
Little Daisy

It's really beautiful when you meet your perfect partner and stay happy with him. Xi Nina also met her partner who stays by her side and show how lovable it's to being love. Mu Yinran, who is the cold CEO, always stays away from the girl. How can he fall in love with Xi Nina!! Will they end up happily or not? Let's read the story & fly in the sky happily..

Peach_blossom_Rii · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Don't Blame Others

Gu Lingsha came to Xi Nina and tried to held her hand, but before she could do that, Xi Nina already withdrew her hand which made Gu Lingsha embarrassed. She clutched her fists and shut her eyes.

After a while, when she can adjusted her emotion she looked at Xi Nina with teary eyes, if one saw that he couldn't help but tried to protect her, " Xiao Na, Don't be rude, okay?!...I know I was wrong then. I shouldn't show those things to Ah Zhou. You forbade me. But..but I couldn't let him be like that. Please don't misunderstand me. I didn't do anything on purpose." She choked a little and then continued, " I know I hurt you but since two years, I have been trying to make it up for you, haven't I? Even I..I.."

"Make it up for me, really?" Xi Nina interrupted and payed a mocking look.

"Gu Lingsha, first of all, thank you to collect the garbage which I don't need anymore and second, don't you feel tired to put on the same act everyday?" She paused for a while, "I don't know what's you motive but trust me every time I see the same drama it make me feel sick. So, you can stop now and stay away from me." the coldness in her eyes were as clear as glass.

When Zhang Zhou saw the terrible state of Gu Lingsha and listened to those words, felt heartache for her. He couldn't help but said in hoarse voice, "Xi Nina, don't blame others for your own misdeeds. Two years ago, it's you who found better and betrayed me. You were more willing to warm another man's bed than to stay by my side. Now, you are acting like that Sha Sha set you up."

"Wow, Detective Zhang, I wonder why don't anyone awarded you for your observation power." Ke Ke told out loud, "Anyway, Mr. Zhang, my friend knows herself properly, so, she doesn't need your help."

Zhang Zhou brusted out in rage, " Don't be too arrogant or you will pay for this."

"It's none of your business" Xi Nina's voice full cold and disdain.

"What a jerk and a bitch, perfect match. Ke Ke said in anger, "They always make me feel disgust."

"It's okay, let's not talk about that. Go ahead" when they turned around for leaving, a store clerk called out by her name, "Ms. Xi"

[To be continued..]