
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · Fantasia
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38 Chs

Awaiting Danger

In a mysterious and undisclosed location, Derek retrieved a weathered and dusty brown book, its pages filled with ancient knowledge and dark secrets. With an eerie smile curling on his lips, he opened the book and began reading its contents, his eyes glinting with malevolence.

"Now, I have surpassed Marcus and Cain in power," Derek murmured, his voice dripping with sinister satisfaction. He flipped the pages, revealing a chaotic and distorted sketch of a horrifying creature, accompanied by inscriptions that defied comprehension.

As Derek gazed upon the disturbing illustration and indecipherable text, a malicious intent brewed within his mind. His eyes narrowed, a small but chilling smirk playing upon his lips.

"Now, Light," Derek's voice resonated with a deep and ominous tone. "You're next."

With those ominous words hanging in the air, Derek closed the book, its pages whispering secrets and dark possibilities. The shadows seemed to gather around him, fueled by his newfound confidence and twisted determination. The stage was set for their inevitable confrontation, and Derek reveled in the anticipation of what was to come.

December 24 4005 4:10 PM

In the medical room of the academy, Marcus and Cain lay on separate beds, their bodies still and unconscious for three days. Both were heavily bandaged from head to toe, their injuries a testament to the brutal beating they had endured at the hands of Derek.

Marcus stirred slightly, his eyelids fluttering before gradually opening. As his eyes adjusted to the surroundings, the first thing that caught his gaze was the slow rotation of a ceiling fan above him. With a sense of disorientation, he lifted his hand and observed it, his brows furrowing in confusion.

The room remained quiet, save for the soft hum of medical equipment and the gentle whirring of the fan. Marcus's mind began to piece together fragments of memory, slowly recalling the events that led him here. He knew he had been defeated by Derek, but the details were still hazy, clouded by the fog of his injuries and the lingering effects of unconsciousness.

With effort, Marcus tried to shift his body, wincing as pain flared from his injuries. He knew there was a long road to recovery ahead, but his determination burned within him, fueled by the desire to stand against Derek once more and protect those he cared about.

"Oh, you're awake?" says Light

Startled, Marcus turned his head to the side and was taken aback to find Light sitting silently beside him. Light's expression, more emotionless than ever with a blank stare and a tinge of weariness, caught Marcus off guard.

"How are you feeling?" asks Light, his voice devoid of any particular emotion.

"I'm... 'fine'," Marcus responds, his voice strained with pain.

Marcus attempts to raise his body but is met with excruciating agony. Despite his efforts, he is unable to overcome the pain.

Light maintains his blank stare for a few moments before finally speaking up.

"Don't try to move. You're injured," advises Light, his voice devoid of any warmth or concern.

Marcus furrows his brow, a look of confusion crossing his face. "What... What happened?" he asks, his voice filled with bewilderment.

"We found you and Cain unconscious in the school hallway. You've been unconscious wit him for three days," Light responds, his tone still lacking any emotion or vitality.

Marcus shifts his gaze to the other side of the room, where Cain lies unconscious on another bed, his breathing slow and steady, wrapped in bandages. Concern washes over Marcus as he observes his injured friend before turning his attention back to Light.

"Three days... just great," Marcus mutters, his voice laced with frustration.

Light acknowledges Marcus' frustration with a hint of sarcasm. "Liene was here a few minutes ago... She left to find food for you so she asked me to watch you over... She the most worried out of all us when we found you sleeping on the floor..." he remarks dryly.

Marcus bristles at Light's sarcastic remark but quickly pushes it aside. The mention of Liene's worry weighs heavily on him, adding to his growing guilt for his own condition, as well as Cain's. He lowers his gaze, fixating on the bedsheets, his expression filled with a deep sense of dread.

"Oh... Sorry for, you know, causing you so much trouble," Marcus says, his tone slow and remorseful.

Light's expression remains impassive as he responds, "Don't worry about it."

There is a brief pause as Light continues to gaze at Marcus. Then, to Marcus' surprise, Light stands up and slowly approaches his bed, his expression now sincere.

"Tell me... and be honest... It was Derek, wasn't it? The person who attacked you and Cain," Light asks, his tone surprisingly genuine.

"It's more like we attacked him, but yeah," Marcus responds sarcastically, his bitterness evident in his voice.

Marcus looks down at his bruised arm, a tragic expression on his face. He then looks up at Light, his expression now somewhat sincere.

"Did you tell anyone?" Marcus asks sincerely.

"No," Light responds simply.

Light's mind drifts back to Derek's menacing smile and the chaos that ensued in the arena when he unleashed the monsters.

