
Chapter 1-Rabbit and lily meet!!!

One day a girl named lily was just sitting out side of her garden while reading her favorite cook book.As she was reading her mother was in the kitchen making a fest because,for it was soon to be time for her whole family to come over to there house.To eat together to celebrate Lily's great great grandmother birthday!But,for lily was just to sad that today was her grandmother's birthday! Not because,she didn't want to celebrate or anything like that it's just because,she would like to be able to cook with her mom but,her mom wouldn't let her help cook fest's for a lot of people because,her mom was afraid that she might mess up.So,there for lily is only allowed to help cook smaller meals for just herself,her mom,her dad,and her little baby brother,Luku!but,while lily was looking through some recipes in her cook book she heard a Noise coming from one of the bushes in her back yard Where she was.So,she quickly but, quietly stood up to see if it was her little brother luku who could have just crawled out of the back door and,was just trying to scare her but,then the noises just stoped And,so lily acted like she was going to sit back down but,really she was just waiting for her brother to come out while trying to scare her so,she could catch him.But,WHAT or should I say WHO she had seen was way more different then,what she was expecting to see.Cause,instead of catching her little brother luku she meet a white little rabbit but not just any white little rabbit because,when lily said,"hello little bunny are u lost!?" Lily wasn't expecting a real answer from the rabbit but,that's exactly.....what she got!!!