
Little Daisy

It's really beautiful when you meet your perfect partner and stay happy with him. Xi Nina also met her partner who stays by her side and show how lovable it's to being love. Mu Yinran, who is the cold CEO, always stays away from the girl. How can he fall in love with Xi Nina!! Will they end up happily or not? Let's read the story & fly in the sky happily..

Peach_blossom_Rii · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

It's Not Too Late


"Hello Nina, it's me.." an old male voice rang out from the other side.

"Mm, Grandpa how are you doing?" she asked softly.

"You are asking about me! Are you really concern about me? Do you remember the old couple at all!!" the old man chided.

"Er..Grandpa. I've been busy recently so I couldn't head back. Don't get me wrong, okay?!" she said with full of guilty.

"It's okay, the old lady of mine has been pretty concern about you, since you didn't give us any news, so I've called you.."

"It's alright Grandpa. You can call me anytime."

"How about Grandma, where is she?" Xi Nina asked cautiously.

"She went for a walk with her old friend.." hr said in disdain.

She guessed something was off..

"Are you angry, Grandpa?"

"The old lady doesn't obey me, respect me.. You know what!! I've told her to stay with me for some time but she went with her naggy friend." the old man yelled.

"It's okay Grandpa, I'll give her some earful. Now calm down..okay!" she tried to persuade him.

"Okay, leave it then" he got back to the point "I've called you for some reason.."

"What is it?"

"Listen to me, Xiao Na you are going to be 24 this new year, don't you think now you should concern about build up a family of your own.." he said carefully.

"No, you and Grandma are my family and that's enough. It's not too late to settle down, isn't it?" she resisted the proposal firmly..

"Silly girl, we are already old and you are also an established woman. What's problem to settle down.." he continued.

"But Grandpa.." she tried to find some excuse..

"Buss! stop it now. I don't want to hear anything. I've already arranged a blind date for you Saturday. Go and meet the young man.." The old man cut the words.

"Noo..noo..I..I.." she stammered.

"Stop it right now! The decision is final..bye" he hung up.

(Ahh..huhhh..this old man..booo-hoo-hooo. I won't go, I won't. Hmph! I'm an independent lady, aren't I!!)

Her phone vibrated. She noticed an address of a well known restaurant and a voice message..:


Hmph! this old man..

[To Be Continued..]

[Thanks for reading..]