
Chapter 61: S3 Betrayal: The Fae World

Sophia Mahoney

"Hey, I took your advice earlier and rested when you suggested it, didn't I? God, I didn't even argue." She places a hand on her hips and pouts.

"You're right. You didn't, which was nice and rather amiable of you. However, I think you were too tired to mount a verbal attack."

"Yeah, well, that's because pain medication makes me sleepy. But you know if you're feeling neglected, I'm sure I can find something to argue about." A mischievous grin washes across her face. "After all, I am rather rested now."

"Well, it is true. I am feeling somewhat neglected. But arguing isn't the activity I had in mind." Aden locks gazes with her. He has a devilish glint in his eyes. "As I said, if you're good, I'll reward you later."

"Hmm." Sophia stands on the tips of toes. "A most tempting offer." She kisses his lips. "You've piqued my curiosity. What would I have to do? You know for this grand mystery reward?"

"Whatever I say."