

Jackson Erik is a TCG player with everyday life things can't get any better because he is in the top 10 in the world cup. Even if he does not get first place just being here is all can ask for. But turns out this cup was way getting the 10 with the most potential to be beta testers' new game Lightvex same name card game we have been playing. And with new tech called dive that simulates a new world and your full consciousness is there. And is a one-way trip and there is a virus name X that wants nothing but to end all life. How can Jackson stop the virus following this journey to find out?

Mystery3 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 8 X

Meanwhile in a far way place. In a cave there ten figures in a circle. Cave is filled with bubbling water to the slides. As these figures talk some crystals on the walls glow.

§ " We at this for hours and it's boring one my grunts has been taken down. I want action and revenge."

£ " Calm down there plenty of time to be doing that. But frist we got news from boss."

π " Right the humans with the antivirus code. That's a problem and probably how that grunt is gone.

¥ " Look I don't care if there hunters I well take them. As I the one takin most of all NPCs loot. All going be mine soon.

√ " We need work out how good this humans are. See if they really a threat to us."

∆ " I send my team of elites to each humans to test their metal.

& " I feel sad for them all that pain. There more pain.

# " Noing going stop grand work of our boss.

* " I well continue growing my army of monsters to deal with the most annoying NPCs. "

÷ " They fall to the elites that'd be less work for us. But if not I guess you will get your revenge.

Then each figures disappeared