
The Strong vs The Weak(Rewrite)

As they ate breakfast, Kurayami began to assimilate the fragment of Tobio's soul that Shin brought with it. Last night he started to get some bits and pieces of Tobio's memories. Most of them were about his grandmother, the sealing, but he did remember one important thing. The key chant to unlock the Balance Breaker of Canis Lyacon.

'Not only did his grandmother seal his Sacred Gear away she also sealed this fragment of his memories away. Let's see.'

He just started to say it out loud. 

"Behowlest the slaying of one thousand mortals, Besingest the slaying of ten thousand goblins."

The moment he started Shin's hair stood on end as the chant was the key to going balance breaker. A dense dark aura flooded both Shin and his body, but that was not the only thing that changed. Kurayami felt the power of Shin flood his soul and body and his power flowed into Shin. 

'We truly were made for each other. Our powers work off each other.'

Everyone turned to look at him and Shin worried they were going berserk, but he stopped before he went Balance Breaker. Shuri looked at him a little scared he was losing control, two Longinous were unheard of.

"What was that?"

"Yes, I just accidentally spoke a line of the chant to achieve Balance Breaker. It answered some of the questions I had."

Seeing that he was fine made her calm down. She stood up and walked toward him to give him a tight hug.

"You scared me, I thought you had been overwhelmed by your power."

He hugged her back. 

"I swear I am fine. I am better than fine right now, but I think I need to see Azrael."

Hearing him talk about her grandfather made Raynare perk up. He visited them often, but he was sometimes hard to find. Good thing he had left the means to contact him if needed.

"Good idea, it would be good to have him check on your soul. Who knows what kind of damage you caused to it in that stupid stunt of yours."

"It is the opposite. My soul is in the best state it has been. I feel more free with my emotions these days." 

Shuri then walked back to the kitchen to help Suzaku, but she left a few words behind.

"Just eat before you all go. It is nice to eat as a family."

Kurayami turned to Tobio. 

"We might as well get you checked out as well. No matter how good we did, there must be some damage to your soul." 

Tobio nodded. 

"I get it, I am sleeping more often, and I feel headaches more often. And I feel cold." 

Kurayami understood. 

"Not to worry. I don't plan to leave you out to dry. I did cause your trouble so I plan to fix it." 

Tobio sighed in relief. 


After breakfast, they all teleported to the Grigori outpost and when they got there, Kurayami took Tobio to Azazel. When Azazel saw Tobio he knew what he wanted.

"I see that there were issues when you took Canis Lyacon from him, weren't there?"

Kurayami nodded.

"Tobio. You tell him what is wrong with you."

Tobio looked at Azazel and explained his problem.

"Well since my sacred gear was taken I keep feeling a chill no matter how warm it is. It feels like there is a void in my soul and nothing I do can fix that. My appetite is reduced and I feel ill from time to time. I also get hit with severe headaches when there is too much light. What is wrong with me?"

Azazel looked at him with pity.

"You already know that your soul is slightly damaged. In essence, Sacred gears as soul gear attached to the soul deeply. Even though Azrael and Kurayami did their best there were parts of yours that ripped. When Kurayami took Shin from you, he did not just take him, he took parts of your soul with it. Your soul is damaged."

Tobio already got that so he turned to Kurayami. 

"Can you give it back?" 

Kurayami looked at Tobio and shook his head. 

"I can't as it was assimilated into my soul. However, I have one of the most powerful souls around so I can give you some soul energy to see if that would fix it."

Azazel pondered on this. 

"Now that you bring that up, it could work. Have you ever heard of Soul Stones?" 

Kurayami shook his head. 

"No. I can't say I have." 

"That's because they are taboo by my standards despite the fact I was the one who invented it. They are what happens when you take a living being take their soul and refine it into a resource. I made it to increase the strength of my and my friend's souls. 

 I haven't made one in centuries. However, I still have a few I have not used." 

He opened a small portal to his treasures and pulled out a glowing golden crystal. 

"The Great War was a brutal place and I made these from captured Angels. It was a way to increase our power. By consuming these made from Angels we could increase our affinity to the Light element, but growing the soul puts stress on the body. 

We only used a few before I got rid of the means to make them as even I was disgusted by the process. Now that Tobio is a Fallen Angel, I plan to use this to treat his soul if he is ok with that." 

Tobio did not know how to take that. 

"I will get new memories?"

Azazel shook his head. 

"No. I made sure these were clean." 

"If it will fix my soul, I am willing." 

Azazel nodded. 

"For now, I need to run some tests to see just what I need to fix. If all goes well, we will only use enough to treat your soul."

Tobio nodded as he got ready to help out Azazel. As for Kurayami, he wished them luck. 

"I am curious how you will check."

Azazel nodded. 

"That's fine. Now Tobio, healing the soul is different from healing the body. Once damaged souls are very tricky to repair, but they heal on their own with time. You on the other hand lost a part of it so I need to do some work with it. Like a patch on a blanket."

Tobio sighed.

"My soul is the torn blanket isn't it?"

Azazel nodded.

"Exactly. And my Soul stone is the patch. I will check exactly which part is damaged and use this soul stone to patch it. I will also use the remaining energy to stabilize and maybe enhance your soul. 

