
Prologue : New Begining

With a sky full of dark clouds above his head, a young man could be seen walking down the lonely road towards his home. Lucas felt he was quite lucky during his life, but today it seemed as if all his luck ran out.

First, he was mugged and had his wallet stolen. After that, just as he got to his workplace he found out that, somehow, the boss of the company changed overnight, and that he, along with a quarter of the staff have been fired because 'there were not enough funds to keep them all', which was all bullshit since the company got a generous sponsor just a month back that basically gave them a giant sum of money, and everybody knew this.

Just as he walked out of the company building he received a message that said, 'Hi Lucas, this is Clara. I thought about it and I think we should spend some time apart from one another'. This was her breaking up with him. Seeing that message almost made Lucas break his phone in a fit of fury. Clara was a girl he started dating way back in high school and was even thinking of proposing to.

And now, as he was walking home thinking that there's nothing that could go wrong anymore, he heard a thunderous BOOM and his vision quickly became white and then black instantly after. He was struck by lightning while walking down the street, which could be considered one of the most unlucky things that could happen to somebody.

Luckily, he woke up after a few minutes just as it started to rain. Quickly getting up, he started running towards his home as he continuously cursed everything he could think of under his breath. One of the lucky things in this situation is that he was quite near his home when he was struck by lightning so he didn't have to be in rain more than it was necessary.

As he got into his cozy apartment, Lucas breathed out a sigh of relief. He always had a feeling of security when he was inside his own home. As he looked through the apartment, it was quickly made apparent that his now ex-girlfriend already took all her items and left. It seems like this was not something that she's done on spur of the moment and was preplanned. Just thinking about it made Lucas want to go into a fit of rage, but his years of training with his grandfather from when was a kid and until he was an adolescent helped him form a different mentality.

Deciding it wouldn't help with anything if he dwelt on the matter right now, Lucas decided to take a bath to relax. As he entered the bath to prepare the water, he saw a message hidden in a corner of the sink that would make it impossible for anyone to see from the door of the room. The message was The Betrayer:102:2.

This confused Lucas as he didn't remember that being there. He quickly figured out that it must have been left there by his now ex-girlfriend, but he didn't dwell on it and continued preparing his bath.

As he finished his bath and came out to the living room, he sat on the couch to think about everything. But before he did that, something quickly caught his eye. It was a black ring with weird gold symbols sitting on the table before the couch.

Lucas has never seen the ring before so he leaned forward and grabbed the ring. As he took the ring into his hand, it quickly began to shine with violet light. At the same time, he also heard a voice in his ears.

"System booting up… Online!"

"Analyzing the current situation… Done."

"Analyzing the current location… Done."

"Searching for nearby host… 1 Host found!"

"Starting the binding process… Done!"

"Welcome, Host Lucas Rey! Would you like to start the Genesis Operation? Y/N"

As Lucas listened to the voice in his ears and saw the now visible screens in front of his face, he wondered if he's gone retarded from that lightning strike from earlier. Of course, he was an avid reader of novels and played lots of games, but that doesn't mean he will just start believing such things just because of that.

Therefore he tried experimenting with the new… system, "Hey, System, can you talk?" It was a long shot, but he hoped that it would work. And worked it did, "Yes, Host, I can. Do you have anything to inquire about?"

The voice of this… System, was female unlike what was said in the novels that he read that said they sounded robotic and whatnot, "Well, I guess the first question would be what is your name since I can't just call you 'hey' or 'you', can I? And the second question would be, what are you?"

"Regarding your first question, I do not have a name, but my serial is Alpha-0001. You can assign me any name you wish. As for your second question, I am the first Cosmic Companion, or CC for short, designed to help humans achieve the peak of their potential. You have been selected as my first host through a random pool." The System, or rather Alpha-0001 was very vague regarding the second question, but believing that he will eventually find out anything, Lucas continues.

"Ok, since you don't currently have an official name, and I don't want to call you 'Alpha-0001' your name shall be Violet." Not a very creative name since Lucas derived it from the color that appeared when she first… booted.

"Understood. Any other inquiries?" The more Lucas spoke with Violet, the more he started to believe that he really didn't go retarded and that what was happening was indeed real and not a hallucination of sorts.

After a good half an hour, Lucas finally finished with his questions. It seemed that no matter how many questions he asked, Violet would continue answering them without becoming annoyed or anything of the sort, if she was even capable of such a thing.

He found out that the system had quite a few functions, one of which being Status, which showed his current parameters and skills. He also explored other functions such as Inventory and Knowledge Vault. The first being pretty self-explanatory, while the second was capable of storing any knowledge he came across, which also included the contents of the books he came across even if he only touched a book.

Now that he was done exploring, he finally asked the most important question that he left for the end, "What is the Genesis Operation?"

This time, Violet took a few seconds before answering, unlike before when she answered instantly after he asked, "Permission granted from the central core. The Genesis Operation means that you will be transported to a new location, there you will be given different tasks that will be beneficial towards the creatures residing there and, of course, you. As it would be pointless if only others benefited, you will receive the most benefits while the rest would need to be guided by you. This is all I am permitted to answer for now."

Hearing her answer, Lucas was taken aback, as he quickly zoomed in onto some of the things she said. Violet said he will be transported to a new location, but from what he logically put into place, it can also be another planet, not necessarily earth. She also said creatures, not humans, which means that he will meet different races other than humans which excites him to no end since he was always a fan of fantasy races.

Lucas's only family, his grandfather has died quite a few years ago, so he did not have anything keeping him here, even more so with his bad luck streak of today, so he instantly made the decision. His only hope is that he will not perish before he even had the chance to do anything, as he was not foolish enough to believe that he will face no danger, but this was something he was used to since his grandfather's training was quite a harsh one since he often had to fight with wild animals.

As he pressed 'Yes' on the window with the question that appeared in the beginning, Lucas, and his room were quickly engulfed in a violet light. The neighbors will soon come to check what happened after the tremors passed, only to find out that Lucas and his whole apartment disappeared.

As for where he was transported… "Is that a fucking Dragon?!" It seems that Lucas's journey has an interesting start.