"You know, if he's cunning enough to take out both of you knuckleheads, I'm certain that telling everyone would put them in danger," Light remarks, his tone laced with sarcasm.

"Yeah... I suppose you're right," Marcus replies, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and understanding.

Marcus awkwardly chuckles for a moment before stopping and sincerely asks, "Anyway... is everyone okay? You know, since the monsters were wreaking havoc after Derek set them free?"

"Yeah, everyone's fine... We took care of the monsters while you were taking out by Derek," Light responds, his sarcasm becoming more apparent.

"That's good, I guess," Marcus replies, his tone tinged with relief.

Light breathes slowly before standing up and approaching the room's door, preparing to leave the room in a angered manner

"Wait, where are you going?" asks Marcus

Light walks away from Marcus without uttering a word, leaving him in a state of confusion, alone with the unconscious Cain. As Light exits the room, Ken, his loyal canine companion, rushes towards him with an excited expression on his face.

Light, however, remains unresponsive, his gaze fixed in a distant and vacant manner. He pays no attention to Ken's cheerful barks, lost in his own thoughts.

Ken, sensing something amiss, cocks his head to the side and emits a soft whimper, trying to comprehend the unusual behavior displayed by his companion.

Ken, excitedly wagging his tail, barks at Light, trying to catch his attention.

Light continues to stare at Ken blankly, not responding to his cheerful barks. His mind seems to be preoccupied with thoughts and concerns.

Ken, sensing that something is off, tilts his head to the side and whimpers softly, as if trying to understand what is going on with Light.

As Ken continues to whimper, Light finally breaks out of his trance-like state and kneels down to pet him. His expression softens as he looks into Ken's eyes, appreciating the unwavering loyalty and companionship the dog provides.

"Sorry, Ken," Light says with a sigh. "I've got a lot on my mind right now."

Light stands up and starts to walk away, assuming that Ken will go back to their dorm. However, to his surprise, Ken bites into his pants, preventing him from leaving and tugging at him aggressively.

"ARF!!! ARF!!! ARF!!!" Ken barks angrily.

"Ken... Let go of me..." Light says, trying to free himself.

Reluctantly, Ken releases his grip on Light's pants, and Light continues walking, leaving Ken just outside the medical room where Cain and Marcus are staying.

To their surprise, the door of the room opens, and Cain appears, covered in bandages and holding onto Ken. Cain brings the dog inside the room, and Ken reluctantly complies, glancing at Light before disappearing from his view.

"Hey, Ken... Don't worry, he'll be fine," Cain reassures the dog.

As Cain places Ken on his bed, Marcus looks at him with surprise and confusion, scratching his head.

"That's Light's dog?" Marcus asks.

"Yeah," Cain confirms.

"Woof..." Ken barks softly.

In an unknown alleyway, Derek meticulously draws a large circle on the ground, adorned with intricate symbols and a crude caricature of a creature. With each stroke, he chants incantations, summoning the power of the fire element. The magic circle begins to emit a vibrant red glow as the air crackles with energy.

Suddenly, from within the circle, a colossal Fire Monster emerges, its form gradually rising until it stands towering over Derek. Roaring with intense flames, the monster exudes a sense of power and ferocity.

Derek gazes up at the fiery behemoth, admiration gleaming in his eyes. He approaches the creature cautiously, acknowledging its majestic presence. With a picture of Light in hand, albeit slightly blurry, Derek presents it to the monster, its face recognizable enough for the creature to identify its target.

"Oh mighty Rathalos," Derek declares with authority, holding up a slightly blurry picture of Light, revealing enough of his face for the monster to recognize. "I order you to attack this person."

Observing Light for a moment, the monstrous creature nods in understanding. It raises its head and lets out a resonant growl, acknowledging its command to eliminate Light and deliver his lifeless body to Derek.

With a sinister grin, Derek commands, "Kill him and bring his lifeless body to me."

As Derek's maniacal laughter echoes through the alleyway, the fiery monster leaps across the buildings, its massive form casting shadows as it embarks on its mission to hunt down and confront Light.

December 24 4005 7:00PM

As Light stands outside his dorm room, a sense of heaviness weighs upon him. His mind is clouded with self-doubt and regret, replaying the hurtful words he spoke to Claire. With a heavy sigh, he reaches for the doorknob, ready to face the solitude within.

However, something catches his eye—a small slip of paper slipped under the door. It had managed to go unnoticed by most, but Light's keen perception picks up on its presence. Curiosity piqued, he stoops down to retrieve the folded paper, recognizing Claire's name written delicately on its surface.

