
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

A Couple of Stars

January 14 4005 7:30AM

The following day, the academy calls for an urgent assembly, summoning every student and staff member to attend. Despite it being a Monday, all classes were suspended in light of the ongoing emergency. The atmosphere was heavy with an air of unease and uncertainty, as everyone grudgingly gathered, unaware of the distressing announcement they were about to be subjected to. The academy was now under the control of an unknown force, leaving the entire institution at gunpoint, helpless and forced to comply with the unforeseen circumstances.

The academy, once teeming with life and bustling with activity, now resembled an abandoned city. The classrooms, hallways, and even the usually lively canteen were devoid of students and staff. The vacant rooms stood as silent witnesses to the prevailing sense of desolation. Dust particles danced in the air, stirred by the occasional gust of wind that penetrated through the corridors, further amplifying the eerie stillness that enveloped the premises. The emptiness was palpable, a stark contrast to the usual vibrant energy that resonated within the academy's walls.

Every member of the academy, regardless of their rank or position, received a mandatory summons to attend the assembly. From the esteemed staff and high-ranking officials to the humble guards and students, they were all compelled to gather and await an important announcement by Isaac, the headmaster. The anticipation and unease were palpable in the air, as the events of the previous night, marked by the chilling revelations of Theseus, the bandit leader, still lingered in their minds.

Fear and panic grip the academy as students and staff members alike scramble in a frenzied state. The atmosphere is charged with anxiety and the air filled with the sound of frantic footsteps and distressed voices. Kristen, with a mixture of determination and concern, raises her voice in an attempt to bring order to the chaotic scene.

"Everyone, please, we need to stay calm! We will handle this situation and ensure your safety," Kristen pleads, her voice strained with urgency. She tries to assert control and provide reassurance, but her words seem to get lost in the chaos as the panic intensifies.

Despite Kristen's efforts, the situation rapidly spirals out of control. Students and staff members run in different directions, their panicked shouts mingling with the chaos. The once orderly assembly descends into a state of disarray, with people yelling, stumbling, and desperately searching for safety. The magnitude of the emergency overwhelms the attempts to restore order, leaving the assembly hall filled with confusion and heightened anxiety.

Cain's eyes sweep across the panicked students, his expression troubled and restless. He sits amidst the chaos, a silent observer amidst the frantic commotion. In the midst of it all, a pang of longing and frustration pierces his thoughts.

"Rose would have known how to calm everyone down," Cain thinks to himself, his mind filled with a mix of anger and yearning. He recalls Rose's ability to bring joy and cheer to those around her, and in this moment of turmoil, he yearns for her presence. Her absence amplifies the sense of unrest within him, as he wishes for her reassuring smile and soothing words to alleviate the tension that fills the assembly hall.

Despite Marcus and Liene's attempts to calm him down, Cain remains visibly agitated and unyielding. His teeth clenched tightly, his fists clenched with determination, he displays an unwavering resolve to confront Theseus on his own. The thought of taking matters into his own hands, fueled by his anger and frustration, consumes his thoughts.

Marcus and Liene exchange worried glances, their concern evident in their eyes. They understand the turmoil Cain is going through and the depth of his determination. However, they also recognize the dangers that lie ahead and the need for a more unified and strategic approach.

Light, resonating with Cain's intense determination, maintains his characteristic silence and emotionless demeanor. He gazes ahead with a profound sincerity, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword, only to grasp nothing but the empty air. His sword had been broken during his previous battles, a physical reminder of the challenges they face.

Claire, sitting by his side, observes Light's actions and worries for Rose's safety. Concern etches across her face as she contemplates the perilous situation they find themselves in. Though her emotions may be more visible compared to Light's, she maintains her resolve to support and stand by him.

Isaac calmly ascends the stage, his presence commanding attention amidst the chaotic assembly. Despite the panic and fear that permeate the room, his composed demeanor helps to alleviate some of the tension. He raises his hands, signaling for silence, as he addresses the agitated students and staff.

"Quiet down!" shouts Ann, her voice filled with annoyance and frustration.

