
Lightning Flash

A man from another world Reincarnated into the Naruto world as a mob, After years of being left behind due to lack of potential, he strives to become the strongest. His name was Han Seiji, a background mob destined to die in the third ninja war. At last his life in this world was shorter than his previous one. After an unlucky encounter with death, his body unleashed it's hidden potential in the form of lightning. "I am the one, the only, I am a bolt of lightning itself."

Aces_BigDaddy · Ação
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4 Chs


Another week had passed Since Han woke up. Nothing special happened in the past week, no Attack from Kumo, no raikage, no nothing. Except for the Recall order from The hokage himself.

After losing more than 200 soldiers in the war cost konoha more than any other village and they could afford to lose a hundred or two hundred more.

The trip back would be un eventful since the injured were carried in carts at civilian speeds to konoha.

It took two weeks to just arrive in the village And Another week in the hospital. After that Han was discharged from the hospital with a week off of shinobi duties.

Currently, he was strolling through the main roads of konoha With a bag of groceries held in his right hand, he was thinking of a particular thing when he was walking to his residence.

That was how he could access his larger pool of lightning chakra, He knew it could be accessed since it was his own chakra, and his pool felt much more potent currently. Like it had increased amounts of chakra but he couldn't actually use it, like a barrier or shackles where on it, limiting it's use.

He continued on this train of thought till he reached his home, making a small dish to satisfy his appetite.

After that he went to the backyard with a notepad and pen in his hands inorder to note down anything that might be useful for becoming stronger and accessing the lightning chakra.

The first thing on his mind was trying to find the flooded corridor, the same own with the glass container containing the liquid lighting.

The easiest way he could think of doing that was trying to mediate and enter his mindscape, since the corridors were mostlikely in his mindscape.

The mediation lasted for about an hour till he finally gave up on it after it's difficulty and his lack of patience, everytime, he would feel like he was in a plane similar to that of the corridors but it would soon crack due to spiritual imbalance.

He once more sighed as he got up from the lotus position clutching the bride of his nose in frustration, it was almost evening and he had yet to make any success in the mediation method, he decided to not try this method any more.

'Day 1: 0 progress on medication.'

A few moments later he tested his second idea, Trying to recreate the same shock that made him go unconscious in the first place and unlock his secondary lightning chakra pool. That was the attack of the third raikage. He looked at the four inch wide scar on his abdomen as he recalled the memories of that day.

He gritted his teeth sighing after doing so, he took a small amount of lightning chakra, having high penetrative power by making a point before slowly approaching the scar.

"Yup, not doing this again."

'Day 1: Too scared to make any progress.'

The birds chirped as the morning sun rose in bright orange and red colours. Han got up and did his morning errands before going to his backyard to try again.

He had decided not to mediate but try and recreate the feeling that he felt after the raikage hit him, the feeling was pain, lots of it. And he knew exactly the places that would cause a lot of pain when hit, now it was simple just hit and sleep to try to stimulate the nerves responsible for sending him to his mindscape.

He pulled out a paper from his pocket, it was a thin and straight unfolded piece of paper. He lied down on the ground before taking a finger and swiping the paper across it really fast.


He screamed in agony as a trickle of blood flowed out of his finger.

'Day 2: no progress in pain.'

After fifteen minutes he calmed down from the pain as the cut started clotting and eventually ran dry, causing minimal pain.

The next experiment he tried was intense chakra training, by rapidly flowing the chakra through a non conducting metal and absorbing it through the metal would cause the micro Resistors in the metal to purify but cause intense strain in chakra, this making him pump more chakra, it worked to exaust his reserves quickly as well as increase his chakra control. The idea was to just empty his tank so he could access his much larger and stronger chakra.

He took a metal rod, more specifically iron, iron was one of those good heat and electricity conductor but not a good chakra conductor. He held one hand in one hand and the other end in his another hand.

He slowly moved chakra from one end to the other causing the charka to be unpurified and his chakra to be strained from the resistance.

His chakra got harder and harder to move until he had to push past his limits.

"Huff, That was Huff Really hard."

He said in between Huff's to get oxygen as he sat on the floor in exhaustion, by now his chakra was already drain and he could fell his "Secondary chakra pool" right around the corner.

He felt the shackles on the chakra slowly loosen due to the strain he put in, he smiled as he finally succeeded in unlocking his secondary chakra pool.

"Day 2: Success, well kind of."