Once that happens you will have to deal with feeling overly full for a time, but training can fix that. That is if you are up for it." 

Tobio thought about it as his normal life was over anyway. He had just met the real family in Shuri, Akeno, and even Kurayami. 

"I am. From what I have learned Azrael is a big deal and having his blood is something many desire. I will prove he did not make a mistake." 

Azazel already felt that Tobio had talent. 

"In that case, let's get to work. Kurayami, this will be borring. Leave this to me." 

"If you say so." 

Kurayami teleported to the training room where Ares was drilling his students like a Spartan Captain. All of the demigods were glowing in shining lights as they used the powers they got from their parents.

His children were powerful warriors who could cause untold destruction with a storm of blades and war fire. They could conjure and control weapons and ruin their opponents. Jack was the best of them all as he had tapped into most of his power.

Ares had even given him his direct blessing which had pushed him to greater levels of power. As such he was currently Ares' favorite, but he was still proud of Clarise. She was holding her own and tried even harder to measure up to her brother and father.

At this moment Clarrise hand was in a violent spar with Annabeth moving at extreme speeds. Her every step cracked the ground, but it seemed even. Both of them were daughters of War Gods, but they fought radically differently.

Clarise fought wildly and destructively while Annabeth was tactical and defensive. She was guiding the fight the way she wanted and used Clarise's own furry against her. Ares noticed that and was getting equally mad as his seed was going to lose to a brat of Athena.

He sighed and decided to just punish Clarise later for losing. Her training would double if she did, but he was proud of her nonetheless. Of course, he would never say it out loud. Annabeth held a celestial bronze dagger and a silver dagger clashed rapidly against Clarise's spear. It was a new one that coursed with a lightning

Baraqiel had given it to her as a reward for a job well done in the mission they took. Ares looked over at Kurayami and waved him over.

"Care to give the students some pointers?"

Kurayami nodded.

"Sure, I don't mind."

Ares began to laugh and slammed his foot down making both girls trip. Clarise fell face first and held her face.

"OW! Why dad? I was going to win."

Annabeth rubbed her ass and looked up. When she saw Kurayami she smiled and ran over.

"Kurayami, what do you think of my new powers? Azarael turned me into a Fallen Angel too." 

"I see see that. Your Fallen Angel heritage is doing you well. You would have used your light spears if that was the case. Clarrise was using her ability to summon weapons."

Annabeth nodded.

"Ares wanted to test out the limits of my new body and I proved myself power."

Clarise scoffed as she stood up while dusting herself off.

"You mean cheated. Where is my Fallen Angel evolution?"

Kurayami explained this. 

"Whoever wants to become a Fallen Angel better earn it. Don't expect to get blood from Azrael as Annabeth is his student." 

They all looked away as they muttered about him being stingy. A few Demigods wondered why Azrael chose her. 

"I was just lucky."

One girl rolled her eyes and muttered quietly.

"Lucky to have connections?"


The girl feigned ignorance while Kuayami looked at Annabeth.

"They aren't wrong you know. You did have connections to us, but connections are a power. Jack and Clarise got Ares as their connection so just make the most of them. Master all of your powers.

Jack, Clarise, you two I feel are worthy of the same boon."

Both of them heard that and it meant that he believed in them. Ares seeing that made him proud that his kids were getting recognized. 

At that moment the door to the training room opened and Kuroka, Lavinia, Esdeath, Akeno, Raynare, Natsume, and Vali entered. They saw that Ares had a proud look on his face. 

Vali looked at Shin and saw the collar around his neck. He recognized that aura in a second, Incinerate Anthem and Canis Lyacon had fused. After several days of tests, it showed it would take longer than Azazel and Vali thought.

Maybe years as Albion was right that they were true opposites. He was going to ask for advice from Kurayami, but he decided not to. If he could not do this, Kurayami would look down on him.

Finally, Ares asked for his break as he felt his mind was starting to like it here.

"Hey. Can I take a break? I hear there is a nice bar out in Tokyo and I have been wanting some relaxation."

"You mean sex."

Ares grinned.

"Fast on the uptake."

Natsume blushed like crazy as it was so blunt. Kurayami shrugged as he did not mind.

"If you get someone pregnant let us know. Demigods are good recruits."

Ares suddenly stopped smiling.

"Wait. Do you see me as a breeding stud?"

Kurayami thought about it and saw it as a good thing.

"What a good idea. Go get some Fallen Angels pregnant and let's see what comes out."

"You asshole." 

"Me? You're the one who won't wear a condom." 


Natsume nearly passed out at how blunt these two were.

"Hey, that is womanizing. "

Kurayami looked at Natsume and fixed her view. 

"Trust me. You look and you will find several Fallen Angel ladies who will sleep with Ares in a heartbeat. Power matters and in the supernatural world having strong offspring is desired. What would be stronger than the kids of a god and a Fallen."

They spoke longer before Ares left to see if he could score some Japanese women. Maybe even a few fallen angels while he was at it. Knowing him there is no doubt he would score. Now that was over, Kurayami had some tests to run on his soul.

He needed to know more about it as he was curious about what made it so different as even in his first life it was special.