
Lightning and Fire Given Form(REPOSTED)

I have decided to repost this under the same name. This was my first FF so the quality left to be desired. Mostly the same while fixing huge plot holes, spelling, and grammar.

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
145 Chs


While he and Raynare walked around she kept her ice cream at hand.

"It was not that spicy. Look at me. I am perfectly fine."

She looked at him like he was weird.

"Normal peaple don't steam when they eat food. You sure you are ok? Any normal person would be crying if they ate that thing."

"I am perfectly fine."

As they walked they saw Vali eating a bowl of ramen alone. When he saw them he walked away.

Kurayami thought that was strange

"Weird kid."

She nodded.

"Even I was not that much of a loner."

They kept walking around until they got bored. He looked over to her.

"Tell the truth. If we are not training or with Azazel this place is pretty bland."

She nodded.

"Most of the main branch is in the Underworld. Besides that, this place is quite boring."

He sat down on a rock big enough for the two of them. She sat next to him while she ate her ice cream. Raynare kept eating and she was not in the mood to train more.

"So do we just go back to train more? I would rather not as I just ate."

She was still a kid and kids got bored easily. Fallen angel of not.

Kurayami nodded.

"Let's just relax for a day."

When she finished her ice cream she sighed and used her flames to burn the container. They just sat in silence as they had no clue what to do or talk about.

She suddenly leaned on him with a bored look on her face.

"How about familiars?"

He thought about it and felt it was something fun.

"Devils, magicians, and some fallen get them as they can be affected by the presence of the master. Maybe you get some kind of undead or something."

She thought it sounded cool. She thought what familiars would be best for him.

"Maybe. What about you? Maybe some dragon, a magical lion. Who knows?"

It got interesting and they just kept talking about mythical creatures they thought were cool.

"How about a Nemean Lion? We might have to go to Greece or something to steel one from Zeus."

She thought about it and nodded.

"Well let's just wait and see."

They looked over and saw Vali looking at them with an annoyed look on his face. Raynare frowned.

"What do you want? Are we nothing to you or something?"

He looked annoyed.

"Why are you not training? You two should be trying to get stronger than just wasting time,"

Kurayami looked at him like he was stupid.

"Who says we don't train hard? Just because we are taking a break we are offending you oh great Lucifer."

Suddenly Vali had an ugly look on his face.

"You know nothing?"

Raynare and Kurayami looked at each other and back to him.

"We know enough that you are an ass. Let's go."

They left the annoying brat behind and went to find Baraqiel. It was getting late anyway. When they found him he was dozing off on a wall.

"Hey, dad. Wake up."

When he heard that he got a small jump and looked over.

"Are you kids ready to go?"

They both nodded and he took them in his arms. Even though they could fly he was just way faster. Before he took off they felt the gaze of someone and saw Vali clenching his hands.

"What's his problem?" Raynare shrugged.

"He is just spoiled prince boy.'

Baraqiel took off and went home and from then on both Kurayami and Raynare avoided Vali like the plague as he was annoying and got on them when they took a break. Akeno was a little sad as she still only had 1 pair of wings and they were also small. Unlike Kurayami who had two pairs and his were full size. Raynare had gotten her second pair as well, making Akeno even more jealous.

She thought about going to train with them, but she also did not want to leave her mom alone. In the end Kurayami agreed to help her train at home, but it was not as good as Azazel's training.

About a week later both Kurayami and Raynare were running around a running track with around 200 kilos tied to their bodies. Baraqiel was supervising them and when it seemed they were about to stop he would strike behind them with holy lightning. Raynare was totally haggard and terrified.


Baraqiel was a demon trainer.

"You are kids who can take this training. Looks like I can increase the weight." Kurayami was also not expecting this.


Raynare looked like she would puke any moment.


Azazel was laughing while watching

"If you can apologize you can run faster." Vali was watching from a corner, but he wasn't laughing. He knew what they were going through as he also went through this training with Azazel and knowing that guy this was just the start.

"HEY. Use your flames on your bodies."

Suddenly both Raynare and Kurayami were covered in flames and their speed increased. This tired them out as using a sacred gear took a huge stamina drain. Lucky for them they were hybrids and as such their Fallen blood made them far stronger than a normal human.

Azazel watched in interest as they both seemed to be able to use their sacred gears to good efficiency for their age. However, they were amateurs as they were young. No amount of training would let them master their sacred gears in a short amount of time. Raynare had three, but they were of the same type and fused together. As such it didn't count.

( Kurayami's sacred gear is bound to him and lost it's ability to leave him)

As for Kurayami, he had one of the Holy Relics and one of the Longinus. He needed to bind a soul to the cross to use a balance breaker and they were searching for a suitable creature to use for it.

His future balance breaker depended on it as it would become an Independent Avatar. The first to drop was Raynare, but Kurayami could only keep going for another minute before dropping as well.

Azazel walked up to them and picked them up while they were panting. He helped remove their weights and decided it was time to offer them a place in the school for sacred gear users.