The students and staff members gradually fall silent, their attention captured by the stern command of Ann. In the midst of the hushed atmosphere, Isaac steps forward onto the stage, making his way towards the microphone at the center.

With a composed demeanor, Isaac closes his eyes momentarily, gathering his thoughts. He opens his eyes, projecting a calm and collected presence as he prepares to deliver his important announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in light of the recent events that transpired yesterday, we have made the decision to implement a complete lockdown of the academy. Effective immediately, no one, including the staff, will be permitted to leave the premises," Isaac declares in a calm and steady tone.

His words hang in the air, carrying a sense of gravity and seriousness. The audience absorbs the significance of the lockdown, their expressions reflecting a mix of concern and understanding. The gravity of the situation becomes evident, as the need for heightened security and safety measures takes precedence.

Isaac continues to address the assembly, outlining the details of the lockdown and the protocols that will be enforced. He emphasizes the importance of cooperation and adherence to the guidelines set forth by the academy. As he speaks, his calm and confident demeanor helps to instill a sense of order and stability amidst the uncertainty.

The room remains relatively quiet, with occasional murmurs and whispers as students and staff process the information. The weight of the situation hangs in the air, as they come to terms with the reality of the lockdown and the necessity of the measures being taken to ensure their well-being.

Isaac's composed presence and clear communication serve as a source of reassurance, instilling confidence in his ability to lead the academy through this challenging period.

Instead of quelling the chaos, Isaac's announcement seems to fuel more uproar among the students of Celestial Sword Academy. A wave of discontent sweeps through the assembly, as voices rise and the once hushed atmosphere transforms into a cacophony of yelling and screaming.

Students express their frustrations and objections, shouting their dissatisfaction at Isaac for his decision. Their emotions run high, fueled by fear, uncertainty, and the desire for freedom. The chaotic outbursts create a tumultuous atmosphere, making it difficult for Isaac's words to penetrate through the wall of noise.

Isaac stands resolute, his posture unwavering amidst the uproar. He attempts to restore order, raising his voice to be heard above the commotion. With a calm yet firm tone, he addresses the students, urging them to listen and understand the gravity of the situation.

However, the students' anger and frustration continue to reverberate throughout the assembly hall. Some students stand up and walk out in protest, their actions further contributing to the sense of chaos and defiance.

In the face of the unrest, Isaac remains composed, his eyes scanning the room as he seeks to regain control of the situation. His commitment to ensuring the safety and security of the academy remains steadfast, even as the challenges escalate.

Amidst the turmoil, the significance of the lockdown and its purpose seem to be lost on many. The immediate impact of the restrictions and the limitations they impose create a sense of resentment among the students, who yearn for a return to normalcy.

As the clamor persists, Isaac's task of restoring order becomes increasingly daunting. He understands the need for patience and communication, aware that gaining the students' trust and cooperation will require persistent effort and understanding.

The assembly hall remains in a state of disarray, with emotions running high and tensions mounting. Isaac stands at the center, a figure of authority in the midst of the storm, striving to navigate the turbulent sea of dissent and guide the academy towards a path of stability and unity.

Gerald voices his concern, "Isaac, this seems like a mistake. We can't imprison the students within the academy. It's an absurd idea."

Goro chimes in, seeking clarification, "Pardon me, this really your plan of action, Isaac?"

Isaac remains composed, his voice steady as he addresses their doubts, "I assure all of you that this decision has been thoroughly considered. The safety of our staff and students is our utmost priority. We have carefully assessed the situation, and this is the final decision."

With a calm demeanor, Isaac emphasizes the importance of their well-being, "We understand the concerns and apprehensions, but please trust that we have taken this course of action with the intention of keeping everyone safe. Thank you for your understanding."

Isaac's words hang in the air, his calmness contrasting the unease that permeates the assembly hall. The students and staff exchange glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of uncertainty and resignation. They may not fully comprehend the reasoning behind the decision, but they acknowledge the gravity of the situation.

