
Little Daisy

It's really beautiful when you meet your perfect partner and stay happy with him. Xi Nina also met her partner who stays by her side and show how lovable it's to being love. Mu Yinran, who is the cold CEO, always stays away from the girl. How can he fall in love with Xi Nina!! Will they end up happily or not? Let's read the story & fly in the sky happily..

Peach_blossom_Rii · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Miss You..

She picked up the call.

"It's me..Ke Ke.."

"Mm, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just now VP Long called me and said me to inform you to go early tomorrow." she paused, "There will an important meeting about Award Program."

"Mm, got it.."

"Okay then bye.."

"Mm, bye" Xi Nina hung up.

"Don't use your mobile while eating." Shen Lian glared softly, "What if the food will stuck in your throat.."

"It's okay Grandma." she smiled, "Actually the call was really important.."

"Whoa, who is the man?" Shen Lian's eyes lighted up.

"Man!! who is he!!" Xi Nina widened her eyes in shock.

"The man in call" she pouted, "look at you, you don't even want to tell us about your relationship.."

"Who do you think we are for you, huh?" Lin Yue also joined.

"Uh-huh, enough, don't let your imagination run wild." Xi Nina narrowed her eyes, "It's Ke Ke. We were discussing about the work.."


This lass!!

They looked like a helpless children!!

Xi Nina couldn't help but burst in laugh..

This two old!!

Really something..


After the launch...

The old couple have the habit of taking a short nap, so, Xi Nina didn't disturb them.

She came to the garden..

There was a lot of flower..

All of her favorite.

Suddenly, she came across the pot of Little Daisy near the pond..

This flower!!

She shut her eyes.

The big eyelashes was glittering in the last touch of sunlight..

A lot of old thoughts..

(A rainy day. Suddenly, she could know that her mom never come back to her. The heartbroken little girl with red sullen eyes sat in a corner of the mountain. She looked at the dark clouded sky..

Suddenly, the rain was started to fall..

A heavy rain..

She was shivering in cold.

Suddenly, she felt some warm. A coat was landed on her shoulder..

When she turned around, she saw a boy, almost 9 or 10 year old..

He looked at her and smiled.

She never forgot the warm smile that gave her comfort and the flower tree as a token of their friendship.

"little Orange, we are best friend forever.."

"What if you forget me, Coco!!"

"We won't forget each other.."

"Then pinky promise.."

A sound of laughter buzzed in her ear..)

"I miss you Coco.. I won't forget you.." she murmured.

A few drop of tear rolled on the red cheek..


On the other side..

A large villa..

A small garden full of Little daisy..

A man with firm and straight posture..

His backview was visible..

"I won't forget you Little Orange, pinky promise.." he smiled


They both raised their hand and hold the flower.

They made their promise...

Two person from different place smiled at the same time

[To Be Continued..]

[Thanks for reading..Hope you like it!!]