
Chapter 2: New Look.

A week passed, with Mitsuki still not at school. All the students worry. Is she really okay with her injury?

"Come on. Pick up Mitsuki." Mariko anxiously trying to call her.


"Mitsuki you must come out your room! It's been a week, and you haven't been eating!" Her mother worried.

"Hey piggy! Get out your room and eat!" Her brother knocked down the door.

"Get out! Leave me alone!" Mitsuki hiding underneath her covers.

Her brother didn't give up and tugged on the covers.

"Please Mitsuki, just eat something!" Her mother whined.

Mitsuki didn't wanted her mother to worry. She slowly arose from her covers revealing herself.

All you could see is her mother's and brother's shocked reaction.

Mistuki went into the bathroom and rubbed her blurry vision. She looked in the mirror...

"MOM!!!" Mitsuki screamed loudly.

Mitsuki started touching her face. Is this really her? She starting looking at her new skinny body. She must of not been eating A LOT.

She ran back into her room and changed.

"What?! None of my clothes fit me!" Mitsuki being frustrated.

"I-I'll go buy you your new uniform!" Her mother rushed out the door.


Mitsuki took a deep breath and walked into school. Before she knew, everyone was talking about her.

"Is she new?"

"She's so pretty!"

"I never seen her around."

Mitsuki tried to hide behind her books. She walked into her homeroom, with eyes all on her.

She saw Mariko with amazement.

"Mariko!" Mitsuki ran up to her and hugged her.

"Mitsuki!?" Mariko loudly yelled.

"WHAT?!" Everyone said in unison.

"Y-you lost weight!" Mariko being confused.

"I-I know. I just couldn't eat after Shino died." Mitsuki looking in shame.

"Well what do you know. Mitsuki lost weight." Iadashi whispered to Kaito.

Kaito gazed at Mitsuki. She looked so different.

"Hey Mitsuki!" Iadashi warmly waved.

"H-hi!" Mitsuki shyly waved.

Kaito walked up to Mitsuki.

"Just because you lost weight, you're still the same piggy." Kaito scolded.

Mitsuki began to have tears in her eyes. She quickly ran out the classroom.

"Kaito! What the hell?!" Iadashi shouted.

"What! I was just stating the facts!"

Mitsuki ran and ran thinking about it. It was a mistake to lose weight, wasn't it?

Carelessly, she bumped into Suyi.

"Ow, watch where you're going-" He gazed at Mitsuki's beauty.

"S-Sorry Suyi!" She got up and ran.

Suyi grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"W-wait, you're hurt. Let's go the infirmary." He held Mitsuki's arm.


"Izumi?" Mitsuki in surprise.

"Oh hi Mituki." He calmly waved.

"W-wait, who did you say this was?" Suyi I'm shocked.

"It's Mitsuki. She may have lost weight but she is still a kind person."

Suyi looked down and left.

"What happened Izumi?" Mitsuki looking at his scratches.

"I was helping a kitten from the tree." Izumi chuckled.

"That was kind of you." Mitsuki smiled.

"I see everyone is shocked by your new appearance." Izumi trying to get rid of the silence.

"Yeah, but I'm still Mitsuki!" She tried to explain.


Mitsuki was closing her locker until she felt someone grab her waist.


"Shh! It's just me." Iadashi smiled.

Mitsuki sighed.

"Want to go to the movies with me tomorrow?" Iadashi loudly asked.

"Don't forget me! I want to go with you guys!" Kaito interrupted.

"Count me and Suyi!" Izumi pinches his face.

"It's settle then." Iadashi chuckled.