"Hey, you two. Are you interested in joining Nephilim? It is a school for sacred gear users in the Underworld. This place is not really made for training, but it was the closest to your home."

Both Raynare and Kurayami looked at each other and shrugged.

"As long as he is with me I will go."

Kurayami also agreed. "Yeah. I don't see why not. As long as it is a better place than here."

Baraqiel knew it was a matter of time for them to go there, but he was just waiting for Azazel to offer it to them.

"Alright. Follow me."

They both followed Azazel until they got to the elevator.

He pushed a button and soon the elevator opened up. He was followed by both kids and Baraqiel. Raynare looked around and was a little confused.

"I thought we were on the lowest floor?"

Azazel nodded. "We are. This elevator moves through the dimension to get to the Underworld. Just one of the many inventions I have made."

Raynare nodded in interest. She looked at every rune and array on it with intrest as Azazel was a great inventor. He had made Kurayami's living sword which was already impressive.

When they arrived in the Underworld and looked at the place they arrived it was all a new experience as neither one of them had been to the Underworld. Azazel gave them two student name tags.

"Well there are a few students here already under Satanael, but those guys all have ferocious sacred gears, but being honest with you I don't know how long he will stick around."

Baraqiel nodded as he knew how fanatic Sataneal was with his research into sacred gears. Unlike Azazel, he was far more interested in making more Longinus. He wanted to keep that guy away from his son and Raynare. Knowing they had a Longinus in their Organization he would try to push it to his limits.

"Well, you two will be part of Baraqiels first class as I want that guy as far away from you two."

They all went in and got their uniforms. The normal uniform was light blue, but they had a unique uniform that was made by Azazel and it looked more like a military uniform. They both liked it and from here they would spend most of their day training, going under extreme exercise. Magic training, even spars with each other.

Six months into their training Azazel felt it was finally time to forge Raynare's scythe. He went into their usual training field where both of them were locked in a fierce spar. All around them flames of opposing power were launched in all directions. *BOOM*

A huge clash of flames sent them spiraling all over the room. Kurayami held his hand up and created 50 spears of light that began to ignite in purple flames and white lightning. Raynare was not one to be outdone and followed suit creating 50 spears of light burning in black flames and an aura of shadows.

This was the limit of what she could use of Azrael's power over death. If not careful she could drain the life of all around her. They lowered their hands making their spears cut through the air and crash exploding in bright light and resulting in pure devastation.

They were haggard and tired, but they suddenly heard a cough. They looked over and saw Azazel forming a shield of light covered in soot.

"Well, it seems you kids are getting way stronger. Although it's time for your scythe Raynare."

Even though she was exhausted she couldn't help being totally excited. She had seen Kurayami's sword and totally wanted one like it. She hoped it was alive as well so she could have a partner to call her own.

"Also. I think it is time to reforge Rebellion. What does she say?"

The sword came out of his arm and agreed. It had seen Raynare's flames and wanted them.

"But first. Take a shower and rest. You two stink."

Raynare and Kurayami went to take a quick shower and when they were done Azazel told them to relax for a day as they should be at their peak, so they had a full day to spend. Both of them went to look for his dad to ask him a question. When they found him they got his attention.

"Hey, dad. When will we get our Familiars."

Familiars were a thing most devils had, but it was not that other races couldn't get them. There are many types and knowing that they can change according to the aura and power of the master they would be able to raise some strong familiars in the future.

"I can talk to Azazel about taking you to a place like that. I can be your guard during it as it can get dangerous."

They nodded and were a little excited as cool creatures being their familiars would be nice. As they both had sacred gears and an ability inherited from their ancestor it would result in interesting creatures.

For now they just wanted to return home. When they were about to go to the elevator to go back they saw someone they did not want to run into. It was Sananael.

He had brown hair, silver eyes, and a masculine built face. He was tall, but he was shorter than Baraqiel.

"Baraqiel, good to see you. I see your kid and student are doing great. Hey kids, I can help you master your sacred gears faster than him. Join my class."

However, Baraqiel got them behind him.

"You will do no such thing. Stay away from them."

Seeing that made him raised his hands while backing away.

"Fine, ever interested you know where to find me." When he was gone Baraqiel looked at them with an unhappy look on his face.

"Both of you need to stay away from that guy. I feel he may try to push your sacred gears beyond what you can handle. He has already killed a few of his student's like that. The ones who survive get stronger, but at what cost."

They both nodded as they felt he was like a slimy snake.

Raynare looked at Kurayami and held his hand. He could feel her slightly tremble so he held her hand just a bit more firm.

"I felt scared as it seemed he was determined to take us."

Baraqiel was worried for them, but more so Akeno and Shuri as Grigori was not a united place and many would kill his family to get to him. They went to the human world where he flew right home with both of them in his arms.

He was going to ask Azazel if he could increase the guards around his family.

If you haven't Read the novel Slash Dog which will happen here it is a prequel to high school dxd from 4 years before the main events.

BlackSwordman1234creators' thoughts