumpa let out

A disgusting laughter as he lick his lips

Looking at Rose.

"Lumpa, do you want to go back into the cellar?" The man named Granuch gave a sharp and cold glare at Lumpa.

Lumpa let out an angry snort and throw the girls on the ground hard "This is no fun" And proceeds kick Jake in the stomach sending him flying making him vomit blood.


I suddenly hear the sound of something snapped and everything went quite. I was calm as i got up.

An unknown power fill me to the brim, my hair turning white as i am filled with the desire to kill.

"Huh?, why's that kid hair turning white?" One of the man noticed me and take a step back.

And it seems Granuch feels something as he shout "RUN!!" to the others. But it was too late.

I slowly lift my finger and point at them, "Disgusting. Disappear", as my word fell. Those man started exploding one by one, panicked showing on their face as the flesh and blood of their comrades rain down on them.

Granuch watched in horror, knowing he will be next. He shout and rushed towards me, his sword pointing at me.

Just as the tip of his sword was about to touch me , the sound of a metal colliding with a hard surface rang. And his sword broke into pieces as it get in contact with my finger.

A gust of wind form as my hand and his sword collide, and he was send flying backwards from the force. He struggled to sit up as he coughed up blood.

𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 " Who...𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩... Are you?" His eyes filled with fear and terror as he look at me.

"I said disappear" His eyes widen so much that it looks like his eyes will fall out as he hear my cold reply. Letting out his last scream his body started swelling up, and eventually exploded.

I look up at the clear sky under the rain of blood.

Blood dripping down on my face, slowly sliding down my neck. I let out a breath of cold air as i watch the stars, my vision slowly turning red as blood had got into my eye.

"Why?, because of greed of course"