As Isaac steps away from the microphone, the room falls into a contemplative silence. The doubts and objections linger, but for now, they have no choice but to accept the decision. It remains to be seen how this drastic measure will unfold and whether it will truly ensure their safety within the confines of the academy.

Despite Kristen's best efforts, the chaotic scene within the assembly hall continues to escalate. The students remain unruly, their panic and fear fueling the chaos rather than subsiding.

"Settle down, everyone! Please!" Kristen pleads, her voice straining with desperation as she tries to regain control of the situation. However, her words seem to fall on deaf ears as the chaos only intensifies.

Objects are hurled through the air, aimed not only at the guards but also at fellow students. The once unified space becomes a battlefield, with students injuring one another in their frenzy. The guards, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the situation, struggle to maintain order.

The once tranquil assembly hall now resembles a battleground, filled with shouts, cries, and the clattering of objects. The air is thick with tension and fear, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and chaos. The students, driven by their overwhelming emotions, seem incapable of finding a resolution.

Amidst the chaos, Kristen and the guards persevere, tirelessly attempting to restore order and prevent further harm. But as the situation spirals out of control, it becomes increasingly apparent that calming the storm of panic and fear will be no easy task.

Amidst the uproar and chaos, Light remains seated in silence, his expression serious and his thoughts unreadable. He seems detached from the commotion surrounding him, lost in his own contemplation. The turmoil and noise around him do not appear to faze him, as if he has retreated into his own world of deep reflection.

Claire, on the other hand, watches Light intently, her mind filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. She notices the subtle sheen of sweat forming on her forehead, a physical manifestation of the tension and anxiety in the room. She wonders what thoughts are occupying Light's mind, what hidden emotions lie beneath his stoic facade.

Meanwhile, In the secretive headquarters of the Black Scar clan, figures clad in white garments move with purpose and efficiency. Some engage in intense sparring sessions, their blades flashing through the air in a display of skill and precision. Others meticulously inspect and sharpen their weapons, preparing for an imminent operation that demands their attention.

The atmosphere within the base is charged with a sense of purpose and determination. Each member of the Black Scar clan carries themselves with a steely resolve, their movements calculated and deliberate. The training area resonates with the clashing of swords and the sounds of focused breaths, as these skilled warriors hone their combat prowess.

In other corners of the base, groups of individuals huddle together, strategizing and discussing their forthcoming plans. Maps and diagrams adorn the walls, marking out locations and targets of interest. The air is thick with anticipation and secrecy, as the Black Scar clan prepares to execute their carefully crafted schemes.

The base is adorned with rows upon rows of crates, each carefully labeled and filled with a variety of valuable treasures. Magic shards, glowing with an otherworldly radiance, are stored alongside an assortment of weapons. Swords, daggers, and spears line the walls, their polished surfaces reflecting the soft glow of the illuminated headquarters.

The air crackles with anticipation as the colors of the shards shimmer in the ambient light. Blue shards pulsate with the power of water, green shards emit a soothing aura of nature, and red shards flicker with the fiery energy of fire. These shards represent different elemental forces, harnessed and utilized by the members of the Black Scar clan in their quests.

The strategic acquisition of these shards becomes clear as the puzzle pieces fall into place. The clan's burglaries of convenience stores and blacksmiths were not mere acts of theft, but calculated endeavors to gather the necessary resources for their grand design. The shards and weapons serve a larger purpose, integral to the clan's mysterious plan.

Within the headquarters, the soft hum of machinery can be heard, indicating the presence of intricate equipment that harnesses the power of the shards. An array of apparatuses, fueled by the shards' magical essence, are meticulously arranged to unlock their full potential.

As the light bulbs cast their illumination across the vast expanse of the headquarters, the brilliance of the shards and weapons creates an ethereal ambiance. The base pulsates with a captivating energy, a visual testament to the Black Scar clan's unwavering dedication and their ambitious objectives.

Within this hidden sanctuary, the shards and weapons represent both power and purpose. They are the tools through which the Black Scar clan will bring their plans to fruition, weaving together the elements and their formidable combat skills in pursuit of their ultimate goal.