Hesitant but compelled to know its contents, Light unfolds the paper and begins to read Claire's message, his heart bracing for what lies within.

"Hey, Light!

So, listen up, my friend. Christmas Eve is just around the corner, and I've got this idea buzzing in my head. How about we meet up at the park fountain and have some quality time together? No distractions, just you and me, chilling like there's no tomorrow.

But here's the deal, buddy. I ain't gonna twist your arm or anything. Seriously, no pressure. If you've got other plans or can't make it, no hard feelings at all. I won't be throwing a tantrum or giving you the cold shoulder. We're cool like that, right?

But hey, wouldn't it be awesome to catch up, share some laughs, and make memories? I'll be hanging out at the fountain from 9 PM onwards, eagerly waiting to see your face. And let me tell you, if you do show up, I'll have the biggest grin plastered across my face. It's gonna be a blast!

Now, if it doesn't work out, no sweat. Life can be a rollercoaster, and sometimes plans go haywire. But you know what? Our friendship means the world to me, and one missed hangout won't change that. We've had some crazy good times, and those memories will always be etched in my heart.

So, take your time, my friend. No rush, no worries. Whether you join me at the fountain or not, just know that we're tight. We've got each other's backs, and that's what truly counts.

Sending you a truckload of positive vibes and warm wishes,

Your buddy, Claire"

Lost in a silent reverie, Light's gaze lingers on Claire's heartfelt letter, leaving him at a loss for words. The weight of his decision hangs heavy in the air as he contemplates whether to accept her invitation.

Yet, amidst his speechlessness, fragments of memories flicker through his mind: the genuine warmth of Claire's smile whenever their eyes meet, the way she always tries to brightens his day.

Light found himself faced with a pivotal decision—to go or not to go.

December 14, 4005, 8:21 PM

Claire sat beside the gushing water fountain, its refreshing spray filling the air. Anxiously, she awaited Light's arrival, unsure if he would even show up after their recent exchange.

"I wonder if he'll actually come," Claire pondered, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty. "

Suddenly, a hand gently tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to jump and almost lose her balance, teetering dangerously close to the fountain's edge. But just in time, Light's strong grip steadied her, saving her from an unintended dip in the water.

"Oh, hey, Light! You gave me quite a start," Claire exclaimed with a relieved smile, grateful for his timely intervention.

Taking a moment to collect herself, Claire couldn't help but notice Light's attire—a black unzipped jacket, brown pants, and matching brown shoes. His sword rested securely on his back, and a satchel hung by his side. In contrast, Claire donned the vibrant yellow dress she had purchased with Rose during their shopping trip in Stracia.

Claire looked shocked at Light's clothes as he only saw him in his school uniform while Light only looked somewhat shocked with only a few reaction from his blank expression

"Anyway... Hello," Light greeted, his voice carrying a hint of awkwardness.

Claire couldn't help but notice the presence of Light's sword, and she questioned his choice to bring it along. "Did you really have to bring your sword here?" she asked, her curiosity evident.

"I have my reasons," Light responded cryptically, his tone revealing little.

A moment of awkward silence hung between them as they exchanged glances, unsure of how to proceed.

"So, aren't you going to compliment my dress?" Claire finally broke the silence, a playful tone in her voice.

Light struggled to find the right words, his lack of experience with compliments evident. "It is... 'magnificent'?" he replied, his delivery lacking enthusiasm.

Claire couldn't help but burst into laughter at Light's attempt, finding his sincerity both endearing and amusing.

"Well, anyway, you're looking nice tonight. What's the occasion?" Claire teased, her expression playfully teasing.

Light's response was tinged with sarcasm as he replied, "Right... It's... umm... never mind."

The playful banter continued as Claire maintained a teasing smirk on her face. "So, you wanted to go on this... d-I mean, friendly meeting between two friends?" she asked, emphasizing her words with a mischievous smile.

"I mean, that's why I came here, but sure," Light responded, his sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Geez, you're really that unfun, aren't you?" Claire teased Light, playfully nudging him with her elbow.

"I guess I have my moments," he replied, with an emotionless tone

The atmosphere between them shifted, and they both felt a sense of ease settling in. They strolled through the park, the sound of their footsteps mingling with the faint rustling of leaves. The park was adorned with twinkling Christmas lights, casting a warm glow over their surroundings.

Light and Claire continued their leisurely stroll through the bustling city streets until their path led them to a vibrant and colorful arcade, beckoning with its siren call of amusement.

"Here we are," Claire exclaimed with a twinkle in her eyes, pointing to the dazzling entrance.

Light raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity etching across his face. "Wait... why are we here again?" he inquired, genuinely puzzled.

