
Lines the werewolf

Lines, Tim, Timothy. This 17 year old boy goes by a few names. A dancer, a werewolf with that prime urge of freedom, primary urge to run free on the nearby forest. Until one day a level 3 werewolf, fought Tim and forced the boy to lose an eye. Now the main goal is to face that werewolf again and kill him! The forest will belong to Lines the werewolf! But he was yet to realise that the forest carried more than he bargained for. A war between werewolves was raging, his family being a part of it. His family... well that's a complicated topic, because whom is really his?

MisterE05 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Fukalaz flue (1)

"Help!" Krino shouted as he burst through the den, seeking his father Hulsik.

"What happened?!" Medea shouted back, her tone including concern as she rushed towards the boys.

"Mother, I accidentally stabbed his stomach with my claws..." Krino answered after letting go of his young brother.

Afterwards he took a few steps back, sat down as his form switched towards what smooth flesh would represent, human.

Grabbing his head after, he slowly shook it left and right while repeating. "He can't die, no no no no."

Taking a peek at the wounds, Medea could notice 4 holes right in the middle of the belly. Their sizes aren't enough to force organs to puke out but we can't label them as small either.

They are about 2 fingers wide each and perhaps sink an inch or so deep.

"This isn't good." Medea cited as she grabbed some cloth they had on the stockpile here, recently brought by Hulsik to make the newcomer feel more comfortable.

As mentioned before, campers and opportunists leave a lot of stuff behind when they either get killed or chased off, that's where the level 8 werewolf got all of this stuff.

"Will he die?" Elena asked, being the only other woman in this family and the youngest member too.

"No, he lost an eye before but is still alive." And such a sentence forced a sense of relief in their minds, to Krino mostly.

But yet mother Medea killed their relief by adding. "But these wounds aren't light either, he has lost a lot of blood."

"What can I do to help?" Krino asked after standing up, knowing that panic won't get his brother up and running.

"We have to put pressure on the wounds so he doesn't lose more blood, apart from that he has to eat so that blood comes back." Grabbing a bit more cloth and afterwards flipping his child like a pancake, Medea cited. "So heat up some meat."

Knowing that his mother got all of this covered, Philon who was yet another brother, sat near Krino and asked. "Are you okay big bro?"

"No... it took us 17 years to find our brother and I almost killed him." His tone was low as he answered but we can't say that everyone in this room didn't hear him.

"How did it happen?" His brother asked, the 2 golden lines on his chest shifting towards human skin.

First hesitant to explain, taking his time to build up the courage of reliving trauma, the big brother finally deciphered. "He tried to commit suicide, I had to act quick or we could have lost our brother, again."

And right after, they heard a tired tone puncturing the sadistic air through the den. "I'm not going to eat that stinky meat again."

"You're safe!" Krino hollered as he left the meat behind, where Philon used the opportunity to swallow it whole, half a kilo!

Leaping near Tim, the oldest sibling cited. "Sorry for almost killing you."

"No one can kill me." The young man murmured as he put in an attempt to stand up, fairly struggling. "Why are there holes in my stomach?"

"Sorry about that." He murmured and sat near Tim, advising. "You have to eat."

"I don't like stinky meat." The young werewolf repeated, firm with his points of demand.

In a sweeter tone, his mother Medea insisted. "You lost a lot of blood, meat helps you bounce back."

Keeping his patience a tad more since a mother's concern was heavier compared to any other and no word could reason against it, Tim just shortly answered. "Okay."

As they sat near the campfire, they spotted Hulsik walk in and holler. "Tim, you're back!"

"Not for long." The newcomer added as his tone remained calm, mostly because he felt too weak to yell.

Sitting near everyone, the level 8 werewolf described after they all gathered near the fire. "I'm afraid leaving right now would be a bad idea."

"Why?" Medea asked first, sensing that this doesn't befit any tricks.

"The Fukalaz flue is running wild, just being outside can help you get it." At this point he was directing this dilemma towards everyone, not just Tim.

"What! But I thought that the Fukalaz flue disappeared like 200 years ago." Krino weighed in, understanding the severity of this situation.

"234 years." Medea corrected, her tone dim as she realized the upcoming dangers.

Hearing just half of what they said so far and frankly barely even curious, Timothy finally questioned. "What's flue? Why are you all so scared of it?"

"The Fukalaz flue is the most dangerous disease on earth, but it doesn't really do anything to humans." Philon described after giving out a burp, realizing that his statement was over exaggerated.

Still having it hard to understand this and hoping for the best too, Tim questioned. "Okay... but what does it do? Can it kill me?"

"No, it can't kill you right away but in just a few months." Hulsik answered, killing the boy's hopes.

Making him reply in mild disappointment, "Oh."

"But it can make you go completely insane! It's a lot like a zombie infection but your organs would slowly destroy their selves in just a few months, putting you in terrible pain every day." Philon described and could already sense the glares most of his family gave.

To which he had to reply, "What? That's what happens."

"So... I'm stuck with all of you or else I will face a long painful death?" Tim asked and from that point the family felt like they were a bit too rough on the blabber mouth from a bit earlier.

"Yes, that's what would happen." Krino assured, wanting to keep him here.

"Now we have a lot of time to know each other." Hulsik pointed out and could already see the sour look on his son's face.

"Yes, give us a chance boy. We missed you, plus no one is to blame here for your disappearance apart from the enemy werewolves, they should be yelled at." Philon stated what everyone ignored and could see mixed emotions in the crowd.

Having his feelings pushed through a considerable amount of conflict, Timothy replied after swallowing a bit of meat. "Okay."