
Lily Green

She is just a normal human living a normal life, suddenly she got to know that not only she have powers but she is from a different planet too .All of her life she was living till now was a lie. How did it happened and who is behind it? what about the memory she had lose about her past ,who was she in the past?and will she be able to stop the evil era of the other kingdoms ....Read the story and get to know about Lily's story and Adventure...

lalalahouse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs


As The Dragon Spoke "Hello Miss Lily Green!" I Mean How Can DRAGON !!?SPEAK!? I , didn't know what to say ,first of all the dragon is a fire? well it was suprising but I find the dragon quite cute so I started talking to him "Umm..hello! sir?" , suddenly the dragon interrupted" Don't! don't call me sir, I'm your servant and you have created me !" "I'd created you?" I asked " yes my lady, 4 years ago you had created me " The Dragon replied. Then I asked again"So now what can I call you?" "Percy.. my lady had given me this name, it's like a gift to me ,my lady had given me this name when I'd save your life during a war with prince Alex.." He replied. A War!!? what do I used to do? the more I listen to my past self , the more I'd hated myself , I used to do violence!?and even had killed people!?

The door opened suddenly and Salum came in and got shocked seeing Percy and said"whoae! you are growing faster! wa-wai-wait!? is that your left hand? oh I'd forgoted that you use your left hand for powers!" and Salum start laughing."so Percy long time no see!" said Salum "Salum! you know about him?" I shouted and he replied" of course ,he had help you many times during wars...he lives inside of you but comes out only when you want" I suddenly got interested in my powers.what kind of other powers I have!?