Theseus ascends a makeshift wooden stage, his imposing figure casting a commanding presence over the gathering of white-clad bandits. They form neat lines, their anticipation palpable as they prepare to listen to his speech.

"Fellow brethren," Theseus begins, his voice resonating with authority. "Today, we must recognize the threat we possess. We can no longer idly stand by as formidable warriors attempt to thwart our endeavors."

His words ignite a fervor among the bandits, their cheers reverberating through the air, a testament to their unwavering loyalty and shared determination.

"The death of our former leader, though a great loss, shall not be in vain," Theseus declares, his tone growing even more intimidating. "He fell victim to the dark swordsman, Kazuki. And now, it is our turn to exact revenge upon him."

His words hang in the air, punctuated by the resounding cheers of the bandits. The call for vengeance fills their hearts, fueling their determination.

"Generals," Theseus commands with a commanding presence. "Take your positions throughout the city. Be prepared to defend our stronghold should Kazuki dare to launch an attack."

The bandits, now invigorated by Theseus's powerful words, disperse, each assuming their designated positions with a renewed sense of purpose. The city becomes a fortress, their presence an intimidating force, ready to confront any who would dare challenge the might of the Black Scar clan.

With Theseus at the helm, the bandits stand united, driven by a shared desire for revenge and the determination to protect their domain. The stage is set for a clash between the dark swordsman and the formidable might of the Black Scar clan, as the city bristles with anticipation and the promise of an imminent showdown.

With Theseus's final command, the high-ranking generals swiftly gather their weapons and hasten towards their assigned positions. They are accompanied by a group of loyal bandits who trail closely behind, ready to carry out their orders.

Meanwhile, Rose, still bound to a chair, listens intently from a distance. Her hands are tightly bound together, restricting her movements. Determined to free herself, she focuses her concentration, channeling her fire magic. With a wave of her finger, small sparks of fire materialize, flickering in the air.

Though weakened and lacking full control over her powers, Rose remains resolute. She directs her sparks towards the rope that binds her wrists, aiming to burn through the restraints and liberate herself. Each spark dances briefly against the rope, leaving behind a scorch mark. She continues to summon the flames, hoping that their cumulative effect will weaken the bindings.

With every tiny burst of fire, Rose's hope for escape intensifies. She patiently perseveres, aware that time is of the essence. The crackling sound of the sparks and the faint smell of burning rope fill the air, adding to her determination.

As she struggles against her confinement, Rose's focus remains unyielding. She knows that breaking free is her only chance to reunite with her comrades and find a way to thwart the Black Scar clan's plans.

The room around her remains shrouded in darkness, the distant sounds of footsteps and murmurs of the bandits echoing faintly. Rose's fate hangs in the balance as she continues her valiant struggle, harnessing her fire magic to defy her restraints and pave the way for her long-awaited liberation.

January 14 4005 7:11PM

That evening, Light returned to his room after a day filled with chaos and uncertainty. The commotion and panic throughout the academy had delayed his arrival, but now he finally had the chance to step inside his dorm.

As he entered, a sense of emptiness greeted him. The room appeared barren and devoid of life, with an eerie silence hanging in the air. Yet, despite the stillness, a subtle feeling of familiarity washed over Light. This room, though simple and unadorned, held a certain sense of belonging.

He took a moment to glance around, his gaze sweeping over the familiar furniture and personal belongings that adorned the space. The neatly arranged books on the shelf, the unassuming desk where he had spent countless hours studying, and the bed that offered him a semblance of comfort after long days of training.

It may not be a grand or extravagant dwelling, but it was his sanctuary within the academy. The place where he could retreat from the world and find solace in solitude. Light couldn't deny that, in its own unique way, this humble dorm room felt like home.

With a sigh, he settled into a chair, allowing himself a moment of respite. The events of the day weighed heavily on his mind, but the quietude of his room offered a temporary reprieve. As he sat there, surrounded by the stillness, he found a sense of calm and familiarity washing over him.

