

The eagle soars through the sky; the fish leaps over the dragon's gate; the bear roars and the tiger growls; all things in the world have a spirit. At the ends of Earth, the poles and magnetic field re-align; the world changes. The world that we were so used to, is no longer. When myths turn to reality; when legends are no longer enigmatic, the world is now limitless.

Sharp Knife · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
665 Chs

Song Hong ah Song Hong, you’re dead this time!

Do you think that you are great... just because the Purple Cloud Constabulary is backing you? You’re wrong! In this world, there are many powers far greater than the Purple Cloud Constabulary!

Maybe you don’t know. You may think that you can do things sneakily and a family like the Lus, and Lu Tianxiang... would not have the ability to go up against the Purple Cloud Constabulary.

Under normal circumstances, they wouldn’t dare.

However, what if Lu Tianxiang... was the fiancé of the daughter of one of the elders in the Wafting Fragrance School?

You are an obstacle to me, thus, you must die.

Sun Zhangshan was smiling, yet, his heart was cold.

In order to take down Chu Yu, he had used all the resources available to him.

As Vice Principal of the Purple Cloud Constabulary, Sun Zhangshan could move powerful resources and people!

He had many people go investigate quietly.