
Chapter 1

Lina is a 2nd-year senior high school student.

Lina's mother tapped her shoulder and asked using sign language

[are you done breakfast]

Lina came back from daydreaming and nodded to her mother's question while smiling.

Lina's father came into the dining room and told them both

[let's go]

The family went inside the car, the father driving, the mother on the front seat, and Lina on the right side of the backseat.

*On the Road*

Lina was talking to her parents and when her father turned his back for a moment, Lina saw a truck going to crash into their car, she screamed "aaaaaa"

When her father looked back it was too late to dodge the incoming truck. The truck crashes and took out several other vehicles. It was a horrible accident.

2 days later

*inside a hospital room*

There are 6 patients inside that room. One of them was Lina, she managed to be rescued by the fire department, she was saved by the school bag that protected her back from being too broken. She lay in her bed still being unconscious.

"The disaster 2 days ago is being investigated by the ESPD(East Side Police Department), the casualties are 15 light injuries, 7 heavy injuries, 5 confirmed dead. I send my condolences to the family involved." said a news anchor

"The critical time has passed, now it is only time until she wakes up."

"thank you, doctor"

*3 days later*(5 days after the accident)


Lina woke up in the hospital confused. She became hysterical and started shaking because her bed is restraining her.


a nurse heard the sound and called a doctor. The doctor talked to her with sign language

[please stay still, you are in a hospital]

Lina is still moving around

"inject her with a small amount of anesthetic, and call her relatives that she should be waking up in 1-2 hours"

Lina fell back to sleep

She was dreaming, dreaming about when she was far younger. She was chasing a rat, the rat ran to the edge of the room.

When cornered the rat jumped at Lina. It bit and scratched at her ear. Surprised, Lina grabbed it throwing it to a sharp corner of the wall.

Its blood splattered on the wall. Lina stared at the wall watching the blood flow from the middle of the wall to the floor.

she was.... fascinated.....

though... she knew that her parents would be scared and concerned.... and also she felt her ears ringing, she need to go to the doctor. she cried and called for her mom


her mother that saw her daughter with blood on her ears was shocked, to say the least.

"Lina what happened"

Lina didn't answer and kept on crying

"Lina, calm down, calm down let's clear the wound first."

Ljna nodded and followed her mother.

her mother washed her ears in water, then alcohol.

"stay still this will hurt"

Lina was whimpering, holding her pain

while her mother is cleaning she saw that Lina's ear seems to have scratches and she just had this gut feeling of needing to go to the doctor right now.

Lina's mother ordered a taxi and went straight to the doctor.

After the examination

"Lina must be operated on since her ears are infected..... fortunately, the infection is in its early stages, it had yet to spread too deep.....

unfortunately, her hearing will be affected, in the best-case scenario her hearing will be heavily impacted."

"is...s there no way for her to retain her hearing?"

"she should still be able to hear with her right ear, it is her left that was infected."

"her right ear is already impaired since birth..... doctor is there really no other way?"

"I apologize madam but, this is the best option right now, if we wait any longer the infection will spread deeper, and from the best-case scenario being majorly damaged might become unable to hear."

"I...i... I understand, please help my daughter, I will call my husband"