He reached out, his hand instinctively seeking the familiar weight of his sword, only to be met with emptiness. His fingers grasped at the air, finding nothing but a void where his trusted blade should have been. The absence of the sword sent a chill down his spine, a stark reminder of its absence and the void it left behind.

As his thoughts drifted, a soft knock echoed through the silence, interrupting his train of thought. The sound came from the familiar wooden door that guarded his privacy within the dormitory. With a sense of anticipation, he slowly opened the door, revealing the one person he knew would be standing there, unconditionally seeking his presence. It was Claire, her expression surprisingly filled with sorrow, her grip tight on a soft pink pillow clasped tightly in her hands.

"Hey, Light. Do you mind if I sleep here?" Claire asks in a surprisingly low tone, a stark contrast to her usual energetic self.

Light's expression remains impassive, but beneath his stoic exterior, he feels a flicker of surprise. He nods silently, allowing Claire to enter his dorm.

"I'll sleep on the floor... You sleep in my bed," Light says in his usual emotionless tone.

Claire hesitates for a moment, her voice lowered. "Umm... It'd be nice to sleep next to you, though, if that's okay with you."

Light's gaze remains fixed on her, his expression unchanged. After a momentary pause, he nods slightly, silently agreeing to her request.

With a silent nod, Light obliges Claire's request and prepares his bed. He gives it a few firm slaps to remove any dust, ensuring it is as comfortable as possible. Claire places her soft pink pillow beside his plain white one, adding a touch of vibrancy to the otherwise plain bed.

Light's emotionless voice cuts through the air as he speaks, "I thought you were more inclined towards yellow."

Claire's response carries a hint of sadness, her voice filled with sorrow, "This is... Rose's pillow, a gift she gave me."

Light's silence lingers, his struggle with offering words of comfort evident. Conversations and uplifting others are not his forte, yet a small part of him yearns to provide solace to Claire in her distress.

"Claire..." blurts out Light

"What is it?" asks Claire surprised by him

He accidentally blurted out his word now he didn't know how to continue it, he stood awkwardly in front of her

"Claire..." Light's voice breaks the silence, catching Claire off guard. She looks at him, curiosity etched on her face. Light finds himself at a loss for words, unsure of how to proceed. Awkwardly, he stands before her, his mind racing to find the right way to continue.

"What is it?" Claire asks, her surprise evident in her tone.

Light hesitates, his unintended blurt leaving him in a state of uncertainty. He tries to regain his composure and brushes off his previous words. "It's nothing... Get comfortable. It's going to be a cold night," he says, redirecting the conversation and offering practicality instead.

"Light... I..." Claire's voice trails off, her hesitation palpable in the air. The two of them stand in an awkward silence, both unsure of how to proceed with their conversation.

"Light! I love you...!" Claire suddenly blurts out, her words filled with raw emotion.

Light freezes, taken aback by her confession. He finds himself at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond to such a declaration.

"As a friend, that is..." Claire quickly adds, her tone faltering as she nervously tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, attempting to downplay her true feelings.

Light stands frozen, his mouth slightly agape, as he processes Claire's words. A mixture of surprise and relief washes over him, but he quickly hides any trace of emotion behind his stoic facade. He takes a moment to collect himself, his silence lingering in the air as Claire's hands remain in his for a brief moment before she withdraws them.

Without uttering a single word in response, Light turns away from Claire and lies down on the bed, his back facing her. He creates a physical distance, perhaps to sort through his own thoughts and emotions in private.

"Well, make yourself comfortable," he finally says, his voice devoid of any particular tone, before settling into his own space, leaving the atmosphere between them uncertain and unresolved.

As Claire lies down next to him, a mix of frustration and embarrassment fills her thoughts. She had hoped for a different reaction from Light after her confession, but his nonchalant demeanor had left her feeling misunderstood. Despite her lingering disappointment, a faint blush adorns her cheeks as she settles herself as Ken slept in its side of the dorm.

Carefully, Claire pulls Light's blanket over herself, nestling into the comfortable warmth it provides. Gradually, the weariness from the day's events takes its toll on her, and her eyelids grow heavy. She begins to drift off to sleep, her gaze fixed on the back of Light's black shirt, the only visible detail in her line of sight.

