
fishing with my mom

Please remember to vote for me because this book is participating in WSA 2023. Add it to your library. Comment on it. Once upon a time, a very, very, very long time ago, a Prince, the most popular, most handsome and wealthiest was betrothed to the current-day Lilith. She used to be a common maid, a nobody, who had found favour in the eyes of the Prince and love from the Prince charming. Her name used to be Lilian, the whore whom the Prince abandoned for another while being a few weeks pregnant for her dearest Prince charming. She was ready for vendetta and vengeance; she was ready to bring down the Prince and his new wife, the unreasonable woman, who snatched away her first love from her and their unborn child. She became so thirsty for blood that she became the first vamp that ever lived and that is still living. She was prepared to kill, but she decided to wait so that she would show her child how to deal with men by locking her daughter away from the sight of men for centuries until her daughter betrayed her and fell in love with a man. Please, remember to vote for me. Thanks and God bless.

Bestwriter · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Once upon a time, a very, very, very long time ago, there lived six worlds under Heaven. All the world corporates that all live in peace and harmony together.

They lived happily because there were no boundaries between the worlds. Anyone, no matter the creature that you are, has the right to enter any other world of their choice.

One can also leave his or her world and immigrate into another world and reside there forever without the worry of racism or being ashamed of coming from a lower world. No one rules over the other, they all live equally.

Humans, fairies, elves, werewolves, beasts, and an empty world are the six worlds under Heaven. Some say that the sixth world was once occupied by creatures that are now extinct because of survival of the fittest.

The changes in the world became unfavourable to them and they couldn't survive. All died from famine and drought in their world a very long time ago.

Other rumours around have it that when the empty world was still very much active, they came to a great war, a very agonizing war that got the world's occupants, both young and old, males and females to be mercilessly slaughtered and completely wiped out from the surface of the earth.

No one knew, not even the oldest residents in the current world knew what caused the war even if the event about the war was true.

In the human world, there lived a prince charming, every female creature dreamed of him. They were ready to risk everything just to be his maid.

He is the crowned Prince of the human world, Prince Alasdair. He is next in line to rule and to sit on the throne of the human Kingdom.

Every female's eyes were on him, especially the humans, they always surrounded him like a swarm of flies but his heart only belonged to one human, Lilian.

She is a nobody, a servant whom the current King picked from the bush on his way from hunting at night.

She has been cared for and brought up in the Palace. She has everything an average human has, a roof to cover one's head, three square meals a day and clothes.

She dresses like a Princess, not because she was brought up like one but because she was given the Princess's old clothes whenever one of the Princess's suitors changes her wardrobe.

She was brought up as a servant because only one with royal blood can be one of the royalties. It is taboo in the human world for one who is not born of a King or Queen to bear the titles; Princess and Prince.

She would have been brought up like one if it was possible but rules and cultural beliefs must be upheld.

She was special and treated differently from the other servants in the Palace, she has always been the Head- servant ever since she became twelve.

She was respected by the other servants and guards even the ones decades older than she is.

She was the only servant that was allowed to come in close contact with the royal family and the only maiden that was allowed to come in very close contact with the heir to the throne, Prince Alasdair.

They grew up together as best of friends, they were love birds. They were secretly dating when they were underage but told the King about it when Lilian came of age when she became eighteen years old.

Their first dating years were very confidential between the lovers that even the walls did not hear about it and it never caused any rumours, nor did the other servants who were always prying on Lilian notice anything.

The other servants were always watching her every movement and monitoring her like a Sorcerer's crystal ball.

They were always talking and gossiping about her.

Some even got to the point of verbally abusing and bullying her.

Mocking her that the sorcery she used in killing her parents was the same sorcery she was using to make the Prince fall for a commoner, a nobody, a lowly living person like her.

She never minds them and ignores them, going about her daily routine.

She never fought with any of them because they tried so that they would find fault in her and deprive her of her position of becoming the future Queen.

That was the right time for a maiden to start seeing a lad in the human world because she has come of age for matrimonial union, marriage.

Everyone knew it, even the other creatures from the other worlds. No one dared question the decision of the human king, because he announced their union himself.

No one dared flirt with Prince Alasdair, even if they were ready to die just to become his Princess and the future Queen of the human world.

It was still worth working for him, many maidens were rushing into the Palace to sign a contract to become a servant of the Prince that they barely had enough rooms to accommodate them.

To reduce and calm the situation, the King made all the maidens work for only ten years, no matter their age.

As he always tells the applicants,

"Age is just a number. Come and write down your name and age, go for the medical check and wait for seven days. Come back to know if you got selected or not."

Even though he made the training process so hard to discourage some of them not to come at all or giving up, the majority of them still managed to pass.

He always had to keep to his word even if it means that the majority of them cater for themselves.

They all thought that if the Prince could see Lilian who is a nobody, an orphan, he would fall for one of them one day.

Some are from noble backgrounds and have turned down tons of willing suitors just to be by the Prince's charming side and work freely for him for ten years and still get disappointed in the end.

Some are runaways that left their families and friends in deep sorrow, while others are other creatures that have used sorceries to transform themselves into humans just to look more appealing to the Prince if he should ever lay his eyes on them.

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