A mischievous smile played on Claire's lips as she responded, "You mentioned how much you enjoy playing games, so I thought it would be the perfect place for us to have some fun."

Light nodded, acknowledging her reasoning. "Well, I suppose you do have a valid point there," he conceded in his usual composed manner.

With eager anticipation, they entered the arcade, stepping into a realm filled with flashing lights, melodic chimes, and the buzz of excitement. The two friends found themselves in front of an arcade fighting game, its dual controls poised and ready for two players.

As they positioned themselves in front of the machine, the screen flickered to life, displaying a vibrant title card adorned with the name "Swordfighter." Light and Claire's eyes gleamed with anticipation as they delved into the selection of characters, each representing a unique fighting style.

With a touch of calculation, Light chose a slightly smaller, agile character, while Claire confidently selected a muscular powerhouse. The stage was set for a fierce battle of digital combat.

The words "Ready... Fight" materialized on the screen, signaling the beginning of their virtual duel. In a flash, Light executed a relentless barrage of combos, his character moving with precision to overpower Claire's. The battle ended swiftly, with Light emerging victorious, his character barely having sustained any damage.

"Awww... I lost," Claire admitted with a hint of disappointment, her eyes downcast.

Light remained impassive, his expression unchanged. "Easy," he remarked, his tone devoid of emotion.

Determined not to be defeated, Claire's competitive spirit surged forth. "ONE MORE TIME!!! THIS TIME I'll BEAT YOU!!!" she declared, her voice brimming with unwavering resolve.

Light raised an eyebrow in response. "Okay, okay, fine," he acquiesced, his words lacking any inflection.

They selected new characters, anticipation building in the air. The screen once again displayed the familiar phrase "Ready... Fight." Claire charged into the battle with unwavering determination, only to find herself met with another barrage of Light's expertly executed combos. Despite her valiant efforts, victory eluded her grasp.

"Aww... I lost again," Claire confessed, her disappointment evident in her voice and the slight droop of her shoulders.

Light's voice remained detached. "Better luck next time?" he quipped, his words void of any sarcasm.

Amidst their gameplay, their interaction remained somewhat subdued, reflecting Light's stoic demeanor. Though he did not outwardly display emotions, the shared experience in the arcade served to strengthen their bond.

Rephrase and extend scene with more dialogue while Light remains emotionless:

They continued playing different games, with Light's victories outnumbering Claire's. However, their gaming session eventually came to an end as they ran out of tokens to play with.

"Wait here, I'm gonna get some more tokens," Claire informed Light.

"Yeah," Light replied monotonously, standing in place as he waited for her to retrieve the tokens.

Claire hurried off to the receptionist while Light remained still, his gaze idly scanning the surroundings. Amidst his observation, his eyes caught sight of a claw machine situated nearby. Without any trace of emotion, he reached into his pocket and discovered a solitary token. An idea sparked within him—a small gesture to compensate for the hurtful words he had uttered to Claire. Without hesitation, he inserted the coin into the machine's slot.

With calculated precision, Light manipulated the claw, cautiously seizing hold of a vibrant yellow cat plushie. Through a series of nerve-wracking maneuvers, he skillfully maneuvered the toy towards the drop zone, successfully securing the prize despite several heart-stopping moments where it seemed on the verge of slipping from his grasp.

As he grasped the plushie firmly, he turned around, only to be met with Claire's unexpected presence.

"Light..." Claire uttered softly.

"Oh, you're back...?" Light replied, his tone devoid of inflection.

Light swiftly concealed the plushie behind his back, hoping that Claire had not caught a glimpse of it.

"They ran out of tokens," Claire informed him.

"Oh," Light responded simply, offering no further comment.

They exited the arcade together, their footsteps echoing in a shared silence. Light discreetly stashed the plushie into his satchel, aware of Claire's subtle observation but choosing not to acknowledge it directly.

10:22 PM

As they continued strolling, searching for another destination, Claire cast a glance towards Light, her eyes fixated on his impassive expression.

"Hey Light..." Claire called out.

"Yeah?" Light responded with his usual stoicism.

"Why don't you smile?" Claire inquired, her curiosity evident in her voice.

"I'm just not good at smiling, that's all," Light replied with a blank tone.

"I bet you'd look good with one," Claire remarked, a hint of playfulness in her words.

Unbeknownst to them, Liene watched their interaction from a distance, her face contorted with jealousy.

"Light..." Liene murmured softly from afar.

Meanwhile, Light and Claire continued their stroll, eventually coming across the restaurant they had visited together on their first day at Dark Fire Academy. A wave of familiarity washed over them as they approached the entrance, their arrival triggering the gentle jingle of a bell above the door. The shopkeeper, recognizing them, greeted them warmly.

