
Light of The Realm

Lumia is the princess of the Avalon kingdom. Her kingdom is threatened when an unknown man called Faustus attacks. It would appear their story has just begun and it would go on for much, much longer.

Belianna_G · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


It was a usual day for Sablos. He would get up, eat his usual breakfast and go out to meet with Lydia at the front gates. She would give intel about the Queen and the royal family as much as possible, but today could be one of the days where she got no intel. He stepped out of his palace as he was brushing back his golden hair with his coarse hands. Sablos reached the front gate, and he noticed a commotion happening there. A girl, begging to get inside the kingdom. She looked like she was on the verge of death. She had white hair, and pure white eyes like the clouds. The guards were trying to stop her.

' Hey! You can't get in if you don't have a stamp of approval!'

' Are you serious? I'm dying out here. Please let me in!'

The girl looked like she was saving her last bit of energy to convince the guards.

' No! Back off or i'll have to incapacitate you. '

The guard pointed his armament to the girl.

Sablos thought the girl was going to leave.

' I can't die here! It's nothing but a desert out there! Please!'

The guard shot his armament above Lumia for warning.


Where was this girl from anyway? Sablos knew there would be thieves like her trying to get in sometimes, but she didn't look like a thief. She looked genuine. The girl suddenly concentrated his energy to release a magic blast upon the guard. The girl looked surprised then she immediately fainted. Sablos didn't expect that outcome. The girl was capable of using magic. Light magic, at that. He never heard of someone using light magic in the 1st floor.

The guards were puzzled as well to this girl's identity. The ones able to use magic in the 1st floor were usually nobles and high ranking people. But as per the law, they had to arrest her.

Sablos walked towards the guards when they were getting her up. The guards halted when they recognized Sablos.

' Good morning, Revenant Sablos. Is something the matter?'

' Good morning, my fellow guardsmen. I just noticed the commotion as I was walking by, i'm assuming the girl didn't have a stamp of approval?

Sablos started working his way out to save the girl. A light magic user would definitely come in handy for his plan.

' Yes, that's right. Afterwards, she tried to attack a guard. We're going to arrest her.

' I'm afraid you can't do that, my fellow guardsmen. That girl is an acquaintance of mine. We were supposed to meet 3 days ago but she didn't show up. I wondered what became of her, but now she's here, all ragged and dirty. I think she must've been attacked when she was on her way all the way from Morella.

'' Even so, she attacked a guard. As per the law, we have to arrest her. Apologies, Revenant. ' The guards looked confident when they answered him. Today must be the shift of the guards appointed by the royal family. He was sure even if he saved the girl, they would tell the Queen about it. No matter, he thought. This girl and her circumstances looked way too suspicious to pass on.

' Oh really? I'm not sure the Count would be happy to hear that the Revenant's request was rejected from a guard, right? And I am sorry in her place for attacking you. But it seemed like she had no choice. Just look at her, she's dying as we speak.'

The guards looked at each other. They realized it was best not to get on the Count's bad side.

' Sigh... Okay Revenant. Only this one time, for your Father's sake. '

' Thank you.' Replied Sablos, with a forced smile. He didn't expect the guards to be so disrespectful towards him, but he decided to overlook it today. He grabbed the lying girl from the Guards' hands and returned to his place. The meeting was Lydia was canceled with the recent events unfolding.