
Limiter system of the new God

Arthur is 12 and discovers that he is a new God that got hideen by his uncle, for his protection. Arthur starts off weak and becomes more powerful later on. He discovers the truthes of what happens and strives for strength.

Kinglooie_Lewis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

The start of a new life

Arthur peeled his eyes open with a flutter. Quickly massaging his eyes he sat up. "Today is the day" he mumbled with enthusiasm.


Springing out of bed in his square room, Arthur walked to his dresser in the corner. Rummaging through his clothes Arthur picked out a black shirt and trousers. He put on his clothes steadily and headed down his wooden stairs.


Coming into the white kitchen Arthur made a simple breakfast of cereal. After the meal he cleaned his bowl and paced to the bathroom. 


The room was plain black with tiled floor, a sink in the middle of the far wall and a toilet in the corner. Shuffling over to the corner Arthur picked up a blue toothbrush with white bristles. 


'Today i find out what level i awakened at, and what my abilities are. That's if i awaken at all' Arthur thought with excitement.


Once ready Arthur rushed to the black door of the bathroom. He hastily grabbed a coat and went to the front door. Opening the door Arthur was greeted with a flat green garden and a black gate at the front. Just ahead lay a barren road.


Jumping over the gate Arthur was on the cracked, dishevelled pavement and started pacing forward. 


The sun shined brightly in the sky, the rays bouncing off the glass windows of the nearby skyscrapers. A crowd of people were moving around the city but one was moving faster than the rest.


Arthur was that person and he was practically jogging to school because of his excitement. 'If I awaken I can finally start to put the skills my parents taught me to use' he thought.


Slowly the buildings got smaller and smaller. Until Arthur arrived in front of a huge black gate, in front of a gigantic square white school.


Entering past the gate Arthur spotted his friend Marco. Marco was tall and fat, with long black hair and green eyes. "You Ready" Marco gleamed  with excitement before starting to hurriedly walk to the door of the school.


Quickly catching up to Marco, Arthur spoke with anticipation "Ready as I'll ever be Marco".


"Good, good. I hope I get a really powerful gift" Marco said, excitement riddled in his voice.


"I know, you say it every day" Arthur mumbled with annoyance.

Walking in they were greeted with a great black hall with marble flooring and gold lining in the center lay a desk, with a woman sitting behind it. Next to her was a sign pointing to a set of double doors on the right. On the doors it said 'This way to the awakening center' in large white writing.

Pushing through the heavy double doors Arthur spotted a line to a brown door and went over. On the door it said 'Awakening center' but no one was walking in or out, of which Arthur felt was strange. In fact he started to feel unsettled before a mechanical voice was heard; "Do not resist the cables'' it said quickly with an annoyed tone "If you get pulled by the cables you are one of the few who have been gifted".

As the mechanical voice finished speaking Arthur felt a tug to the leg and then the arms. Arthur looked down frantically and saw he was being pulled down by metal wires. Before he could react properly he heard a *ding* within his head and was pulled below the floor.