"Hey, you two..." the shopkeeper greeted them with a warm smile.

"Hello..." Claire greeted in response.

"What can I get for you two lovebirds?" the shopkeeper teased.

"LOVEBIRDS?!?" both Claire and Light exclaimed in unison.

"Okay, okay..." the shopkeeper chuckled, sensing their discomfort.

Claire stole a quick glance at Light before averting her gaze, her cheeks tinted with a blush.

"I-I guess I won't-" Claire stumbled over her words. "I MEAN, I WANT PASTA!"

"Okay, pasta coming right up. And you?" the shopkeeper asked, addressing Light.

"I'd like ramen," Light replied with his usual monotone voice.

"Okay, coming up..." the shopkeeper acknowledged before disappearing into the kitchen.

They took their seats and waited for their food to arrive, the air filled with a mix of anticipation and lingering awkwardness.

"So, Light, did you have any friends before you came to CS Academy?" Claire inquired, trying to break the silence.

"I had..." Light responded briefly.

"You had...?" Claire pressed, her curiosity piqued.

"It's... complicated," Light replied, his tone devoid of emotion.

Before Claire could delve further into the subject, their meals arrived, interrupting their conversation. They thanked the shopkeeper and began to dig into their food.

As they ate, Claire's curiosity still lingered, but she respected Light's reticence and decided to let the topic rest for the moment.

After finishing their meals, they settled the bill and stepped outside the shop, their stomachs satisfied.

Claire closed the gap between herself and Light as he reached into his satchel, retrieving the plushie they had purchased earlier. However, as he did so, he felt a prick in his neck, prompting him to flinch. Fortunately, it wasn't a sharp object.

"Careful there," Claire warned with a playful tone.

Light raised an eyebrow, acknowledging her remark without uttering a word.

"Come on, let's go," Claire suggested, gesturing for them to continue their evening together.

They resumed their leisurely walk, embracing the peculiar dynamics of their friendship. The night was young, and the bond between them, though enigmatic, began to grow stronger with each passing moment.

"Ow... something poked my neck..." Light remarked, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Maybe it was a fly..." Claire responded casually, offering a nonchalant explanation.

"Right..." Light acknowledged, accepting her explanation without further inquiry.

Unbeknownst to them, Liene mustered her courage and approached the pair, appearing visibly nervous.

"H-Hey, you two..." Liene stuttered, struggling to find her words.

"Liene?" Claire recognized her and greeted her with curiosity.

"I-I-I..." Liene attempted to speak, her voice trembling.

However, before she could complete her sentence, Light's attention was drawn to a sudden movement from above. He noticed a creature leaping from a nearby building and hurtling toward them. It was small and orange, with flames engulfing its body. Light quickly realized that it was a monster—a burning monster, heading straight for them.

"Liene!!! Watch out!!!" Light's voice echoed urgently through the air.

Reacting swiftly, Light rushed toward Liene, pushing her out of harm's way just as the monster landed. In the midst of the chaos, Light's plushie, intended as a gift for Claire, was caught in the ensuing flames and reduced to ashes.

Claire, now standing beside them, looked on in shock as she witnessed the destruction of the once-intact plushie. She knelt down, realizing that it was meant for her.

The creature revealed itself as Rathalos, the Fire Element Monster dispatched by Derek to capture Light.

"Now you've done it..." Light's voice resonated with anger, his normally emotionless expression twisted into a scowl.

Liene stared at the monster in shock, frozen in fear, while Claire rushed to Light's side, her concern evident in her eyes.

Without hesitation, Light drew his sword from its scabbard and swung it at the creature, aiming to strike it down. However, to his surprise, the blade passed right through the monster as if it were nothing more than an illusion. Before he could react, the creature retaliated, delivering a powerful blow that sent Light hurtling into a nearby wall.

"Shit..." Light exclaimed through gritted teeth, feeling the pain coursing through his body.

"LIGHT!!!" Claire and Liene screamed in unison, their voices filled with worry and fear.

The fire monster opened its jaws slowly, preparing to unleash a torrent of flames at Light. Acting on instinct, Light rolled and dodged the fiery assault, narrowly avoiding being engulfed in the searing inferno.

As he evaded the attacks, he caught a glimpse of Derek in the distance, a wicked smile playing on his lips. The realization struck Light like a thunderbolt—Derek was behind this, orchestrating the encounter with the fire monster.

"Derek..." Light's thoughts seethed with anger and determination, vowing to confront his adversary and put an end to this dangerous game...