
Chapter 1

It was a normal day for Kenji Hiroshi, finishing up his school's homework. He was currently 16 years with absolutely no friends since they just go for his good looks or his grades. His parents as well since they would always force more and more books to study not giving him any time from breaks to entertain himself. He had to watch anime or read manga in secret from his parents since they never bought him anything unlike his sister wo got everything. He hated his parents and sister so he was often cold and usually saying not too many words. His favorite anime was one piece, my hero academia and fairy tail. He was driving towards the place where they sold manga to get some for one piece where luffy is in wano arc.

Black clouds started to form and lightning started to strike around him but Kenji ignored it. He was looking at his phone when lightning hit in the middle of the road in front of his car making him lose control of his car and it skidded of the road on a cliff. Kenji had hit his head and was on the verge on being unconscious but through willpower he was survive long enough for him to "Why me!!! not my "family", well my shitty luck still with me huh." after saying this, kenji saw nothing but black as he slowly closed his eyes. When kenji felt no pain, he opened his eyes to find himself a ball of light. He goes towards a door that looked like it was locked but surprisingly enough opened up by itself. Kenji went through the door to find a man who looked very old with a long, white beard.

He looked surprised to see me here but quickly composed himself and hid his emotions.

???: Welcome young soul to the reincarnation room where you can get a second chance in life.

Kenji was now openly gaping at the old man in the beard was saying.

Kenji: Who are you and am I in the afterlife?

???: Ah, I forgot to introduce myself , you can call me GOD and you are a soul which somehow broke the barriers between death and reincarnation and got sent here. Normally I choose the soul to reincarnated but you got a free pass.

Kenji: I see, very well could you explain how the reincarnation process works if you do not mind.

GOD: You know for your death, you sure are quite calm and collected but very well i will tell you about the reincarnation process. The reincarnation process is when i am able to reincarnate into what you mortals call Anime World. It is created through an energy called Imagination or Dream Power which allows us to create anything mortals dream of or imagine in their life and feeds of them who watch or read it. Though the power you can have is decided through the power of wheel. Now choose mortal to reincarnate into it.

Kenji digests this information and goes through the options in his head. After sometime he looks at GOD and tells him he has his answer.

Kenji: I want to reincarnate in the world of My Hero Academia the same time as izuku midoriya and i want to live in the orphanage. I also want to look like Minato Namikaze from Naruto

GOD: Very well but since your soul is so strong I will be sending you into a 4 year old body. You will have your power as a quirk. Now lets spin the wheel to get your power. Clicks his fingers and a giant wheel comes with the options like Super Solider Serum, Mera Mera no Mi, Chakra and Sharingan.

Kenji for once in his life wishes for a good luck and spins the wheel with all of his strength. The wheel slowly slows down and then stops at the Goro Goro no Mi.

Kenji: Yes, I finally got a good power/quirk. My weakness will only be rubber or the sea since there is no seastone in this world. I can do so much like turn my body to move at the speed of lightning and even use Kakashi and Sasuke moves like Chidori and Kirin.

GOD: I will send you as a 4 year old child meaning you can get your quirk soon and do not have to watch your birth. Have fun in your new life. See you then.

Kenji watches as he convulses in pain and loses his consciousness.