In the silence of the room, the two find solace in each other's presence, even if their emotions and unspoken thoughts remain unexplored for now. The night envelops them as they rest side by side, sharing the same space yet existing in their own separate worlds.

January 14 4005 12:01PM

Claire's eyes slowly fluttered open in the encompassing darkness of midnight, only to discover the vacant expanse beside her where Light once lay. Her gaze wandered, seeking him out, until it landed on his figure by the window, cloaked in shadows. Determination surged through her veins, the realization striking her that this moment was her chance to unveil her heart's truest emotions before he departed.

With a measured grace, Claire rose from the bed, positioning herself at its edge, her eyes fixed on Light's form as he unwittingly prepared to leave, ignorant of her wakefulness, silently watching him.

"Light," her voice trembled, carrying a poignant blend of sorrow and urgency, capturing his startled attention. Gray eyes met her gaze as she summoned the courage to pour out her emotions, her words quivering with sadness. "Do you... Do you really want to go?"

A pause hung in the air, heavy with unspoken thoughts, as Light clung to the window frame, his lips sealed and his emotions masked. Claire, unable to bear the weight of uncertainty, pressed on, her questioning voice laced with vulnerability.

"Do you really have to leave me here?" Her words resonated with a profound sorrow that tugged at the heartstrings.

Light remained anchored, a breath caught in his throat, a sea of emotions uncharted beneath his enigmatic gray eyes. His emotionless gaze lent an enigmatic ambiance to the scene, an aura of detachment that made her feel his lack of empathy. Aware that she couldn't halt his departure, Claire forged ahead despite this.

"You know I have to... Right? It's my only purpose..." Light's response remained devoid of sentiment, a stark reflection of his stoic exterior.

"But what about me? Do I feel like an inconvenience to you? What is even my significance!?" Claire's voice held a note of desperation, the plea laced with an emotional intensity that reverberated.

At the window's edge, Light stood, swathed in his cloak, an enigma facing her anguish, at a loss for words amidst the gusts of the windswept night. Claire perched on the bed's edge, tears cascading down her cheeks, her very being trembling with raw emotion. Light's gaze fixed upon her, void of feeling, an observer in a fragile, heartrending moment.

"Do you think you're the only one who's been disturbed, losing yourself, who's been broken all her life just because of a group of bandits?!" Claire's voice cracked and splintered, the facade of her usual smile crumbling to reveal the tempest within, a revelation that took Light aback, a rare sight to behold.

Emotions surged forth, long concealed beneath Claire's sunny facade, paralleling Light's guarded demeanor, both concealing vulnerabilities. Yet, Light's gaze remained unyielding, void of empathy, a tableau of detachment that only intensified her anguish, her tears flowing all the more.

"I... I'm... sorry... I had no idea..." Light's words fell flat, a mechanical response lacking the warmth of true understanding.

"Right, how could have? You only care about yourself... You think your the only one who lost someone they love to bandits, huh?" Claire retorted, a mix of sorrow and anger etched into her tone.

Though the night wind swept through the open window, rustling Light's cloak and Claire's golden locks, neither seemed to register the cold. Light stood in silence, and Claire sat with her heart laid bare, tears streaming ceaselessly.

"I lost my brother to bandit! The same bandits that... That killed your sister... But that didn't stop me from controlling myself and losing myself!" Claire's voice quivered with desperation, a plea for him to comprehend the depth of her anguish. She gazed at a cabinet adorned with a dusty photograph of Light and Karra, a reminder of what was and could have been. Then her gaze returned to Light, his expression unchanging but his eyes betraying a faint sense of remorse.

He had lost it all—emotions, sanity, the family he cherished. He didn't want to lose Claire, his anchor in the storm of his existence. Watching her crumble before him over Rose had torn at his resolve. Witnessing her anguish now, the revelation of her brother's fate strengthening his resolve.

"I don't have a choice... I have to keep trying..." Light's words were emotionless, a steadfast declaration of his mission, while something deeper flickered within his gaze.