
Lines of Love

Lines of Devotion is the first story

Lightxxseeker · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 2 End

Lines of Love; Chapter Two End


After helping Astra push herself just a little further it was late enough to finally part ways. Somehow I went from feeling like the worst father to possibly being a decent enough one. Not only do I have Cassie, Gina, Cait, and Astra but sometimes when she lets me Joy. She works so hard for my little girl it makes me happy knowing she's in such good hands. I just wish she would slow down sometimes I don't want her following the same path I did.

When Jean and I heard about Astra we came as quickly as possible, I was feeling like history was repeating. Jean Tried laying my fears to rest day in and out helping me stay positive through it all. I'm not sure why he stayed at my side for so long our relationship was never spoken, it was just something we did. No words to confirm or deny that we have been a thing but I feel like it was his way of giving me what I needed. The choice was always left to me I couldn't ask for more from someone so selfless.

Jeans been helpful with Cassis's mother as well since it's hard to deal with it. It's like Norah and I have been strangers all our life we just ended up with a child mysteriously. When we all get together she and I don't speak, our focus is Cassie and that's enough. I just wish things didn't turn out this way but some things just happen and even people in love are meant for different worlds. Norah always gives me that familiar look before she leaves from her visit, a silent thank you. A reminder that she knows I always did my best like she's trying to assure me I don't have to ignore that fact.

Jean is similar to her but he is not as direct it's like having a shadow with a voice. Present whenever I need them but never speaking unnecessary words. Cassie has fallen in love with him and it makes me happy how those two connected so easily. It's perhaps one of my worst fears laid to rest, I'm glad she accepts him as I have. All these kids know how to keep an old man active and worried that's for sure, but I couldn't ask for more.

Heading home just in time for dinner it's a meal I couldn't miss, it's a perfect end to a long day. But that's mostly because he's here waiting even though he has his problems and worries to deal with, yet he is here.

Dan; "She's doing better I'm sure she's gonna be walking soon."

Jean; " She is definitely a daughter of yours, fighter. I must say we have a lot of these kids running around now."

A soft joke we often share because we have more kids than we thought possible. Victoria is slowly coming around but she's still shy at times, a hard worker for sure. And now we have a little one soon that Gina and Astra are gonna adopt, the family is growing.

Jean; " You been smiling for a while now, everything alright.?"

Dan; " Our family is growing rapidly. I just can't help thinking about it. They have grown so much it makes me really proud of them."

Jean; " Yeah they have grown a lot and it's thanks to the wisdom we give them. Soon we will have a little one to help, are you excited."

Dan; " Yeah I am, we are gonna spoil her and become the favorites."

After dinner, we decided to call it an early night for the problems of tomorrow we would need to face. Jean is supposed to go back home to handle some affairs as he says but I have to meet Norah. She wants to strange a family day of sorts if possible so she can meet Joy and Cassie together.

By morning Jean has left already so the bed was empty per the usual. A feeling I'm used to but for once it would be nice for him to be here. Perhaps if I knew more about what troubles him he wouldn't work so hard alone, but he wears a perfect mask. So I don't know how to get through to him but I should start trying at some point. After I finally get ready for the day a call comes through, she was always punctual.

Dan! " Hello, Norah I'm on the way now."

Norah; " Could you bring the Third year box with you.?"

The third-year box was when Cassie was six it holds everything memory-wise we did as a family. So I agreed and started rummaging around for it, I can only imagine what she has planned. Finally finding it I head to the agreed coffee place to meet her, this will always be weird I think. Meeting a stranger you use to know that barely talks to you, it's like we are keeping distance purposely. But some things have age-old wounds we don't wanna open up so I suppose I can't expect much else.

After arriving she put in our old order here which I'm surprised she still remembers. We start going through the box and Norah starts to organize things in a scrapbook, the Norah I know was never this tired looking.

Dan; " Are you doing okay Norah, you know I'm here."

Norah; " Just tired, everything u once believed was just a bad dream. And my little girls just fine."

Dan; " Yea she's a fighter and Joy's the perfect person for her."

Norah; " As long as she does better than we did, I couldn't ask for more than that. Maybe if life wasn't built with so many curves it wouldn't be so bad."

She was reminiscing about how we use to be as a family and how we ended up falling apart. So I joined in to remember things while we danced around the older wounds. Soon I was telling her about Joy and How much she does for Cassie. We end up talking late into the day that's when I get a call from Jean.

Jean; " Sorry Dan, looks like dinner will be late I have extra work so I may not be home tonight."

I just agreed but I could hear his voice strain for the first time, his perfect mask was slipping. Something was wrong but I didn't know what so on impulse I said my goodbyes and left, please be okay Jean.